Traveling the Paths of Wealth, Imbuing Vital Physicality (Custom Q Journal)

Thanks @friday… Appreciate the energy. Life…happens.

So, morning of the 10th day of this subliminal washout. The last day. Woke up pretty early. Meditated from 6:45 AM to 7:45 AM. Grateful for that. Work to do today, so I got up and am now getting into that.

Gearing up for tomorrow’s return to subliminals. Who knows what the next three months will bring? As I walked last night, I thought of the many non-human animals who are amazing f***ing warriors. Out there in the cold, making it work. :pray:t5:


The coherence of this man’s thinking is really striking


After 10 days of subliminal washout, I started back up on Monday 11/1 and have spent this week getting acclimated.

The return to listening has corresponded with my move to Alchemist Stage 3 and Quantum Limitless Stage 3.

I’ve been with Alchemist and Quantum Limitless for 6 months now, but each stage is like a new program. So this next few weeks/months involves a significant adjustment period, and I’m not stacking programs as densely as I would closer to the end of a stage.


Sunday. Rest Day.

My first week of Alchemist Awakening and Quantum Limitless: Quantum Focus.

Also, my first week back from a 10-day washout.

I’m still following an AB alternating-day structure with subliminals.

Day A: Monday, Wednesday, Friday —emphasizes PATHS (wealth custom) and Quantum Limitless

Day B: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday —emphasizes Mind’s Eye and Alchemist

Today, though, none of them are playing.

I am amazed at this journey. The next three months will be with Awakening and Quantum Focus.

Wonder how these three months will develop.

Many people talked about 2020 ending and I was happy to see it go, but I kind of won’t feel like the year has really changed until February 12 when Chinese New Year happens.


Okay, Monday. 18 January 2021.

Today’s plays:

6 AM to 7 AM (-ish): Meditation with PATHS of Wealth Terminus custom. I always meditate with the masked version.

(went back to sleep)
(then, hours later after waking, etc.,)
Quantum Limitless Stage 3
Quantum Limitless Stage 3
PATHS of Wealth Terminus custom (another loop)
Quantum Limitless Stage 3
(all Ultrasonic, as I worked and dithered)

break for a while and then

PATHS of Wealth Terminus custom (3rd and final loop) - that’s finishing now.
then, maybe, 1-2 loops of Alchemist Stage 3

Today/Tonight as I hike, I’ll play
IMBUE with Vitality Terminus custom (1 loop, probably masked)

Tonight as I go to sleep:

DUAT Terminus2 Healing and Systemic Alignment in Sleep and Dreams custom
Paragon Ultima (1 loop)
May drop in a Quantum Limitless Stage 2 loop

I’ll watch in the coming days to see if this seems to be too much content.

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Con Game/Pimp Game 101 (i.e., Bullshit Game 101)

  1. identify target(s)/mark(s)
  2. set agenda for conning the chosen mark(s)
  3. identify mark’s areas of insecurity, incompetence, or just plain deficiency
  4. create narrative as follows: ‘The reason that you continually suffer from [insert area of insecurity] is that you have not realized [insert agenda]’
  5. continually push narrative in implicit, explicit, friendly, unfriendly, simple, and complex ways. Be sure to mix the narrative in with other legitimate, non agenda-related topics, points and interactions. This increases believability and organic appeal.
  6. advanced pro-tip: for increased effectiveness, actually believe in the Con’s agenda.
    Aim to maintain belief for at least as long as the con is in play, preferably longer if this is to be a long-term or large-scale multi-target con

voila! you are now a successful asshole who can con and pimp targets.

Good luck, asshole! Enjoy pimping!

For more advanced tips, observe religious leaders, gurus, politicians, influencers, teachers, philosophers, evangelists, activists, and humanity-at-large.


Woke up and did a 7 AM meditation hour today (with PATHS Terminus).


I have a 6:40 pm meeting to prepare for.

But also have two meetings at 4 and 5 respectively. It’ll be tight.

Fortunately, I’ve discovered ‘Walking while in a ZOOM Meeting’. Can’t listen to subliminals in that case, but can get in my daily 10K steps.
Now, I’m playing the RICH Ultima (about 1 minute left). That purchase required very little consideration. It’s utterly aligned with my ongoing goal. Let’s see how this develops.

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3-hour evening meeting done. Yangzhou fried rice and green beans now being eaten.

Reminds me of the last time I had amazing food at Fat Rice in Chicago. They have a cookbook.

Anyhoo. What’s the best thing you got from doing the washout? Will you do one each year or more frequently?

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That sounds yummy. Some restaurant names really send the message. Certain of those non-sequitur, almost literary ones. They make me go:

Right now I’m thinking that I’ll do a brief one whenever I’m about to make a (subjectively) significant transition. My next one is planned for the beginning of May. But after that I may not take another for a while. Maybe once or twice a year. Letting intuition lead.

Things had been feeling somewhat heavy, congested, and dense. This first washout helped me to clear my head. I didn’t get a powerful bloom effect that I noticed. I think that probably would have required an even longer washout period, you know?

It’s been a pretty dense 6-7 months. Ever since Custom subliminals and various build strengths were introduced. But my intuition told me to do an initial 10-day washout (and 11 days in May) and that later on as my stack lightened up, consistent play would lead to a gradual bloom while still listening.

and saying 11 days in May, makes me want to post this again:

and that makes me want to post this:

And now we’re done


Oh GOD ……that is downright evil…where did you learn it ? I want more…

Just in case it’s not clear, the post is intended extremely satirically.

I’ve been learning it by observing how I and people around me make use of narratives and frame control to pursue our agendas. Often times we ourselves are not even clear on the agendas that drive us.

Point 6 establishes ‘plausible deniability’. “It’s not my fault, I really believed the lie that I was using to manipulate you!” :sweat_smile:

well…whatever the case is…the little manipulative bastard inside me loves this type of communication strategy…it rhymes with me…thanks for sharing…now it lights up something inside…

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I’m noticing changes happening in my mind. They seem related to Alchemist.

I want to be alive for as long as I am alive.


Remembering James Hillman

Time to re-engage his work?

Meg Bowles



Today is Sunday, my subliminal rest day.

Meditated from 6:07 am to 7:10 am or so.

I feel stimulated and almost inclined to take in more subliminal input, but I’m sticking to my rest day. I think this may be a bit of bloom.

I’m currently in a mood and physiological state of some emptiness (not the ecstatic Buddhist form of enlightened emptiness, the normal, drifty, unmoored kind).

This is a mood/state that has arisen from time to time throughout life. It’s a state in which I question the meanings of things.

I relate to thoughts and feelings mainly as physical states like weather. This is a particular weather pattern that comes sometimes.

Something tells me that the energy valley that I’m experiencing corresponds with today being a rest day. And it’s a confirmation that the rest day is appropriate and timely.

@Malkuth I am wondering if you have read “Energy Work” by Robert Bruce and if you got anything useful out of it.