Main Dev. Thread - StarkQ

Im glad the description includes how a sub can push you through manifested tests and challenges because ive been through my share of that on ev4, so I can imagine how much more intense this could be.

Also does this one have more limitless content than the upcoming EQ?


Curious if a variant or lite version of “Power Can Corrupt” ended up in “Stark”.


@dorfmeister - PCC is in StarkQ. SaintSovereign just confirmed it above.


Great. Seems to fit. I often don’t end up getting through the entirety of these expansive threads.


@SaintSovereign This new sub is mighty tempting for me. I’m still in the process of running ascended mogul and ultimate artist as I feel I haven’t achieved my goals with that yet. Having said that, how much of a step up would it be from those two? And do you think it would derail my progress? Other question would be, is ultimate artist getting an upgrade eventually? I know that wasn’t the best seller on here.


It incorporates Primal Seduction, Emperor and Iron Throne which I believe are masculine subs. Yet you are describing this product as gender neutral. Might this not render the subliminal less effective for men ?.


I didn’t describe it as gender neutral, Saint Sovereign did.

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@dorfmeister Apologies that question was for Saint not for you a slip of the pen :slight_smile:

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@Fractal_Explorer - all older titles will be upgraded when Q is out. That includes Ultimate Artist and Ascended Mogul. SaintSovereign did mention this above.


Is there a timeline for this? Like maybe by summer?

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I might have missed this but does Stark Q have any modules for physical change - improvement of looks, etc?


Stacking StarkQ with Ultimate Artist would be much more profound than an AscMogul and UA stack. It most certainly wouldn’t derail your progress.

Now that we have Q, definitely.


Hey @SaintSovereign, I am not the only one wondering about the gender neutrality of this sub.

Is it now possible because of the Q platform? Or is there less focus on masculinity and more focus on the personality/skills,etc ?

Thanks for the explanation!


Hope so. Been waiting for an update for Regeneration.


We never said the sub was “gender neutral.” That’s an extrapolation people are making because we said it’s safe for women to run. Our titles have always been “gender neutral” in a sense due to the way that we’ve written them. We’ve even had women run Godlike Masculinity and report positive results – it made them more resilient, stoic and mentally stronger while still maintaining their femininity.

Realistically, StarkQ still leans strongly toward reality as filtered through a male lens, but what we’ve discovered is that when women uses a “masculine” title, it never hurts them or “turns them into men.” The subconscious seems to have some kind of default filter or process that will still put that feminine spin on incoming subliminal stimulus.

Remember, SubClub is all about choice. We do not define what “masculinity” is for you (we do provide a “framework” of sorts). The script guides you through a journey to define what masculinity and power means to you and helps you cultivate those elements. Our titles are meant to challenge your subconscious and bring out YOUR best self – we’re not trying to force any kind of external view on you. My version of masculinity is probably drastically different than yours.

When scripting StarkQ, we made sure to avoid having the script focus solely on business as a form of success. Some people want to be world renowned artists, or orators, or professors, etc. StarkQ can help you accomplish all that because the script is focused on choice.


@SaintSovereign please respond to my last direct message

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Just curious, are you patenting the technology or it’s more of a trade secret?

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I don’t think you can patent subs.


Can you choose to have it name embedded if you pay more sorry if this question has been asked


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Hey @SaintSovereign, I wonder if StarkQ has module for improving our SMV?