Le Journal de Palpatine™ (2022)

Not as shocking as Force Lightning. But yeah a shock nonetheless.
I figure maybe subs are manifesting them outta my life.


good point.

I still haven’t quite gotten used to how ZP subs make the changes happen around you as well inside of you.

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There’s a dance that goes on between the inner and outer. But the inner is what has to change first for anything to last. It just happens so fast that it’s disorienting sometimes.

Like when I’d do a Neville-ish “Feel It Real” session sometimes and get so deep into the reality of that session, I’m actually shocked when I open my eyes and the outer hasn’t caught up yet.

Shocked that I’m still experiencing the “old” reality…This is kinda the opposite. The Outer changing faster than I realize, or in ways I don’t expect.


This may be jarring but I’m not even sure how much I endorse the dichotomy of Inner versus Outer. I’ve often wondered what it specifically refers to. Seems like possibly another one of those perceptual illusions.

My intuitive sense is that the boundaries of the field that I customarily refer to as ‘Inside’ have been expanded. I don’t have a great set of tools for worrying about this stuff too much, so I’m just kind of rolling with it. But the truth is that I’ve never really found a truly satisfying conceptual framework for describing reality.

For example: It’s been clear to me for a while that the perception of location itself (including inside, outside, deep, surface, near, far, etc.) is generated by Mind. If Mind generates location, that means Mind transcends location; and is not fundamentally bound by location.

Statements like the one I just typed annoy me. But I think they’re true.

I guess they annoy me mainly because of how clearly they reveal the limits of my perception and intelligence.

They also inspire me. Like when you’re hiking with a group of 12 friends and the 2 most fit and adventurous ones in the group keep on venturing ahead and then coming back to tell you how awesome everything you haven’t reached yet is; and to say ‘Come on! Hurry up!’ Meanwhile, you’re already going as fast as you can and feeling tired as hell. hahaha.

I can grasp that there are, more or less, infinite frames of reference beyond what I currently inhabit. The abstract thinking parts of me run ahead and check some of them out and then those abstract thought/intuition parts of me tell the rest of me how profound and compelling those frames of reference are. The more grounded and grossly somatic parts of me are more gradual and responsible and take their time catching up.


Took melatonin (10mg), went to bed.
Music leading into “a few” loops of KhanST1ZP and KhanST2ZP alternating. Ultrasonic.
I sleep deep anyway usually, just took melatonin (like the other night) to keep me asleep for the sub exposure.

Massive dreams again (similar to when I did this with DreamsZP the night before last).
Lots of symbolism. Woke up at one point, had a mental convo with the one who blocked/ghosted me yesterday. “Sorry to see you go, but it’s YOUR choice and your loss” type stuff.

Woke up with a super deep voice…partly due to just waking up maybe, but deeper than usual.

It’s not as deep now, but still deeper than usual. So that’s interesting, as I figured that would be more of a ST3/Action type result.

I’m burning a DRZP CD to run on occasion while I’m out on longer drives.
Will also consider one of Khan…or do a hybrid approach of each Stage together (Khan1, DR1) on the same disc. Would add EoG once that hits the shelves.

I woke up a bit sad from the night, but that’s faded into more of a “Let’s go out and do stuff” mindset. I’m out of coffee today, so that’s one thing I’ll be working toward today.


In the car, I just ran DR4 & Khan 4. Even during the first loop of DR4 which was first, I caught myself thinking about times in my life which seem to support the belief that giving people the benefit of the doubt only leads to getting burned.

I’m now running a “pure status” stack I’m trying.

Primal Seduction

All Zp

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Lean Mean Palpatine, I sure would like a link!

My procedure is just go to sleep but don’t go to sleep. Like stay aware but drift off into the state between sleep and waking. Like the Thomas Edison method but without actually going to sleep and dropping something that makes a noise so they wake up immediately.

You don’t happen to know the Tesla method of going straight to the source that he says he has only penetrated the surface of do ya?


Not heard of that. Got a good link?

only a quote Nikola Tesla Quotes (Author of My Inventions)

“My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.”
― Nikola Tesla


Not very actionable :joy:.
I do know of the quote. Forgot where I read it first

Bed: Music>DR4ZPUltra>Khan4ZPUltra>CFWUltra
My first time running CFW. And I think I only ran Chosen once before.
I took 10mg Melatonin as per the usual with these experiments.

My Liberty 2 Earbuds, one of them came out my ear in the middle of the night.
Woke up and saw that playback had stopped when CFW started, so I only got up to and including Khan thus far.

Put the earbuds back in, and started playback again from the very beginning of the music.
Once it got to the last music track, I switched over to my “keep my mind awake whilst the body goes to sleep” thing. Similar to SATS from Neville.


I dreamed I was on a long Indiana-Jones type expedition
At one point, Mayim Bialik was working at some desk
Her manager kept calling her “mah-jeem”
Turns out that’s her name’s actual pronunciation in the dream. Being Jewish and all. And the Y.
Dunno if that’s true IRL but it made sense in the dream

I remember I was gonna have to do the “the penitent man will pass” tuck and roll thing
Was dreading that lol
Since I’m not in the best shape and all.

Another part of this same dream involved needing to go to a far-away place to charge my phone. I actually think the point of the expedition was to get to the phone-charging place.
I remember at one point I called a friend from my former job and said “Screw the rules. Imma go charge my phone, bullets or not. You in?”

So she said “Yeah, I’ll be there soon.”
So I waited in what looked to be a dilapidated High-School basketball court/gym for her. She showed up with a group of people and we went on the journey.

A room adjacent to this gym was where Mayim was working. I saw she was troubled, went to talk to her, found out the Mah-jeem thing (lol) and told her “You have my number, right?”

She said “Yeah” and I said “I’m here for you. Let’s talk after you’re done working.”

She seemed happy I’d offer to let her vent. (I’m great at that IRL, potential nice-guy red flag it seems).

Anyway, in the dream I reiterated, “You have my number, right?” and I proceeded to make sure she had my number, which is actually my old IRL number. It’s like the “me” in the dream was a past version of me. CFW digging up a prior build of me?


It seems like I can handle DRST4ZP and KhanST4ZP stacked together just fine.

I ran full DR yesterday at some point, definitely got some recon symptoms in the form of lethargy, a sort of “What’s the point? Nothing matters” attitude.

Meaning I probably need ST1s and ST2s more than ever.

Might end up running them separately…as in DR and Khan ST1 and ST2 together

and ST4 later in the day.
Or I might go simpler, not sure yet. I wanna keep CFW in the stack for a bit.

Will also need to quit using melatonin every night so I don’t screw up my natural production of it.


Rather than drive somewhere, park and hope and pray for orders to come up, I’m sitting at home with the app on. I’ll leave if something worthy of my time comes up.

In the meantime, I just google “Most Popular Programming Languages”…found a few classic “list posts” from different websites, and dumped their lists into a spreadsheet I made. Did a simple sort based on the number of mentions across the articles.

Figured maybe if I learn the top 10 languages in the list (or top 20% or whatever), that’d increase my chances of scoring a good programming job or at the very least open me up to freelancing. Or even making my own Empire Project(s) all the more interesting.

Methodology: I basically wanted to take the top 10 languages from 10 different sources.
I built the spreadsheet so it look at each of the top 10 spots.
So it takes the 10 in #1, looks for which were cited as #1 the most, the 2nd most, and so on.
It only took the top spot from each spot.

The idea being that I’d come up with a list of up to 10 languages to learn, and the order in which to learn them. #1 being the most popular and so on.

The list my sheet came up with is:

  1. JavaScript
  2. Python
  3. HTML
  4. Java
  5. Scala
  6. CSS
  7. Kotlin
  8. PHP

HTML isn’t really a “Programming Language”…it’s a scripting language, though the same can be said for PHP. I’m decent with JavaScript and PHP.

The thinking is if I get basic proficiency in each of these 8, that should make me more marketable. What that means is I need to start building projects with as much overlap with these 8 as possible.

Kotlin, as far as I know, is popular as a Java alternative for Android apps.

Tagging @James since you’re wanting to get into coding more.

Now to go see what the fuck Scala is haha.


ok. Seems Scala is meant as an alternative to Java to address some of people’s criticisms of Java.

One thing I like to do when learning a new programming language is to build a specific project in that language to learn the things common to all programming languages such as Input/Output, Conditionals (If…Then), Loops, and so on.

Usually that takes the form of a Farenheit<>Celsius temperature conversion tool.
If I can swing a domain soon, I’ll see about building that in each of these and show them off on a site.
Not that there’s any utility in making tons of F<>C conversion tools, beyond my learning.

The forms this will take:
A web-based form…covers HTML, CSS and JavaScript (Possibly PHP if I build in HTTPRequest and have PHP play a part). But HTML, CSS and JS for sure.

Java (Standalone Command-line tool that should work on either Windows or Macs with Java installed/enabled) Would take an argument from the command line. Such as “TempConvert 51.8C”. If F or C isn’t specified, I’ll make it smart enough to just return both conversions.

Scala (not entirely sure yet, but since it’s a general-purpose programming language, I’d need to figure out how this one even works)

Kotlin (Could be sandboxed as an android app, as could Java)
PHP could be done using HTML/CSS using Webforms. Reloading the page each time, etc.

EDIT: Forgot Python…Also a command-line that accepts arguments…same as Java above.

Here I fuggin go!


I just ran my beloved AscMogul+Limitless stack in ZP form. Solace masked.
I’m not working on anything at the moment. Just sat at the desk kinda vegging. eyes-closed, zoning in and out.

Seems like I got a very brief glimpse into the inner workings of my mind. My image stream was trying to pop through, but as soon as I saw that, I “woke up”.

I did AscMogul first…then L. Sometime during L, I felt a small but perceptible uptick in energy and awareness.

I was kinda tired before. Now I’m not. so that’s nice.


I just burned tomorrow’s CD for the car.
the playlist for that is called ZP-Car-AscMogulLimitlessCFW

I was gonna put regen, but decided for the 3rd one, I wanted to be bold. Chosen is the only sub of all the titles that has only known ZP. Chosen was made to show what ZP can do.
CFW will take the productivity, cognitive and energy effects from AscMogul and Limitless, and shape me internally into the kind of person who just IS the Limitless Ascended Mogul.

This is Ultra. Much less intrusive when in the car. Plus if I want, I can still run music on top of that. I definitely think my “Alpha” playlist will supercharge the hell out of this.

For tonight, though, I am building code. rawr.


Would SQL (Structured Query Language) be on your learning radar?

I’ve heard of a little bit of Scala and Kotlin. I do a bit of Python & R on the side.


Eventually. I can do some limited SQL stuff, but not from memory. I always have to refresh memory from google when doing stuff within my current Empire Project.
It didn’t make it high on my list of stuff to learn to be more employabe/freelancable.
That spreadsheet was meant as more of an 80/20 exercise though.

SQL definitely appeals to the geek in me.

Now that you mention it, I’m gonna build one more part to the sheet, just to do a raw comparison/sort to see which stuff got the most mentions, regardless of placement on the list. BRB mwahahahaha.

Curious to see if SQL and R place on that list or not. Gimme a few.


Sorry that took so long @hyperbeam. The wife could sense I was in an empire vibe and wanted to please The Emperor :smiley:
Anyway, here’s the list that comes back sorted merely by number of mentions out of 100 possible:

Language/Rank Percent
1. JavaScript 10.99%
2. Python 10.99%
3. Java 10.99%
4. C# 9.89%
5. PHP 7.69%
6. SQL 4.40%
7. Go 4.40%
8. R 4.40%
9. Swift 4.40%
10. C++ 4.40%
11. Kotlin 3.30%
12. C 3.30%
13. HTML 2.20%
14. CSS 2.20%
15. C/C++ 2.20%
16. Scala 2.20%
17. Visual Basic 2.20%
18. Assembly 2.20%
19. Ruby 2.20%
20. NoSQL 1.10%
21. Rust 1.10%
22. Perl 1.10%
23. MATLAB 1.10%
24. Objective-C 1.10%

Based on a purely 80/20 approach, JavaScript and Python would be enough. But real-world, the more you can do, the more you can do.

I haven’t made a spreadsheet in a long time. Feels good.

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So I have one book on CSS. I took it off the shelf, queued up AscMogulZP and LimitlessZP Ultra on my TV I use as a 2nd laptop display. Frequensee showed it steady at about -40 dB or so.

Looped them (like the good old days) whilst reading this CSS book.
I actually Photoread it first straight through.

Then went back to the beginning and started reading it as fast as my eyes would go.
Definitely seemed I was reading faster, more fluid eye movements, hardly any backtracking.

I made it maybe 2 loops of each. maybe 3. Before I could feel my head starting to feel like it was enough. So I threw a loop of CFW ultra on…that feeling cleared up…but I decided not to push it of course.

Made it through Chapters 1 and 2 in that time. As I read, I realized this must be an old book because instead of CSS for Mobile Responsive pages, it talked about “Later in the book, we’ll show you how to craft CSS that renders beautiful web pages on Internet-connected PDAs” haha

The thing is, I’m not one of these who always go for “what the latest and greatest is.”

I’m literally learning CSS from scratch, and this book is fucking amazing in that regard. I say “From scratch” but in my times fucking around with WordPress, I know KINDA how to tweak CSS. But if I were to try and build a site from scratch using CSS, I’d be fucked, and not the good kind of fucked.

So…this is teaching me the basics

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