Main Dev. Thread - Power Can Corrupt (Now Available!)

I would love if you could PM me details on how you do that for questions. I have an idea, but I don’t presume to know everything either lol. Hit me up if you would!

Thank you for posting this.

I was having a conversation with my gf earlier today about Robert Greene and PCC as well as the memory palace, and this thread shows up at top with your comment. :slight_smile:


I’m pretty sure that these thoughts of mine from a few days ago were inspired by Power Can Corrupt.

oops. it should have said ‘For increased effectiveness, actually believe in the Con’s narrative

Funny that the title Power Can Corrupt is now reminding me of the cooking show i used to like called Yan Can Cook.


can pcc make you more comfortabke and charismatic in social situations? or thats just daredevil?


I haven’t used PCC heavy-duty yet…I do think PCC would help with a sort of perceived charisma since you’d bounce back people’s attempts at manipulation.

It would improve your perceived status/value. And I think those 2 things play into charisma at least partially.

I would imagine stacking PCC with Daredevil couldn’t hurt matters any.


PCC is a charisma and aura bomb when I stacked with Emperor I run social situations through not just respect but admiration and likability -I believe Aura of craving is in PCC. It definitely makes you more comfortable and charismatic in social situations- imo it’s better if you have an agenda/ intention :wink: / even if that’s just being a great host, or having the most fun possible.

If you don’t whatever map towards external power seem to show up. In social situations where I was unintentional on PCC its well…formless until an opportunity opens up for you unconscious intentions.


I like the idea of having a defense ready and subconsciously activating whenever it’s needed

Yes, it’s good to be sharp.

I can’t say even good things about PCC. It has many benefits that one would never think of, that each user will be pleasantly surprised to discover for themselves.


What would be even more awesome is if I started being able to identify exactly what was used in situation X like @Michel was doing at one point

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you will, no other so clearly communicates from the unconscious and/or external perception to the conscious what is happening. It’s like I forget the sub is about laws and then all of a sudden it hits me–ahh that was this law, I used this law etc.


Sounds like it has the Merger of Worlds in it!

That sound like it’s hell of fun

Read the first chapter of the book. Already liking it due to its textual hierarchy and narrative structure, which makes it good for me to apply my advanced memory techniques and visualization (thankfully developed with my custom)!

What’s particularly interesting is that the first chapter makes a reference to the Medici family and to manifestation.

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PCC was fun when I ran it I seemed to learn the stuff by seeing plots everywhere and even manifesting people who used some kind of manipulation - which I easily dealt with.

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Are you reading the condensed or full version of Robert Greene’s book?

Full version.

Was just chatting to a member over pm about PCC i overlooked the fact that it was a charismatic bomb :grin:.

Now thats interesting PCC has the aura of craving ? or you think it does. I am going to add PCC to my stack as I already have it.


@TheBoxingScientist, please share your experiences on Power Can Corrupt, I’d recommend not doing too many loops of it, once every other day is surely enough to reap the benefits, it can be extremely taxing otherwise.

Thank you :slight_smile:

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I run it every day actually it’s awesome tbh

but I built up to it

in the past it was shitty to raunit every day

I think that’s also because the more you feel fucked up by the programming the more you need work to actually get your life in order. This is how it was fo rme at least

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I ran it on Thursday and it’s been noticeably affecting me till Sunday. I’m going to build up with two loops a week and go from there.

Power Can Corrupt is really not a subliminal you want to massively expose yourself to straight-away, you want to get accustomed to the laws rather smoothly. In fact, pulling the trigger with Power Can Corrupt was the sole reason it gave me tremendous reconciliation in the past. As @ALMIGHTY said, just ease into it.