Luther's SPARTAN ZP Journal


Your internal framework is like a boiling pot.

You need to maximize the good stuff and minimize the bad stuff.

Good stuff = subclub subliminals, empowerment, self-love, self-worth, positive action, winner, abundance

Bad stuff = porn, fear, inadequacy, scarcity, powerlessness, nonsense programming

This is what I mean by ROI’ing your internal framework.

This is how you build insane momentum and really take off in life or in any area.

This is literally all I do. I am not fucking special, I just know the game.

Most people are not applying this because they don’t understand it.

Get in that pocket and you will find yourself in the “fast lane”.

If you’re 90% good stuff, 10% bad stuff. You will accelerate crazy fast.

Most people are 50% good stuff, 50% bad stuff and go around in circles with not much changing.

If you’re 90/10, then you will just keep going and going and going and going. Moving goal posts endlessly and stepping foot into new worlds of growth. The beauty of life. Keep going.

Change your life, it’s that easy. This is what I’m saying, Subliminal Club and subliminals make things WAY TOO EASY. It’s just people aren’t serious about it and they’re not using them properly. They are all messy, lackadaiscal, scattered and all over the place.

How can one be serious about changing their life and doing self-improvement… then go watch porn in the dark into the pits of shame is beyond me. Literally offsetting and potentially canceling out any deep growth.

Fuck all of the nonsense, get the ball rolling and turn a snowball effect into a fucking meteor that cataclysms earth into the next Ice Age. Let these people know. The haters, the envyers, the doubters. Show em how its done. You are at war. The war has begun. Meet me in the battlefield and enjoy the spoils of war.


in the past week, i’m proud to announce my most insane and lifechanging result thus far…

I’ve transitioned from eating watermelon in my undies… to eating blueberries in my khaki shorts.



This is fucking immaculate, I’m stealing this I’m sorry I have to


Holy shit nostalgia hahaha


6 individual lines = 666

Cross on forehead but a child = reverse aging = reverse cross = satanism

Phone Home = Personal Hell

Illuminati confirmed THC is a gateway to hell

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Work colleague of mine plays League of Legends, and I thought I would tell him about Gaming Mastery X.

Nah. Lmao. Hahahahaha.

I did have a thought though, like what if Subliminal Club users made an Esports team where every member ran Gaming Mastery X3: Holy shit.

For example, if someone putting together a 5 man team in League of Legends, where all 5 of them were processing the script? That would be wild in theory. Who could beat them?

I hate League of Legends with an unadulterated passion. I gave it a go during my gamer phase. The main character I played was Olaf (obviously) and other people would have a problem with it. I was once in a support role and I picked Olaf, then literally 4 nerds tried to jump me. Deadass. I’ve never in my life been jumped like that in a video game. Over a video game, lmao. I am willing to bet that the whole gaming world is full of people whose brain development hasn’t evolved. Too many people that haven’t touched grass.

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I actually respect keyboard warriors if they have good wit. Like if they’re creative with it, then hey at least you’re good at what you do… I respect it. Lmao.

When you have a lot of personal power, it kind of makes you a little crazy in a sense.

When you have so much internal power and confidence, some part of you lusts for being thrown off. The idea becomes exciting and impressive. Those are the real “power games” in my opinion. It’s not with other people, it’s with yourself.


Kind of like the idea of challenge. Imagine running through everything on easy mode for 99% of the time as a testament of your own resilience, then you run into a challenge.

Instead of looking at that challenge in disapproval or distaste, it’s more like your eyes light up and you’re impressed. Because you know your resilience is so strong, for there to be a challenge… requires a lot. It requires competence, skill and a form of mastery. It automatically deserves high levels of respect.

Congruent personal power is freaky and doesn’t make sense a lot of time.

For example, I believe that 48 Laws of Power aren’t based on congruent power… but based on fear.

Personal Power and Fear don’t go together, it’s like yin and yang opposites. You can’t cultivate Personal Power through Fear/Control.

If someone is playing power games all the time, it actually shows that their internal framework isn’t rooted in power. They are in constant fear of losing their power. They need to control (based in fear) other people to feel powerful.

If you took the supposedly most powerful being - God. God is so powerful that it doesn’t care about who has power and who doesn’t. It’s seated in infinite power at all times. It has so much power that it is interested in empowering others.

Imagine that… Imagine a person who has so much power, that they empower their enemies.

Sheesh. Congruence is wild lol


2023 snowflake internet city culture lol

I might start LoTS earlier than december… hahaha

I like videos like this.

They give you perspective. The vastness… the history… the wonder…

The beauty.

The easiest thing to forget is not where you left the car keys.

It’s not your passcode or your friend’s phone number.

The easiest thing to forget, by far… is beauty.

Beauty in others.

Beauty in ourselves.

Beauty in our reality.

Yes, I have been quite forgetful.

But I’m not alone.

Most people work a 9-5, struggle to pay bills, come home and watch some Netflix, watch some porn, drink their coffee and get right back to it in an endless cycle. I’ve been there and I understand the games. When you’re in that “vortex”, it’s like your perception narrows. Suddenly, everything is forgotten. You then forget the beauty.

The beauty that has always been there.

People don’t understand that there are worlds within this world.

One of my go-to concepts.

It’s this idea that wherever you’re at right now whether it’s an environment, lifestyle or routine. It’s a neat little package. A packaged “world”.

Somewhere on this planet, things are so different from your “world” that it’s like an entirely different “world” altogether. Yet we’re all on the same planet. That’s the power of perception and reality.

This morning I was sitting alone, eating my breakfast. I got tripped out a little bit. I had a realization.

“While I’m sitting here lifting this spoon… there are billions of experiences occurring at this moment. All types of crazy things in all different types of places with all different types of people. There are probably millions of people eating at this same exact moment. Eating all types of different types of things”.

What the hell, lol. In perspective, that’s mind-blowing to me. I don’t know… I be thinking about deep shit for no reason. Lmao.

I go for a nature walk and I see a flower. The flower is the most beautiful shit I’ve ever seen. The thing is, I can’t explain to you why. It’s not aesthetically, it’s not spiritually… I don’t fucking know. I don’t want to be asked because I can’t come up with an answer. I don’t know how to yet articulate it. I don’t want to. Fuck.

That’s a wild, wildly powerful concept. “I don’t want to.” Jesus fucking christ. Smh.

They don’t understand. Nobody understands. Except my partner, lol.

Maybe I can try. I’m supposed to be leveling up my articulation skill, because I’m not very good.

This isn’t even an explanation, it’s more of an analogy.

Aging. We all age. Some people are 60 years old, some people are 20 years old. People put so much stock in their age. “Oh shit I’m so old, time to be depressed”.

They don’t understand the rules of QoL.

It doesn’t matter your age.

Person A is 20 years old with 10/10 QoL.

Person B is 60 years old with a 10/10 QoL.

When you’re experiencing heaven on earth, you don’t care about the past. You don’t care about the future. All of the years that you lived, no longer matter. They’re not in your mind because you’re enjoying the present so much. From a mathematical standpoint, your age becomes invalid. You’re basically just a consciousness at present moment in a high state.

You can’t view a heaven on earth context through a hell on earth lens. They don’t get it. Whatever.


I sometimes wonder, “Am I the one exaggerating things?”

Then I look at around at the average people in modern day society, and I think “Nope”.

“Nahhhh y’all got it. Y’all good.” Lmao.

“Good luck, have fun”. Lmao.

I don’t even entertain shit anymore. I quickly mutter “good luck” and look the other way. ROI is too low. Let the preschoolers figure out the algebra. Too busy with rocket science at the moment.

But yeah, these people have too much artificial and narrowing… not enough grounded expansiveness.
Too many people have lost touch of the vastness, art, ages, history and wonder. Lost touch of what is. Objectively too. It’s always been there. The masterpiece of art is all around you. Experience is a museum. Have a motherfucking gander.

Us empath, deep thinking, sensitive to beauty people have mental divine orgasms from mere comprehension. The shit is next level. And I love it.


I can’t even consider other women, lol.

My partner is not perfect, but she’s perfect.

Having her is like, I can’t look at other women. She has them beat in my eyes… on all levels. She’s not “better” it’s just that she fits me more, to the point that I’m sexually/romantically uninterested in anyone else.

You could bring me 20 naked supermodels and won’t even hesitate to turn them all away. It’s not in me.

A lot of guys say these things, despite not being in an actual situation. We as humans like to mentally masturbate hypothetical scenarios.

It’s kind of like when people see a video of a heated situation. They all say “if I was there, I would’ve done x and x”. For a lot of these people, it’s like… no the fuck you wouldn’t. You wouldn’t do jack shit.

Especially with the “tough guy” type of situations. The point is, there’s a different between imagining a scenario versus actually being in it.

Another example: Public Speaking.

Before you have to do your presentation you’re speaking from a place of comfort “Oh hell yeah I can knock this presentation out, it’s easy, I’m not nervous”. Then you get up there and start sweating, stuttering and have no confidence.

It’s easy to to talk and mentally masturbate. But the real situations put you to the test. They bring the truth out of you. Your real character.

When I say that I would reject 20 naked women… I’ve already fucking done this shit. Lol. I’ve been in situations like this. One just recently where I had just finished a workout, sexually aroused and my partner was at work. A “friend” texted me all types of wild stuff. I calmly set new boundaries. I’ve become way off the richter when it comes to self-control and temptation. Nothing controls me anymore, I’ve just become a better version of myself. Overcoming those scenarios has just skyrocketed my confidence, like nobody can tell me shit. I see men and I immediately gauge them like “yeah, you definitely crack. You would crack like a motherfucking walnut in a heartbeat”. Challenge, growth, scenarios, experience, development. Need to move the goal post. Become the best version of yourself. At this point, I’m honestly not even tempted. Genuinely through my entire being, it’s not there. I can’t. Nobody can give me the romantic/emotional/sexual/intimate experience that I get from my partner. That wholesome, electric, empathic, healing, divine type of shit. Nobody. I don’t care. Like fuck, I don’t have nothing else to figure out here, the clarity is too strong.

This is a funny thing which I need to think about more.

I’ve written on here that I would never consider monogamy and now I’m a full monogamous relationship. I was being super ignorant. Glad I made that choice because this is a different level. Can’t believe I denied this from myself, lol.


back to the wealth games i go lol

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… what else am I denying from myself?

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Lol, thought about trolling Day 600 of WANTED BLACK ZP.

Can’t really go more crazy without going into X rated territory.

Kind of like… Dillon Francis - Not Butter.

My thoughts on that music video are so polarizing. I hate the video so much but I have to respect the creative thought, it’s brilliant.

I love things that conflict me and polarize me. It’s a certain form of depth. Weird stuff

Kind of like movie villains that deep down you agree with on some level.

Complexity of motivation and ideology

I recommend solely viewing the thread through this feature.


Will save you a lot of mental bandwidth…

and brain cells.