Main Disc. Thread - Dragon Reborn ZP

Those are some badass healing stories and overcomings :muscle:

I have during the last year or two attracted random people, usually at bars, that are bipolar and and have ADHD or similar. I tend to attract these people like a magnet, and I often hear from them that they feel heard and that I listen to them without judging them negatively for it.

When applying this pattern to my old friends from old times, I now realize that many had the same problems, but back then I was uneducated of it and did not ponder about it, but had to endure a lot of drama from these people.

Another thing that happens lately when I delve into deep talk with these people I meet, I always end up in encouraging them of not accepting it as permanent, for I believe just as you, that if you solve old traumas most things will clear. So really amazing to hear your story and what you have been able to resolve.


Was that strictly with Dragon Reborn?


Nobody knew about that condition because I forced myself from a young age to have my shit together. I was the master of maskerade. Nobody knew what’s going on even if I burst out some realy Panick attacks.

Only recently I discovered (1year ago) that I am depressed to death and at the same time screaming of joy into the sky.

I was so numb, you can not imagine

So I wanted to heal that and I reached this point

Its possible - just a little commitment



Fuck I posted into the wrong tread.

Its from Chosen from Within that gave me this insane results

But I did 3 weeks before starting CfW a hardcore program (3 loops per day/ 5 days on 2 off) Dr ST4 custom.

So I think it’s the summ of it all that lead me to this success

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DRST4ZP and KhanST4ZP while out driving

“Day 8”

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Can u pls tell me wat is included in Dragon Reborn st1 background sound …jus wanna know …by the way just on day one and having headache …how about your experience physically?

Solace mask

The same sounds.

It’s a smooth sail for me. No issues.

I mean about the noises

Okey that’s amazing…how long hv u been running and wat benefits u hv seen so far

Do you hear a monkey sound effect in it?

I dnno jus curious so was asking…anyway forget it…not important.

A lot of healing dreams. I’m way calmer and integrated.

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Which noises do you mean? It’s just water and some bird sounds as far as I know.

You hear bird, I just hear jungle and a monkey scream.

With Water.

Shedding the dragon/serpent skin? :smiley:

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I hear water and whistles sound in between

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Today was my scheduled today to begin Dragon Flight ZP (after 5 days), but I still seem to be a little recon-y. So I may start tomorrow instead.


I ran all 4 stages the other day in a row. THAT was a bit too much, even for me :slight_smile:
ST4 seems smooth as butter to me. ST1 still brings up stuff, so I’m gonna try out ST1 and ST4 together.
Will drop DR when EoG ZP hits the shelves though, or stack them gerhags.

The origin of “gerhags”