Luther's SPARTAN ZP Journal

burp, alright back to wasting time, watching random youtube nonsense while tabbed into pornhub

I’m not a Hong Kong guy - it’s not even in my top 20…

but this video is wild lol

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My whole travel destination list are mostly wholesome places of nature…lmao.

I can’t really list them here though.

I guess I got a little taste of the beauty of nature and now… like with everything, I’ve become extremist. I really haven’t exaggerated heaven on earth, I’m really after it hahahaha.

I have found 2 really good “mentors” for traveling and I’ve been planning very methodically… this is a big side project of mine in the works. I’m pretty much QoLing places on earth.

I imagine that the next step would be… once I know the highest QoL… the next goal might be to find a way to move there. I have my trajectory vaguely mapped out like that, even though it’s very far ahead. I do this often, I always have a super long-term end game goal.

A heavenly relationship in a heavenly place. Bizarre surrealism lifestyle of basically heaven on earth. That will become my reality in due time. I will actualize and live what the average person can only find in a fantasy novel or a lucid dream lol. I’m confident because I’ve already done a lot of that shit, and don’t plan on stopping.

The thing about us extreme level empaths, is that we are sensitive to everything, so experience is heightened and often feels surreal. I go for a walk in nature that is quite local… and I nearly have a spiritual experience despite being completely sober and never messing around with drugs in my life. It’s just from awareness, tapping in and opening up.

Us empaths are very passionate about emotions… to the point that its very funny. I notice this in my partner as well… maybe other empaths if they’re lurking or some shit can agree. But I feel like whenever I encounter those anhedonic people who are emotionally suppressed and ignoring their emotions… the moment that they start to feel something it’s like “fuck yes, there you go”. I don’t know what this is. It’s like a super passion and joy of seeing someone tap in to to their emotions, I have no idea how to articulate. It gets even funny to where you want people to cry and get emotionally overwhelmed in a “yes!” type of way. Even devious in a sense, which me and my partner share where it’s like “oh, I’m going to make you feel this shit, alright. hahahah” damn near like a maniacal. I don’t know, this is weird. Lmao.

Anyways, when I visit these places… I might literally explode from overwhelment. Can’t wait hahaha


When it comes to sex, gratification seems to have its limits. I was debating this with a buddy of mine earlier and he just wasn’t getting it. Some things you can’t really explain to people, they have to experience it and figure it out for themselves and I respect it.

I have done all the sex on Khan. I’ve had sex for hours with women that men simp over, and pretty much doing everything I want with them lol. I’ve read the Kamasutra with women, tried every position, even got creative and made my own positions, and done all types of weird experiments. Pleasuring each other without wavering eye contact, tried to have a hands-free orgasm solely through making out. etc, like I’ve done wild shit.

Back when I was on Khan, I was immersed in full gratification to the point that it was slightly abnormal. I would have sex for hours and pretty much have every gratifying act fulfilled. I once skipped watching a hockey game with a friend just to have sex for 6 hours.

That was quite the sensory experience, but it didn’t penetrate my soul or reach an emotional depth enough. Objectively speaking, I believe that the highest heights of pleasure are when you bring emotional context and meaning into the mix. A “story”.

Some type of shared “story” that you can’t replicate because it’s exclusive, rare and extremely personal. This skyrockets the value and creates almost a form of surrealism that is transcendent in nature. It has to be perhaps existential and trigger different belief systems. Very difficult to convey this stuff. I don’t even know what I’m writing on here, lmao.

I had all the pleasure I wanted, but when I started incorporating these wholesome elements that really fragment you and force-pull emotions out of you because it’s real and you know it’s real… then that’s when the “wtf” level just reaches new heights. It’s almost as if the sensory of pleasure becomes a vehicle to sensory of overwhelming emotion.

I really don’t know how to convey this is in my journal. My buddy I was debating did not understand a word, lmao.

Let me try an analogy:

In a fantasy novel, that has a super long plot. Main character has a lover and the relationship develops throughout the story. All types of conflicts occur, and they overcome it all.

The whole context of their relationship and connection… the meaning behind it, the “story” behind it, the everything behind it, all of the flavors inside and in between… it brings a depth to the sex that fires of emotions… it doesn’t have a choice but to fire off profound emotions. Then you have all of the gratification that you would have without all of it… except its even more enhanced, amplified and overwhelmingly on multi-faceted levels… as if the climax of the sex represents the climax of your relationship and the climax of your harmony. Fucking insane shit. Yup, that’s the best I can do. Hahahaha


I like to geek over human experience because it keeps my QoLing sharp, lmao

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Yeah, that’s the 2nd thing I hate. The idea of “inadequacy” because it’s an illusion.

That and porn might be the only 2 things I actually “hate” in this world.

Complete and utter bullshit, anytime you feel inadequate you’ve lost - it doesn’t matter.

It doesn’t matter how many times I drill it or point it out, lol… people’s frameworks are complete shit (no self-worth or personal power) and so they project inadequacy. Operating on a low wavelength, basically the powerless monkey one.

Once you know your potential, then you realize that you can get whatever the fuck you want. I compare myself all the time to other people, but through a different lens which is “that’s interesting, maybe I should manifest that and experience it myself”. There is no envy once you realize that you have the power to manifest what you want, lol. That’s why I used the word “false” beliefs because it’s beliefs based on a lie, that create those negative feelings. Complete nonsense. This is why I tell people to upgrade their framework and awareness hahah


Very true and thats why I hate myself for even going this route sometimes!

Once you realize the consequences of porn, it becomes very easy to quit it.

Most people severely undermine the detriments of it. They are ignorant of how their internal framework is creating their experience. They simply lack knowledge.

They think the negatives of porn merely have to do with low energy, dopamine desensitization, addiction, erectile dysfunction, or etc.

All the cookie-cutter, mainstream shit.

They don’t understand mechanism of how important your internal framework is.

The universe is merely a reflection of your internal reality.

Watching porn pretty much fucks your internal reality on all levels. It’s that damaging.

You’re damaging your personal power, lowering your self-worth and debasing yourself emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

That affects your awareness, your manifestations, your flow factor, your wavelength… everything.

Most people don’t truly understand how they’re growing with subliminals. They haven’t thought anything through.

Subliminals are a tool to help you change your internal framework.

Person A has zero sex life and no job.

We give him Emperor ZP.

When he listens to Emperor ZP and takes positive action, he’s leveling up.


He’s cultivating personal power, he’s building momentum, he’s attuning himself to positive manifestation, his mindset is changing. All great.

Here’s the thing.

Your internal framework is not permanent and it’s not only affected by subliminals.

That’s what these dumbasses don’t understand. Why do you think I don’t watch any movies full of fucked up programming? They lower and contract your awareness because they’re full of fear.

The subliminals you listen to, aren’t the only way to influence your subconscious mind.

If some teenager spend 16 hours a day on a “redpill” forum about how he will never get laid because he’s ugly, his left cheekbone symmetry is off by 0.02mm and he lacks 2 inches of height… guess what.

That’s literally programming and indoctrination that changes his internal framework. He will develop the subconscious belief that he can never attract women because of “genetics”. He now, on a congruent level has zero self-worth. That’s how he feels, believes and knows without any doubt whatsoever.

His experience will confirm his internal reality. It doesn’t have a fucking choice. It’s the law of reality, I said it like a hundred times on here, people don’t listen lol. Meanwhile I’m busy abusing it and getting fucking everything I want, lmao. I don’t know how to help people, I really don’t… I don’t care. Fuck everybody. Hahaha.

When you watch porn, it’s a negative subliminal. You’re filling up and rearranging your internal framework to be weakened. I explained it in those deleted posts… watching porn is an alchemical experience. If you missed those posts, it’s whatever. I’m not bringing them back, lol… too much value.

So lets bring it back to Person A who is running Emperor ZP.

He’s growing and leveling up, but then he comes home and watches 2 hours of porn every day.

That takes away from the momentum. It offsets the leveling up… by how much? More than you’d think.

If I had to 1 on 1 coach anybody, whether it’s a nerd or what. A zero to hero journey. I would force them to quit porn, quit masturbation, run subs, take positive action, and stop inundating their mind with complete horseshit rooted in fear, self-inadequacy, fear, and fear. I say fear 3 times, because most people chug fear and do snow angels in them, then wonder why they have so much fucking anxiety and overthinking. They aren’t seated in any personal power.

Scroll up and look how I live my life. I’m literally at war everyday. If you are adamant about being seated in your personal power and have a fuck everything else approach (not willing to sacrifice it for anything)… you will understand that it’s much, much easier to create your desired reality. Everything is through you and reflecting what you’ve got going on internallly, subconsciously and congruently.


You can’t just run subliminals, you have to get serious about your life and ROI your self-empowerment. You have to be methodical about momentum and understand how things are affecting you. You have to use discernment. There are a lot of things out there (especially mainstream) that are just designed to completely fuck you over. This is why most people are completely fucked when you look at their life. Average person is miserable and like a 4/10 or 5/10 quality of life.

It’s all your internal framework.

even those old pruney ascended masters in those spiritual places (I think it was them, i can’t remember), say shit like “master your self and you will master your reality” … something along those lines… but you get the point

Feelings, subconscious beliefs, states, awareness… master those and you will get whatever you want.

Use action, use alchemy, use subliminals, use meditation. Don’t butcher yourself, elevate yourself.

It’s that simple, this shit is so simple.

Even someone like Andrew Tate goes on and on about how he guards his mind, and controls his internal framework… like come on. Even people like that, who have no metaphysical background, abuse this shit. They may not have an in-depth understanding or know about precise mechanism, nor have context… but they still apply the most basic of shits.

there is no excuse in 2023. If one is watching porn, then they just don’t understand the game


People want Health but don’t understand what health is.

Health feels good. When you’re healthy, you feel amazing, vibrant, full of life. You feel free.

That’s on a high wavelength rooted in self-love, personal power, and emotional freedom.

It’s not rooted in fear, self-hate, guilt, envy, etc. All of that feels like shit. It feels like shit to the body. It manifests in your emotional body, and energetically. Full of blockages and shit that manifest as health problems.

It’s impossible to be truly healthy and be a porn addict. Absolutely impossible and anyone who says that you can, is full of shit. They don’t understand math and the in and outs of manifestation, emotions and belief systems.



Your internal framework is like a boiling pot.

You need to maximize the good stuff and minimize the bad stuff.

Good stuff = subclub subliminals, empowerment, self-love, self-worth, positive action, winner, abundance

Bad stuff = porn, fear, inadequacy, scarcity, powerlessness, nonsense programming

This is what I mean by ROI’ing your internal framework.

This is how you build insane momentum and really take off in life or in any area.

This is literally all I do. I am not fucking special, I just know the game.

Most people are not applying this because they don’t understand it.

Get in that pocket and you will find yourself in the “fast lane”.

If you’re 90% good stuff, 10% bad stuff. You will accelerate crazy fast.

Most people are 50% good stuff, 50% bad stuff and go around in circles with not much changing.

If you’re 90/10, then you will just keep going and going and going and going. Moving goal posts endlessly and stepping foot into new worlds of growth. The beauty of life. Keep going.

Change your life, it’s that easy. This is what I’m saying, Subliminal Club and subliminals make things WAY TOO EASY. It’s just people aren’t serious about it and they’re not using them properly. They are all messy, lackadaiscal, scattered and all over the place.

How can one be serious about changing their life and doing self-improvement… then go watch porn in the dark into the pits of shame is beyond me. Literally offsetting and potentially canceling out any deep growth.

Fuck all of the nonsense, get the ball rolling and turn a snowball effect into a fucking meteor that cataclysms earth into the next Ice Age. Let these people know. The haters, the envyers, the doubters. Show em how its done. You are at war. The war has begun. Meet me in the battlefield and enjoy the spoils of war.


in the past week, i’m proud to announce my most insane and lifechanging result thus far…

I’ve transitioned from eating watermelon in my undies… to eating blueberries in my khaki shorts.



This is fucking immaculate, I’m stealing this I’m sorry I have to


Holy shit nostalgia hahaha


6 individual lines = 666

Cross on forehead but a child = reverse aging = reverse cross = satanism

Phone Home = Personal Hell

Illuminati confirmed THC is a gateway to hell

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Work colleague of mine plays League of Legends, and I thought I would tell him about Gaming Mastery X.

Nah. Lmao. Hahahahaha.

I did have a thought though, like what if Subliminal Club users made an Esports team where every member ran Gaming Mastery X3: Holy shit.

For example, if someone putting together a 5 man team in League of Legends, where all 5 of them were processing the script? That would be wild in theory. Who could beat them?

I hate League of Legends with an unadulterated passion. I gave it a go during my gamer phase. The main character I played was Olaf (obviously) and other people would have a problem with it. I was once in a support role and I picked Olaf, then literally 4 nerds tried to jump me. Deadass. I’ve never in my life been jumped like that in a video game. Over a video game, lmao. I am willing to bet that the whole gaming world is full of people whose brain development hasn’t evolved. Too many people that haven’t touched grass.

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I actually respect keyboard warriors if they have good wit. Like if they’re creative with it, then hey at least you’re good at what you do… I respect it. Lmao.

When you have a lot of personal power, it kind of makes you a little crazy in a sense.

When you have so much internal power and confidence, some part of you lusts for being thrown off. The idea becomes exciting and impressive. Those are the real “power games” in my opinion. It’s not with other people, it’s with yourself.