Main Disc. Thread - Dragon Reborn ZP v2

Changed the stack
Replaces it with sanguine & limit destroyer
Feeling little better


Having anxiety disorder can be tricky with DR, but gotta break the eggs at some point.


I aswell am experiencing the anxiety now. To me it feels like it’s bringing forth the anxiety that’s already present but magnifying it’s power over me so that I acknowledge it and feel it.

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What does this mean?

I am having a financial problem right now, So I am not risking it.

I can definitely relate. Having financial issues is usually my main source of anxiety've_got_to_crack_a_few_eggs_to_make_an_omelette

Just ran my first loop of Dragon.

Even in ZP2, my immediate impression is that this is by far the densest sub I’ve tried. Even more than Emperor, shockingly enough.

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Listening to stage2 DR ZPV2 now, i noticed its with the old background music of rain drops.

is it possible to add the newer masked background to the dr zp v2 files on stage2 + ? @SaintSovereign

@SaintSovereign both ST2 and ST3 use the legacy mask. Once you complete the other upgrades can you please redo DR to use Solace on all the stages?


Would you please enter a support ticket about this?

Dragon is a burden on the heart, mind and soul. This is not a sub to underestimate. This is different.


Jesus, completely forgot how the old masks sounded like.

Have the masks for DR2, 3 and 4 been updated yet? Listening to this shit sounds like hell hahaha

@SaintSovereign @Fire @RVconsultant

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Would you please enter a support ticket about this?

Dragon just did some crazy shit, I’m about to experience quite a bit of turmoil in my life.


It’s supposedly ZP V2 but the downloads still show it as ZP V1

How are you?


Dragon st 3 is somthing else.

I have had extremly vivid dreams
my first sexual encounter memories are flooding in

also it makes me sleep a lot… this or overexposure idk

i hope that the solace mask to st2 and st3 will be added in the near future

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Thanks for checking up on me.

I’ve been very sick for the last week and it’s just been getting worse by the day. It just comes in waves and has interfered with my life. But I am feeling great, especially been feeling a lot of gratitude lately.

Feels like Dragon Blood is coming along definitely.