Main Disc. Thread - Ascension Chamber ZP: Tips, Tricks Strategies

The thing is it’s available as a core module. Most people run their custom more than twice a week. Just saying.


The core version isn’t as powerful as the 7-minute experimental version.


@Palpatine the core version is also very strong, i have it in my custom :shushing_face:


Interesting. I have it planned to be in my upcoming custom. How is it working for you?


I’m curious as to how that experience would be, but remember ascension chamber (main store version) is at a power level that surpasses even the current ZP customs being made. I don’t think I’ll be toying with something that easily unlocked as new dimension of my subconscious mind with just one loop, I might accidentally start astral traveling, lol jk.


I think that depends on what level you choose for your custom:


Somehow I forgot about ZPT and ZPT^2…surprising considering that i plan to try them later this year.

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"I just realized that if I eat 15 meals per day, I can get 5 to 15 times the nutrition of average people!!! I’m going to be way ahead of the game!"

(Not everything that sounds like a good idea, is a good idea. But anyway, blessings be on the experimenters.)

One good question to ask first would be: ‘How long does one loop of Ascension Chamber continue to actively function and produce effects?’


As one who practices OMAD, this would have instantly destroyed the notion of “more loops is strictly better” were I earlier in my SC journey.


Am not trying to say that we should try more loop. Also to answer that question I’ve notice that after 1 cycle and 1 week in a new cycle it last about the whole week now. But at first it felt like just the first couple of days.


There’d be nothing wrong if you were saying that. You’re allowed to ask questions and explore. I was (facetiously) pointing out a possible flaw in the idea, but I don’t actually know what would happen. These days I’ve been keeping things pretty conservative.

Again, I have no idea. My suspicion? I think it probably lasts quite a while. Even longer than a week. I suspect that there’s a cumulative effect on the mind such that the response grows stronger with each successive week.

Not sure yet.

Hopefully we’ll see.


Am hoping so because so far each week I keep getting more and more evidence that my goals are closer to being manifested.


To me it does at least that’s why I listen to it every other time I listen to my custom Wich I only play once or twice a week with 3 days off

So in fact I play AC after 7 days. Wich is just a day more than once a week, and damn my life is getting changed quick, fast, toward where I want even if I wasn’t consciously aware of it lol


I just play it every Monday unless I’m ‘washing out’.

I love that approach because it contributes to making Mondays something cherished and to look forward to. Changing some of that societal programming.


I started it a Monday lol

It’s true Monday is just a normal day in the end might as well try and appreciate it as much as the others

Mondey sound like a trauma and it’s not normal :joy:


I started loving mondays ever since I started my own business.

Already can’t wait for tomorrow morning!

It’s a question of life setup!


It now known as Ascension Monday, because AC is the perfect way to start of your week on your path to even greater heights! :blush:


Another great Ascension Chamber session today.

It left me with a feeling of elation that lasted for some time afterwards.


Alrighty then, let’s try out this kitten finally! :star_struck:

I’ve never believed in this kind of “magic” and shaping your reality using it but, hell, SC knows what they’re doing so let’s have a dance tonight.

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I’ve kept my play day for AC on Sunday as the next day is Monday and it gives me something to look forward to in ‘bloom’.
