Main Disc. Thread - A Love Bomb For Humanity Experimental ZP

If the message in this video is not a best reason to run LBFH, then I don’t know what is…


@ksub Not just this sub but any sub

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From 2:22 to 3:38 she really talks about the importance of self-love for wealth.


I don’t doubt that self love is important for wealth. Especially when it comes to believing you deserve it or whatever

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@ksub I was just thinking about loving yourself and wealth and The Backwards Law that Allen Watts discussed. I think people that love themselves don’t seek out things like wealth for their validation and self worth.

I haven’t watched that video yet


I started my second cycle of LBfH with experimental version yesterday. As described in my first cycle experience I felt like I have been liberated of some burden that was put on me. But this time I also felt a calm inside me which is very new. This happened as the immediate effect after the loop.
But the experiences I had today are something that can be explained only by having listened to LBfH.

  • Today I had to go to another town to give an exam. For that I had to catch a bus at 5:30 am in the morning, I was still very sleepy as I got on the bus. But the bus conductor was unusually nice to me. He even went as far to give me a whole seat to myself so I could sleep.

  • At the exam centre, usually I am the type of guy who is invisible as in intentionally or unintentionally ignored by everyone around. I am sort of used to this so I mind my own business. But today the people next to me were really chatty with me and the surprising thing is I didn’t even initiate the conversation with any of them!!

  • On my way back, the bus was totally full and since their was no other bus for a long time I was prepared to stand all the way back. That’s totally normal, but just as I was thinking this one of the people sitting went out and the person who was sitting next to him called me to sit there.


Not many do, it’s a little bit of a disappointment to be honest.

Watch the movie without expectations if you want to enjoy it.

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interesting stuff lol, might be onto something there

@SaintSovereign does this program violate the free will of others when you invoke within others the desire to aid your cause?

What kind of methods are employed here to achieve that outcome?

I had people sharing sensitive information with me and giving me access to certain things I would have never gotten access to otherwise, clearly, it is effective lol but how does that work?

I’m not even sure if this is possible. Free will seems to be a natural law.

None. That’s just your energy coming through, hahaha.

Something about you is trustworthy to them.


No because natural law is the operating force that governs all of creation.

And free will is restricted and reserved to sentient beings, the greater the sentiences the greater the Free Will, and the responsibility bearing his individual management of the great construct.

Yes. This effect exactly, a feeling in others towards me that I’m trustworthy.

What if this feeling would be false, what if I’m not a trustworthy person but I can give people the impression that I am, would this not be an enchantment, casting an illusion over others and being abused in the wrong hands?

And how can it be that trustworthiness is manifested in people helping my cause or doing random favors? Unless it is explicitly written in the script you know what I mean

Just curious how it all works and if it is morally substantiated.

We constantly influence others with our energies. I think the importance is whether this influence is good or bad for them, as it will result in what rebounds.

Positive influence motivates, like love or happiness, it brings something good to them in response to their actions toward you.

While negative forces such as fear, jealousy, etc can move and influence people too but the vibrations that come from them are destructive in their essence.

A person motivated by fear will always end up hating the one he fears, succumbing to that fear is like getting your Soul drained and giving into it as a sense of relief from the possible consequences.

Whereas acting and being motivated by love fills us up with goodness, and it also invokes gratitude and appreciation from those who are being shown acts of love to, it’s a force that heals both participations.

While fear, you see, it’s not an equal exchange it’s a force that takes and draws like a parasite, fueling one empty individual with the vital forces of the victim who is being drained.

From my own experience, I think the way it happens in this program is very positive and draws upon positive agents… while some other modules do not.

Anyhow I don’t believe in this notion that subs are non-magical and not spellcraft but that’s open to interpretation

That’s a bright future in selling timeshares

You’re overthinking things. A sub couldn’t possibly create an energetic aura of trustworthiness unless you were actually trustworthy. Faking signals like that remains in the realm of external pheromones and consciously faking body language.

Subliminals are always filtered through the subconscious mind. There’s no way for words to convince your subconscious to become something it isn’t by force. Consent is binding. It’s unbreakable. It can’t be forced. If you’re running a title that creates some kind of trustworthiness effect, then you must be, at least when it comes to those topics, trustworthy.

Otherwise, recon.

And I’m not arguing with anyone else regarding whether or not subliminals are “magick.” Many of the individuals asking this will question our integrity, and then go listen to the latest Cardi B track and all kinds of horror movies and the such – wallowing in pop culture.

People, music is quite easily one of the most potent and fast acting “spells” one can use. You’re in your car, rocking out to your favorite song and operating in autopilot (which is a trance / light hypnosis) while repeating lyrics to yourself that contains the word “I.”

Before coming here to bother us, make sure you’ve purged yourself of music and movies that greatly promotes materialism, violence, etc.


What is that ?

This is the exact reason I started to choose VERY wisely what music, TV shows, and movies I watch. I don’t want this negative programming.

At the same time it explains the “common people” and what they do. It’s not their fault. They don’t choose to be depressed, angry, or failing, it’s the programming they receive.


I even avoid movies like the annual replayings of “It’s a Wonderful Life”…the presuppositions in that movie are horrible as fuck. more like “It’s a Wonderful Indoctrination”


Why would you even want to violate the free will of others ?.

This product is about learning to become comfortable with yourself and showing people that you are comfortable with yourself so they will be comfortable with you.

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You know, I’ve known for awhile that I should be avoiding the music I’ve grown up listening to but it’s always been difficult to stop because I “enjoy” it too much. Always been listening to music almost religiously since I was a little kid, so I’m never able to quit it for long enough.

The way you just described music, is so freaking accurate and true, it creeps me out. I really need to re-examine the music I listen to, because the lyrics in some of these rap songs are legitimately vile when you think about it.


He’s not. He’s asking if we use moral methods to generate an aura of trustworthiness.

The answer is that we use moral methods on everything, including decision making. That’s why I’ve been stressing nonstop about whether to release Revelation of Spirit.