Main Disc. / Dev. Thread - Love Bomb Ultima Mk. II Prototype

No. Love Bomb makes it easy to get you Lovezoned. :wink:

Love Bomb = Love at first sight :star_struck:

Libertine = Lust at first sight :drooling_face:

Both are designed to have that effect on other people, not on you.

Love Bomb ≠ Heart on your sleeve :man_facepalming:t2:

Libertine ≠ Dick in your hand :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Will love bomb not make it easy to get you friendzoned?

I’m not an expert but my understanding is like attracts like. That’s why a love aura is cool, you’re going to attract people who have loving auras themselves… or people who are searching desperately to be loved.

I’ve been excited for a love aura because of two experiences I have had.

The first, I’m in a club at university with my friends. Subliminal free. I’m stood by the bar watching my friends on the dance floor and waiting for my drink. As I’m watching them, I feel a sudden rush of love for them and gratitude for how my life is. This feeling spreads throughout my entire body, an incredible feeling. Then out of no where, before I know what is happening, I’m being aggressively kissed by some random girl I’ve not spoken to or met before. I try to get her off gently but she’s clinging on, and then her friends pull her off of me. As they are dragging her away, she screams “GET WITH ME NOW!”. They were looking at me like I was some kind of sorcerer, like wtf did you do to her? I had some pheromones on too but I used to wear them all the time and never had that happen.

Second time, years later, I’m in a bar with one of my closest friends and his group. I had been listening to a competitor’s emotional healing subliminal which I remember had a side effect of filling you with love for healing purposes. I’m minding my business and a girl is being dragged out by bouncers for being too drunk. As she’s being taken out, she wriggles free, runs over to me and starts kissing me. Again, never seen her before in my life. The bouncers pull her off and then throw her out, my friends are again like “wow, wtf just happened”. No pheromones this time.

Those are the only times that’s ever happened to me. Now whether these things happened because of an “aura of love” or something else, or just coincidence, I dunno, but I’ve been dying for an aura of love sub ever since. Although thinking about it, it might also attract the clingy/stalkery/ types so that’s something to watch out for :rofl:


I think that this subliminal theoretically will have the potential to assist as a booster of subliminal results and lessener of reconciliation, potentially.

Just considering the metaphysical aspects of it, of course. I’m not a Libertine owner so I haven’t played it at all.


No it will make them fall in love :wink:


Oh, really? I’ve just finished running the first loop and I feel as if I wanted to go out and kill someone.

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I pondered on that for a moment and was thinking about switching back to Elixir but I reminded myself what the book about traumas I’m reading says about the importance of reconnecting with people as one of the most important aspects of your healing process so even though there were none to little internal changes scripted in the Bomb it should be worth it to add to your healing stack/sub/custom.

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Wow. That’s a very long sentence. :nerd_face:


Looks like you have been running love bomb from way back :smiley:

Was kidding here, guys, the sub hit me hard but in a positive way. I feel its power and I just can wait till my girl is back home to see the interaction.

I feel a strong need to be mischievous I must admit… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


People have been known to kill for love.

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lool…maybe it has the ability to generate love or hate depending on the user

When I was a child I was torn between both. I think that sub may help me in that aspect and I shall become:

Loving dragon…

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That first look in the mirror after your first love bomb loop is something else lol

Best of luck and you’re welcome

Well I mean the point of this isn’t to get laid but there are certain types of women who prefer to know someone comfortably before expressing their sexual desires anyway. With this you may attract women looking for love and romance or woman who identify you as a source of love missing in their lives. Either way I’m personally not even concerned about external reactions now that I’ve experienced the power of this program’s self effects.


It’s called AURLA.


Last night I was too tired and with a headache, so I couldnt listen to love bomb for more than 15 minutes, I couldnt even watch some videos in youtube to distract myself.

This morning I woke up pretty early and did a loop of love bomb. Fall asleep at about half of it and had some pretty disturbing dreams… dreams about me not recieving love/attention from people, also being confronted.

I woke up with a not so good feeling about the dreams, but after a couple of hours I realized that I was holding a twisted concept about love. Like people should give what I want if they really love me, kind of thing.

Cool but unexpected results!!


Is it on the google play store or i-phone app store ?
couldn’t find it on google

It seems to have an IOS version only.