Main Disc. Thread - Ascension Chamber ZP: Tips, Tricks Strategies

I can’t go into details, just yet, BUT I believe AsC has boosted one of the things I wrote down when scripting and has possibly changed my life for the better.

And if it has, it’s a massive thing, and could possibly put an end to a huge ordeal.


Seems this sub has an all around recon reducer. more transparent than the current version of Sanguine.
Wondering if it is an updated ZP Primer or something specific to AC.


Aaaand my brain instantly jumped on this… “So I can run even more titles in mah stack?!”

No Brain. Don’t do that. Bad brain! Bad!


So @SaintSovereign, when are you introducing the overexposer badge?


Bad idea. If AC is a recon reducer then adding more titles will more than likely cancel out that effect. I’m the first to tell you that subclub titles are addictive but if guess what, that urge that you may be getting to overexpose yourself is potentially the first sign of recon building, as was stated to me by Saint over a year ago.

Not exactly sure if the same rule applies with ZP but your better off taking more action towards your goals than playing the programs more. That way the subconscious works more with what it already has and let’s that content “breath” by opening more pathways to manifestation.

You can experiment but more than likely you’ll be too tired to even work towards your goals at best; and at worst well things like headaches, being angry or frustrated for days on end, feelings of anxiety, etc. can occur.


Got round to asc chamb last night. Could see a cathedral door placed over my chest in my minds eye as it was nearly over and 7 minutes go quick.

Next morning feel this sub brings me back to reality,
is this the missing piece in sc subs?

Feel more grounded into reality


Ah, haha yeah I know. I was just joking around the meme/fact that those subs, like you said, are addictive, and that there are so many of us that just want to change and grow faster. I have nooo plans to overexpose myself however and if I do RVC will come chasing after me with a dragon fire blowtorch :sweat_smile: And I agree with you - less listening and more taking action is the way to go!

I haven’t heard that about the urge to overexpose might be early signs of recon, but it does makes sense I suppose. A valuable thing to keep in mind, no doubt!


Inside of a cathedral. Ascension for real.


In case y’all need help visualizing, cathedral music can help .


Thanks for the info. I feel like a kid in a candy store. So many goodies I want but… I am learning patience.


i think i made a mistake using this product.

I’m extremely careful when choosing products to run and usually during my 5 day washout im carefully plannning and analyzing before deciding which product is best for the goal im going after.

I stupidly decided to run this right when it came out even though i had already finished my washout by then so it was not in my plans.

the past few days have not gone as i had hoped and now im not sure if its because of this chamber product or my actual product i had chosen after careful analysis.

im very mad at myself for making such a mistake and im posting this as a warning to others.

do NOT get caught up in any hype and stay focused on your goals.

Worst, i made 2 big mistakes in using this product.

one thing i have noticed after buying over 20 products is that the more clearly i understand what is being promised the better the results.

Libertine ultima is the perfect example of this, i knew exactly what was being promised and that is why that product worked for me from day 1.

Not only did i stupidly run this chamber product without careful analysis, worst now that i have read and reread the sales page many times, i still have no real idea what is being promised which is another reason why i should not have run this right now.

anyways, hopefully this serves as a warning to any of you reading, stay focused on your goals and only use products that you clearly understand what benefits they claim they can deliver.

as for me, I will NOT be running this product again for now and will continue my solo product i had carefully planned during my washout.

If later on i have a better understanding of exactly what this product aims to do i might try it again then.


This is actually great! This definitely gets me in the right headspace for manifesting and visualisation.


Nothing in an SC product is designed to give you a bad day.


Ascension Chamber works with boosting manifestation. Do you know how manifestation works, if only in theory? Or do you have no idea?

Good advice. I think you’re a unique case in that you can read one of the titles descriptions and still be confused about what it’s offering. We’re all different though.

Ascension Chamber is a booster of sorts.


I’ll explain in a way you’ll understand:

You see this?

That’s the definition of what a “manifestation” is.

In the “esoteric” world, manifestation is the term given to the accumulation of results through practices, prayers, scripting, meditation, or any other similar practices (example: using 5x55 method to manifest a text).

The goal (or the “promise”, as you like to put it) of this product is to BOOST the manifestation process, specifically boosting the results of the stack it’s played with.

What does this mean?

Let’s say your stack is the following: Heartsong + Libertine (both ZP). Adding Ascension Chamber (AsC) to this stack (one loop per week) will cause the accumulation of results to be at an enhanced level, which means that if you were to have manifested just 2 girls of your type on that stack, with AsC’s boost, that number could be doubled or tripled.

I’ll give you another example:
Let’s say your current stack is UA and RICH, with the sole purpose of the stack is to create and sell the unique art which you would create with UA.
In this situation, AsC will boost the artistic abilities that you would acquire through UA, while also boosting the sales of your art, as both the creative skills you gain from UA, and the sales from RICH, are considered manifestations.

Edit: in a post above I listed my 5 goals for this week, with AsC’s boosting abilities, and I’ve manifested all 5.



That’s what I was talking about when I said:

Your conscious focus is already extremely strong and in place.

Simply acknowledge what you intend to do, and allow your habitual nature to take care of the rest.

On the other hand, I (personally) disagree with this statement. I’m not saying “you’re wrong”. I’m saying “I see it differently”.

I think you like to be in control, and you find unknown or uncontrolled elements to be extremely irritating.

But I also think that part of your growth process is going to involve (from time to time) being surprised (sometimes positively, sometimes negatively) by developments that you had not predicted.

Now, I may be wrong in this next part, but I don’t think so. Time will tell.

I think that you’re going to find an unforeseen positive development that arises from your one loop of Ascension Chamber.

That’s a bold statement, I know. And if, in a few weeks, you tell me I was flat wrong, I’ll (probably) accept that. (No promises.)

But anyway, time will tell.

And in the meantime:

Nothing wrong with that. Sounds like a good plan.


thank you for your thoughts.

i do not really understand and/or agree with everything you said but i do appreciate you trying to help me.


Lol got you. You’ll conquer the urge with time


Subclub definitely doesn’t make it easy between it’s versatile catalog and powerful technologies. In my experience though usually once you achieve a goal and you become acclimated to the feeling, you’ll wonder why you were ever so impatient in the first place.


I have a question for you, since you have had a difficult time with understanding the concept of ‘manifestation’: how do you think subliminals work?

You claim to have had significant amounts of success with Libertine; how did Libertine give you those results?

Is that not a form of manifestation?


Probably just prefers to have more tangible, external structure from the subliminal.


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