Main Disc. / Dev. Thread - Love Bomb Ultima Mk. II Prototype

As there is a lockdown i have noone to interact with at the moment however i feel a warm energy perhaps vibration in my chest. I feel more positive which is very nice.


:joy: Once upon a time, long long ago, this song was stuck in my head.

Now, once again, I can sense it’s jedi powers taking hold of me. :joy_cat:


Haha same. specially the chicken woman duck thing :rofl:


Please, report on that, mate. :slight_smile:

Amazing , and the aura colour thing i’ve been told i had before by a few people , orange and another person said a green aura …these were like 7 months apart . Looking forward to a run of this lovebomb , congrats and thanks for the in depth journal passage on this new test .


Already did in my journal, it might be too long here:

It’s good stuff :heavy_heart_exclamation:


whats the aura app called ?


You rather meant this, right?

Love you, James! :heart_eyes:


This is what I may stack with DR for Stage 3 and 4. I was thinking about Rebirth but since The Bomb contains self-love improvement and an aura of positivity I think I will give it a try.


It’s very good my friend, this one is right up your alley. Very positive and uplifting. Go for it

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It’s like with Stark, one can have access to its Ultima and Terminus experimental versions only if one has it bought.

Of course, these are two different products but the mechanism of aura projection is the same and it’s an experimental version which may be judged best by people who know how Liberine aura works. That’s what I think, of course.

You’ve sold it to me, mate. I’ll give it a try in one hour and we shall see how it goes in general and when my gf is back home in four hours. :smiley:

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Is this still available to test? I can’t find it in my downloads.

Ctrl+F and type in “bomb”.

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You sir, are a gentleman! Thanks.

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It’s funny because it’s a parody song, but it’s also a perfectly constructed pop song. I had a period of time where it was going through my head a lot. hahaha. I’m a fan of all of those Bad Lip Reading people’s stuff. The spoof of Herman Cain (RIP) was pretty hilarious if memory serves me correctly.

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Saint said DR had improved our community significantly but he didn’t have enough so he dropped a bomb on us and now we shall not be dragons anymore but teddy bears of Love:

Cool! :sunglasses:


I’ve just started playing that little kitten and the sensation is standard when I start running a new sub, that feeling of warmth and bliss in my chest. shall see, shall see, shall see…

I hope it won’t change us into sth like this:



Will love bomb not make it easy to get you friendzoned?

Yes, please! I like that zone best! :smiley:

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