Main Disc. Thread - CHOSEN [Now Available!]

cool, it seems amazing

It does. I’m going to have to live through you guys until Jan when I run it

Mate, I’m running my first loop at midnight with Wanted, then going to bed to process all of that!


12 hours and 20 minutes to go. :grimacing:


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Been running it for a bunch of days. Can report all of that!

Especially the positivity and Aura.
People around are just SUPERNICE and ask for guidance all the time.

This sub is EXACTLY what I need for my business going forward. Fits perfectly with all my goals.

Like an early Christmas for me! Thanks Saint & Fire!


@Simon - having some fun with this:

Charisma and Leadership Automatic Mentor/Improver

Royal Ascent


Monarch’s Aura

The Illuminati

Master’s Temptation

Leader’s Gaze, Voice and Body Language

PS: not official modules. Just some fun wordplay


Just bought it!

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Preordered regardless of what I choose to run.

Excited for this release!

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Physical shifting

@SaintSovereign what physical changes will it make

If only you knew how much I struggled to sleep after my first ever run :rofl:


It’s okay I have sleeping pills :+1:

Tomorrow by now, It will have been time for the release of ZP! 11am at night local time :star_struck:

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Here’s something to think about. Any title that has a high status component (like Chosen) might also give you a ton of physical shifting.
Like in my case.

I asked Fire about this once. He said it can happen because a powerful physical body is part of status.

Because I was wondering why my body keeps getting leaner and stronger. Thought Wanted is still lingering around, but it might just be the status of Chosen.

DIRECT physical shifting in the title seems to be around eyes, voice, body LANGUAGE. Although for a proper posture, some changes might be necessary (explains the pain in my neck and the dry eyes when I wear contact lenses).


Thanks for answering my question brother.

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Pre-ordered! Can’t wait to run it!!
Thanks SC!

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Physical Shifting is why I was keeping Wanted in my Stack. the fact that Chosen has it helps out so bleepin much!


now the 3rd Spartan, Limitless, or Sage…



Forum: C H O S E N


I haven’t read the thread yet, but will later today. I’m reading the sales copy for Chosen and WHOA.

Chosen, HOM and Emperor would be a pretty kickass wealth stack.


I notice the use of the word “Temperance” in the page.

Does Chosen have specific scripting related to Stoicism?


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Of course, another work of art, worthy of the tag of M A S T E R P I E C E!

Can’t deny myself that I’m content of finally being able to be witness a new title being available as a pre-order, first time I see that.

Time to start those 19 with a new page, of chosen.