Main Disc. Thread - Ascension Chamber ZP: Tips, Tricks Strategies


I tried this now and it gave me a very strange sensation of being heavy and light at the same time. Just like a cathedral; heavy in the stone and foundation, but airy in it’s construction, space, and reach. Grounded yet “heavenly” as it were.

And the sensation of “heaviness” was pleasant - a sensation that makes me think of the Darksteel Juggernaut; One part unstoppable force, one part immovable object. A heaviness on the move and with a purpose. It was weird, but very nice.

It also promoted a spontaneous meditative visualization of reaching deep inside. Deep enough to reach whatever Source there is on the other side, and it started to well out through me. No idea what this means, but one thing is for sure - this title is powerful, no doubt!


This is really rising through the ranks to become my favorite subliminal in one loop. This really hits that dreamer in me, I have always been a huge dreamer and struggled really hard with law of attraction type stuff like watching motivational and luxury lifestyle videos, I would have a love hate relationship. I would do everything I was taught in visualizations, but kept getting frustrated and going nowhere.

Now I can enjoy those videos and feel the effect of them magnified and incredible feeling generated by them. When I watch them I instantly feel the subliminal hit hard and shape my perception around me and it stays longer than ever before. It’s great to get these tools that are fun to use to actually work. Looking at yachts, hot women, Ferraris, Aston Martins; luxurious villas, mansions, and resorts is really a great time and this gives that time actually productive.

I have so much gratitude. I was not expecting this out of this subliminal at all. Hit me like a train of awesomeness. I see it in a lot of these posts, this makes Manifestation techniques a joy to do instead of hard work and you see and feel the results of your inner world accelerating. Also very light load on the brain, it only seems to hit when I am deliberately trying Manifestation techniques.


I’ve heard that strong feeling affects manifesting and if we feel clear and good then our goals will come to fruition.

Since running this I’ve been feeling things a lot more. I feel more focused and clear, slightly almost raw if you will and it’s something I haven’t quite experienced in a while. Very much non-egoic.

So i’m intrigued to see where this can take me and I’m excited about the future (for once)


This has been manifested.


Last night I listened to Sanguine ZP then Ascension Chamber ZP with the intent of being calm, deeply relaxed, focused and super confident. Then went to sleep. When I woke up this morning, I remembered that I can control consciously. So I thought : I am deeply relaxed, calm, focused and confident. And instantly I felt exactly that !! it was automatic !
@SaintSovereign can I use Ascension Chamber with a custom Qv2 (no Ascension in it) ?


Last night after running Ascension Chamber for the first time, my dreams were more vivid than I can ever remember them being before.



Experienced first Ascension Chamber result this morning.

Will keep it general because it’s still in progress.

I manifested for a particular general life-goal/life aspiration. It’s also been the focus of most of what I’ve worked on with all of the Sub Club programs. Multiple steps are involved in reaching the goal, some I’m more clear about, some a bit less. One step involves finding someone with a particular specific set of qualifications to supervise me. Up to now, I haven’t found anyone who meets the criteria.

Today, near the end of meditation hour, some keywords popped into my mind. When I finished, I thought, ‘Okay, who knows? Let’s try it.’ Put the keywords into Google and the first thing that pops up is an organization with at least 2 people who have the precise qualifications.

I looked at it like: :open_mouth: :no_mouth: and thought, ‘ooooo-kay’.

So… that happened.

2 days later.

And now, it’s on me. Do I reach out and contact? (Yes.) Or do I second-guess, dither, and say, ‘naah, that’s probably not going to work.’ (no.)

So, we’ll see where this leads, but either way…

Ascension Chamber


That actually happened.


Certainly. If only for science!


I had the same experience. I ran it last night and kept waking up in the middle of the night each time a dream ended. I slept 7 hours and woke up 6 different times.


Oh dear where do I start. First of was the immediate effect that I mentioned earlier, but last evening when I sat down to meditate I quickly slipped into an altered state of consciousness like I’ve never done before. Usually it’s just my hands and arms that feel kinda funny, but this time it was my whole body. And it was so easy! And I tried manifesting techniques while in that altered state and it just felt sooo good.

But that’s not all. I woke up at 04:00 AM and was wide awake. I tried to go back to sleep but couldn’t, so I put on the same music I used when meditating, and I slipped into that immersive altered state of consciousness again! After an hour or so I put the headphones away but at that point I had not only gotten some clarification on a book idea that I have, but I got a whole new idea as well!
And this morning I’ve felt amazing as well, and I had covid and a fever last week, but right now I just feel amazing.

Also a note on the Cathedral. Before, my head space has felt like it was the size of a bucket, like I could put it over my head. But this? Oh boy this is not even the same game. To describe my current head space after AC, imagine you are standing before an open field. Take in the whole view; the openness of the field, the vast reaches of the skies. Now close your eyes and imagine that the same vast openness is still there, only it’s the inside of your mind. For me it’s kinda like the vivid “inside-my-head” kind of vizualisation that I get from Mind’s Eye. Only it’s not a visualization of anything, but rather it is the whole frikking space. Like sky is in fact the roof of the Cathedral. And it’s inside of my mind :sweat_smile:

Unbelievable. I feel like I’ve entered a cheat code…


is this…

in fact…

God Mode…? :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Edit: If this silly joyfullness from AC remains I might even drop CFW from my main stack… this is ridiculous. :sweat: Gonna evaluate that in a few days…


I don’t have these insane results yet, but for me it feels like Sanguine to the max.

I’ve never been so calm and collected. Completely sure everything will be fine (I’m sure AC amplifies Ego ST1 and Primal there).
I am fully in myself and comfortable there.

ZERO external validation. That just dropped in a minute. I don’t need anyone to validate me. I am who I am and that is good as it is (still working on more though).

So that alone made it worth the slight overload!


anyone else have insanely vivid dreams but couldn’t consciously do much about manifesting?

I looked at a written mood board that i believe i am and i said them multiple times, i feel like i already got the things i wanted but anxiety is giving me illogical fears, making the grind harder than it should be.


I can’t go into details, just yet, BUT I believe AsC has boosted one of the things I wrote down when scripting and has possibly changed my life for the better.

And if it has, it’s a massive thing, and could possibly put an end to a huge ordeal.


Seems this sub has an all around recon reducer. more transparent than the current version of Sanguine.
Wondering if it is an updated ZP Primer or something specific to AC.


Aaaand my brain instantly jumped on this… “So I can run even more titles in mah stack?!”

No Brain. Don’t do that. Bad brain! Bad!


So @SaintSovereign, when are you introducing the overexposer badge?


Bad idea. If AC is a recon reducer then adding more titles will more than likely cancel out that effect. I’m the first to tell you that subclub titles are addictive but if guess what, that urge that you may be getting to overexpose yourself is potentially the first sign of recon building, as was stated to me by Saint over a year ago.

Not exactly sure if the same rule applies with ZP but your better off taking more action towards your goals than playing the programs more. That way the subconscious works more with what it already has and let’s that content “breath” by opening more pathways to manifestation.

You can experiment but more than likely you’ll be too tired to even work towards your goals at best; and at worst well things like headaches, being angry or frustrated for days on end, feelings of anxiety, etc. can occur.


Got round to asc chamb last night. Could see a cathedral door placed over my chest in my minds eye as it was nearly over and 7 minutes go quick.

Next morning feel this sub brings me back to reality,
is this the missing piece in sc subs?

Feel more grounded into reality


Ah, haha yeah I know. I was just joking around the meme/fact that those subs, like you said, are addictive, and that there are so many of us that just want to change and grow faster. I have nooo plans to overexpose myself however and if I do RVC will come chasing after me with a dragon fire blowtorch :sweat_smile: And I agree with you - less listening and more taking action is the way to go!

I haven’t heard that about the urge to overexpose might be early signs of recon, but it does makes sense I suppose. A valuable thing to keep in mind, no doubt!