Main Disc. Thread - Ascension Chamber ZP: Tips, Tricks Strategies

Actually after seeing this retard vivid dreams make me think that ac is indeed working effectively with all my other subs & enhancing thier effects

Because in khan st1 & Dr st1 copy…it’s mentioned that it’s not an easy subs to run…but i have completed half of the cycle but never felt this much negativity around me & in my dream

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You’re running too many titles. :stuck_out_tongue:


Nah :joy: i don’t now…last time it was 5 and now i reduced it to 3 as recommended

Day 1 khan st1, Dr st1
Day 2 rest
Day 3 eof st1

I dropped ql st1 and eog st1

That’s 3 multistagers though. @SaintSovereign once advised against running 2 multistagers at the same time. You’re running 3. I can see why he said that’s too much.


Oh i got it now

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Looks like i have made big mistake by adding multistages subs

I just want more heal and mastery in quick time
Other reason was to cap my ability to quickly changeing titles as they release

I accomplish that but now looks like that’s too much healing with added ac bonus yesterday

I don’t know what to do now

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That’s an awful lot of information you’re cramming in your subconscious. Either one or two of the subs are going to get muted or overshadowed by another one, or the whole things will just take a long time to execute because you’re pulling your subconscious into too many directions at the same time. Honestly I would drop DR completely and only run it after Khan. I would even drop Khan and roll with Emp of Fitness until it’s finished then I would add Khan back. If you miss the alpha component inside of Khan you could replace it with Ascension for now. Which is actually fast acting.

Healing is more of a marathon than a sprint. Go step by step. if healing is your priority just go with Chosen From Within + Emp of Fitness.
When you’re finished with after 2 or 3 months you could replace CFW with Ascension until you finish Emp of Fitness. Then you could replace ascension with Khan.

You just have to know what your priorities are and be smart with it. Honestly it took me few weeks to even understand what I really wanted. When I figured it out then it was easy to pick the 3 subs I’ll use this year.


Yeah i got excited and caught in hype of these amazing subs

But at the end i am dealing with my brain

I listen to cfw in past with great results
Even wanted remove most of shyness in past

I didn’t feel any macho alphaness from khan st1 as of yet…

Multistages are very big indeed

Thanks for recommendation of sub


Nor would you. ST1 is a breakdown. ST2 is where you might get more of that.

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The alpha programming in Khan doesn’t start until Stage 2. So until you’re done with Emp of Fitness, Ascension (which is pure alpha programming) is a great replacement.


Sometimes, usually on a new sub. Other than that, not so much.

On another note, these manifestations slip by sometimes, even if my mind recognises it, but because of a current mood, thoughts somewhere else, it eludes me.
Like, ever since I ran AC yesterday my wife has been super touchy, keeps telling me how much she loves me etc.
My mind was somewhere else since we have some issues in our RS and I am focusing on other things so it didn’t “click” right away.

And, well, because this wasn’t part of my visualisation :smiley:

Could it also be that AC supercharged older visualisations I had and did?
Or last weeks Primal is still lurking which I will write about how fkn awesome it is!

Definitely agree with the others. You notice something working beneath, and generally the mood is lighter. Life is easier in the sense of acceptance. Sanguine as @Sage_Ninjistic said (that triple wordplay).

I also get the Limitless-movie view-effect sometimes. You know the fisheye. Obviously not as extreme as in the movie, but noticeable.


If I learned one thing by sub hopping on all the subs, then that chasing quick results is a surefire way to disappointment.

ZP already manifests super quickly, but take your time friend.

Less is more.
Patience is key.

ESPECIALLY with healing. Give your mind time to work through these things.

I know we all want to have the issues solved as quickly as possible, trust me, I get it. But you actually make it WORSE.
3 multistage healing titles just fuck you up. Especially emotionally!

I honestly think ONE healing title SOLO is the key to play, maybe a personal power sub, or chosen/LB/sanguine to lessen the emotional turmoil. But that’s about it.

If you need money quick or whatever, skip the healing for now and focusing on healing until you have the time.



now I have bombarded my brain with too much healing & AC maybe just enhance its effect

which sub are you running right now?
There is nothing right here from yesterday… I am not talking to partner & she also not giving any fuck :slight_smile:

I also want to add one more thing…I stopped taking my anti depressants medicine by consulting with my doctor

he said I am becoming the best version of myself…& improving in lots of areas…I didn’t need that medicine…though I already left one sleeping medicine with ease…and now it Paxil which power I have reduced from over a month…my doctor straight away told me not to take it & start managing my emotions by my sole will power

& he doesn’t know about subs etc…I didn’t tell him…looks like I have to face this situation bravely with my will power & be patient no matter what will happen

I just checked in my sheet & this cycle with washout will end on 15th march & today is 1st March 2022…

I just wanna stick & face the storm with braveheart

for the money part, I added QL ST1 & EOG ST1…but since turmoil, last week after listening to diamond & strong objections from forum members & specially @SaintSovereign…I have dropped those two titles…

I just want to get rid of that nasty horror that I have faced in the last decade & move on with ST2 of khan & EOF while DR ST2 will work on the healing part

I thought 7 minutes of AC is nothing but boy I was wrong…this is the strongest sub I ever tried because the results I got were very instant though positive or negative

ZP is surely less is more

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I feel the same way. Many thanks to you both. I’m in the middle of a washout but can’t wait to use it next week.


Very grateful for the info. I will be checking out the people you recommend. Thanks.


Loving it so far, great job. NotenI’m only on day 1.

I did a vision board of goals and I did affirmations (afformations) and was planning on doing some visualization but felt so good doing affirmations, I felt this is so powerful, everything else is just a bonus.

I was filled with a euphoric feeling and excited feeling while doing affirmations. Like I had a silly smile all night, like I had a secret prank going on and someone was about to trigger it. Like I had a secret that was so simple it was funny and ridiculous. Thought nothing more about it, thought it was just the usual honeymoon phase of new products/ideas/plans. Before hitting sleep I did do affirmations and visualizing of me getting rich, deep sleep and waking up energized and ready to kick ass.

I woke up earlier, exactly at the time I wanted to… 1 hour earlier (been struggling with sleep lately). I also still felt that euphoric feeling with each affirmation. So I got an idea of just doing affirmations that are congruent with my subs and THE specific outcomes I want from the subs in relation to my current goals and/or daily needs, and I am still going strong and feel super euphoric. My god, it’s beautiful.

I am going to try to write it down as I experiment what works best for me and perhaps share it since maybe someone else finds it helpful.

So read your subs goals or what you believe they will get you. And think of how they have already helped you achieve something or feel something with your current practical task at hand, whether that’s work or chores, or perhaps bigger more abstract things like goals.

As you can read I am super excited and all over the place, but I had to share.

I truly feel like a tomato plant.


EoG ST1 and Primal.

Yeah man you’re all over the place with the subs,

I know it’s hard but you REALLY need to focus down. Niche down the subs. Don’t tackle too many things at once. Only slows progress.


Yep…you are right :+1:

Thanks for these resources, I’ve been into a couple people that explain Neville in current more up to date language. As I agree Neville can be hard to get into (but is worth it)

For me, starting with small things such as imagining a rose in my hand or getting a free cup of coffee. Then moving on to finding a $20 bill on the ground, etc. Basically progressively increasing the difficulty from starting at simple things has helped build my manifesting confidence greatly.

Joseph Alai


Yeah working in stages is definitely a useful technique for some people and I know some people definitely recommend it for sure.

I forgot about Joseph as I don’t really look at his stuff but he’s useful af! Thanks for the reminder.

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