Luther's SPARTAN ZP Journal

Just got this Spartan ZP, I’m super excited because I’ve been using WANTED ZP and its been blowing my mind in only a couple days. I’m hooked on the ZP right now and very curious

Listening to it right now and then I’m going to the gym

I will explain more about my current fitness state and other stuff when I come back

Main goals with this sub are:

  1. sculpt a greek god warrior spartan physique with peak human fitness
  2. getting stronger lifts, more stamina, endurance, etc build muscle and become a monster in the gym
  3. cultivate a stronger spartan mentality and discipline

I feel the strong shift already from the Spartan ZP, it’s like my brain is being injected with super spartan serum. Feeling mega focused right now


Some background on my current fitness state:

I started consistently going to the gym since about April/May (Emperor helped me get into that) and I’ve been lazily lifting since high school, so I am by no means a beginner. I’m in my twenties, 5 ft10, about 155-160lbs. My body fat percentage I guess it’s hard to estimate but I’m not fat. I don’t have crazy shredded abs but there is a good definition and my stomach is toned.

My current main lifts that I do are:
Bench Press 180lbs 5 reps
Squat 245lbs 5 reps
Deadlift 270lbs 5 reps

If i increase reps I have to lower weight, also
I can do 13-15 pull-ups in a row with very good form

I’m aiming to gain more muscle pump and lose more body fat while gaining muscle to look like a monster and just become stronger on all of my lifts, also increase my pullups to like 25-30.

Listened to Spartan ZP 1 loop and went to the gym. Extremely noticeable mental shift in focus, determination and mental strength/discipline. After I finished my loop, I felt very pumped and even started flexing like I was injected with testosterone which was pretty funny. Feeling like a warrior spartan in terms of fearlessness discipline and confidence in my physical capabilities. There is a strong desire to exceed and transcend my physical limitations. Also when I came home I went straight into a cold shower not caring about comfort which was pretty savage and I attribute to increased warrior-like discipline and mental strength from Spartan ZP.

The mental shift carried over into my lifts and overall time at the gym. I could feel a lack of mental barrier that is usually there in keeping you docile/comfortable in your workouts. In terms of physical shifting, it’s honestly too early to say, but my muscles are noticeably fuller and feel like they’re developing denser fibers. I definetly feel stronger and my lifts began with more of a surge of power than I’m used to. Seems like my muscles are being activated to channel more strength through my lifts. I also noticed that I’m more agile and have sharper reflexes.

will keep updating


Spartan ZP is a beast,

Woke up today full of energy and feeling very strong. This is a different level of fitness subliminal…

I’m full of so much energy, strength and physical vigor, all I want to do is go to the gym asap and run through sets like an animal. It’s like I’m overdosed on a pre-workout but without any side effects or anything. I’m calm but I feel like a machine, this is an insanely powerful feeling. Wow.

There is a sense of relentless and extreme discipline about training my body. Fitness motivation is through the roof. If anyone is lazy about going to the gym and being physically active, they should get on Spartan ZP

ZP is insane,

WantedZP and Spartan ZP, 2 for 2


I think Spartan ZP can heal the body, or atleast its doing that for me. I’m noticing improved circulation and better posture. My digestion is better. I feel very light, strong and fast even after a large meal. No bloating, it’s like it just gets converted to energy/fuel. My body is becoming a “well-oiled machine” like the description says.

Also I’m noticing that my presence/aura is becoming more “spartan-like”, because of how my body is more balanced and I have stronger posture. I feel a lot more agile and able to move around more. Very open, grounded, strong and radiating fearlessness discipline. More flexibility and dexterity but without sacrificing strength. Not just my physical reflexes but my mental reflexes are sharper too. I can feel the mind-body connection


Hi @Luther24. How did Spartan affect dieting discipline? Did you feel a drive to eat healthy foods and avoid junk foods? Thanks.


My discipline is definitely increasing generally and in all areas. It’s hard to say about diet because my diet discipline is already very strong to begin with. lol

If it’s the opposite of balanced, healthy and nutritionally fulfilling, I generally tend to stay away from it. Things that I stay away from are processed sugar, food, drinks, alcohol, candies, snacks, chocolates etc pretty much anything that I recognize as trash for the body (intuitively) and not having any nutritional value.


Strange stuff happening,

An acquaintance of mine at work asked me if I workout today. I intuitively felt like that was linked to Spartan ZP because it was so out of the blue and they’ve never asked me that. The timing is uncanny because they could have asked me that question on any other day of the past year, yet they decided to ask me that just 2 days after I started Spartan ZP. Yeah this is no coincidence

I also asked them, why? They said “idk”, so it’s not something that I did or anything like that to give them the impression, it was just out of nowhere


My body seems to be healing as I had an instance where I felt very sleepy and decided to take a powernap. I could feel all kinds of changing happening in my body, I guess I entered a healing state to focus on all of that because when I woke up, I felt like a shift had occured. and I felt more energized, powerful and stronger

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SPARTAN ZP + WANTED ZP is a wicked combination.

WANTED ZP is more about changing body composition (losing muscle, gaining fat)
SPARTAN ZP is changing my muscles, bones and systems in a way that focuses on improving performance (strength, power, hardness, density, toughness, stamina, endurance).

My body feels like it’s made out of steel. SPARTAN ZP pushes you towards being physically unstoppable and peak human fitness potential. This is almost superhuman-like and don’t even get me started on the mental affects, discipline and most of all mental tenacity. It increases your ability to be unmoved in any uncomfortable physical or mental circumstances. It builds so much resilience, you can probably walk around naked in the cold weather and not react, this is a different level of savage lol. SPARTAN ZP hardens you mentally and physically, you just flat out become tougher. My body is becoming a steel, unbreakable, limitlessly powerful machine


SPARTAN ZP is healing my body and making my systems more efficient. Improving my digestion, circulation, energy, sleep, hormones, recovery etc.

Literally feeling fit, full of energy, full of strength, stamina and vigor. Feel like an athlete with flexibity, moveability, dexterity etc. Not just a heavy, clumsy powerlifter.

I guess since it brings you to peak human fitness potential, it heals anything that is preventing it

I am feeling great and healthy


I’ve been eating like a monster lately lol

It’s interesting because, I just looked in the mirror when I got home today and noticed that my abdominal muscles are more defined, it kind of surprised me. These ZP subs are pretty fun

I have no qualms or anything like that with SPARTAN ZP or WANTED ZP. They are perfect to me and do their job for the areas that they cover.

In a sense, this combo is kind of basic to me because it’s mostly just physical shifting, fitness, women attraction and stuff like that. I know that it will just keep getting better as I’m consistent with it and my goals. Everything is pretty typical and satisfactory.

I’m looking forward now to what my 3rd ZP will be and that is where it’s gonna get more interesting with more manifestations and stuff like that. This is why I’m excited for EmperorZP or StarkZP but now I’m not so sure if those are for me, I’m more leaning towards ChosenZP at the moment. I may get on RichZP and aim to become super rich or throw in PSZP for that sexual beast edge to my WANTED attractiveness and start manifesting women to test my seduction skills.


I ate breakfast today… Twice lol

I just ate dinner and I’m still hungry so now I have to decide what to eat.
I’m eating a lot of food lately and my body is transforming like crazy,

I looked in the mirror today and was just amazed by how full my muscles look. I’m looking pretty juiced.

It seems like everything I eat is being converted to muscle as my abs are more defined and my arms, chest, traps and torso in general are looking bigger and stronger. My torso is more proportioned as well. My posture is significantly better especially when I’m lying down during sleep. When I walk around I feel very grounded and balanced in my body because of my healthy posture.

I haven’t really gone to the gym much this week but I’m still getting all the physical results lol

You can probably get your dream body on SPARTAN ZP + WANTED ZP. With how I’m physically changing right now, it feels like I’m in a 2nd puberty or something

I don’t even think about my physicality, I feel like it’s all covered. My looks, body, health etc, it all just keeps improving day by day.

I’m likely going to run CHOSEN ZP or a wealth building ZP next, if they release one.


Nearly 2 weeks of SPARTAN ZP stacked with WANTED ZP and the results are superb,

I am getting my dream warrior body. Big, strong, dense and hard muscles, perfect proportions, and chiseled abs are all coming in. I’m starting to get striations and my body looks really tough, dense and lean. I feel very physically capable.

My body is becoming a literal machine and I’m feeding it a lot more calories and macronutrients (protein, carbs and fats) as I get bigger, more muscular and leaner. I am too satisfied, I don’t know what else to say lol.

I am very sensitive to ZP subs, and I’m very curious to use a ZP sub that covers areas like wealth building, intelligence, or manifestations or something like that. Fitness/Physical Shifting is pretty straightforward stuff and I want to have fun with some other stuff, lol

Maybe I’ll get on the MogulZP and start a business


Today I started Wanted ZP and Spartan ZP, curiously enough I just discovered your journal. Great results!!!

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why do I have this feeling that both of us will somehow always have identical stacks :rofl:

Whenever I use the term framework, I’m talking about subconscious framework.

Not “mental” framework.

Terms such as: psyche, mindset, mental, attitudes, perceptions, inner dialogue, inner reasoning, etc.

They’re all noob level - not precise enough.

Precision is subconscious beliefs. Fundamentals. Mechanisms.

The whole concept of congruence that I’ve talked about for years on here, is nothing more than:

Having your subconscious framework/beliefs aligned with your conscious mind.

In my experience, if you have a powerful subconscious framework (what I call a PS5 framework), you get higher flow factor amongst other things. You get to do things that average people don’t believe are possible, and you get to do them easily.

People who don’t get results or have very low flow factor, have weak subconscious frameworks.

They don’t have the wrong “mindset” or “mentality”. Again, precision.

If you zoomed in on their subconscious minds, you would find a lot of limiting beliefs - especially in relation to their perceived self-concept or about the nature of reality. They are objectively deeper into limitation, in terms of their overall awareness.

An extremely efficient way of looking at it, is that they believe in more lies. Absolutely nothing wrong with that, as the human experience is based around learning limitation.

This whole thing I’m talking about is on a subconscious level (subconscious framework/beliefs). Not conscious mind. This is an extremely important distinction.

A common thing is having all of the conscious knowledge (reading books, listening to gurus, learning practices, etc whatever you want), yet having no change in the subconscious framework. There is no shift. This is the same reason why “self-help” books don’t work for most people.

I’m not downplaying them because it’s still processual in a manner which leads to growth (I don’t judge developments), but I more so point this out to emphasis the importance of being subconsciously aligned.

If you go to any mainstream LOA or New Age forum, group, reddit, etc. 95% of the people there are incongruent.

Person A consciously: “Anything is possible!”.
Person A’s subconscious framework: “Fuck no.”


Person A consciously: “I’m a powerful consciousness bro!”.
Person A’s subconscious framework: “I have no power, I’m weak, I need approval, I’m a porn addicted loser and if Black Friday sale goes down I will go fight or flight monkey mode to get that Xbox 720 because I’m so weak and easily susceptible to FOMO.”

Actions speak louder than words.

Subconscious framework speaks louder than conscious mind.

If they are consciously one way and subconsciously in disagreement, then they are incongruent.

Your range of action as a human, is literally confined to the boundaries of your subconscious framework. You cannot act outside of it, it’s impossible.

The more you lack in the subconscious framework, the more you compensate with the conscious mind. That includes intelligence. Congruence beats intelligence.

The “anything is possible” has to come from context in the form of beliefs which are in the subconscious framework. That would be congruence.

In terms of expanding your self-perceived concept and beliefs about reality, you will need to decide that for yourself and manifest it - as you manifest everything else in your perceived experience.

The point of my message is that one can willingly facilitate this for themselves in a manner that is right for them. They don’t have to be some weak, poor, powerless, inadequate and miserable person that sits and gawks at other people who get “better” results than them.

Openmindedness is driven by your subconscious framework. If you consciously practice it, you’re going to clash and encounter recon as you get out of your comfort zone in terms of how feel and perceive the outer and inner world on a subconscious level.

Practicing openmindedness and openness to change, is by itself going against a grain. It’s in the “easier said than done realm”. You will only be able to practice that up to the extent that your subconscious framework can handle, and then you will cap out.

Acknowledging where you’re at, having the intention to expand and taking responsibility to let that unfold is in the “easier done than said realm”. That’s because there is no expectation, it’s purely based on willingness. Everything can then manifest relative to you.

You can find your own context. Some people use intelligence, some people use nature, some people use art, some people use religion. There is no set context, it’s relative to you, given where you are at… in a way that fits your beliefs, in a way that is comfortable for you and most importantly - what you are ready for.

Discover your own context and cultivate your own congruence.

Everyone is at different stages and it’s all developmental.

(Tangent) This is for small group of individuals on here:

Whenever you encounter a strong skeptic or narrowminded individual and try to convince/argue with them… you will always lose. That’s because you’re not even talking to the individual, you’re talking to their extremely defensive subconscious framework that’s holding frame - which is literally like a filter (think in the realm of biases). They literally can’t hear what you’re saying. It doesn’t register because it’s being filtered out by their subconscious framework



dusty ass journal, triggering my allergies lmao


Gonna start new one for Legacy of Spartan :muscle:

Somebody flagged one of Saint’s posts. LMOAOOOOOOOO.

Nah bro… That’s next level beta-male. on my momma. :laughing:


That’s literally all it is in my opinion. You have to direct that lust into becoming a monster, whether it’s action, creativity, fitness, socializing, etc. You can take over empires with that creative energy. You will get gut punched by the gods of charisma and spit out magnetism on to the barren ground, seeding the soil of your own growth. Your own legacy.

Quit porn/masturbation, you will become a beast. Mind you, that’s a basic thing to do.

It depends what circles you’re in and what goal post you want to be relative to. Most men are in flapper circles, where they find constant safety in reaffirming their self-perpetuated and pathetic misery to each other. Low percentile men, get the lower ends of the sticks.

If you grew up in a culture that practiced sexual discipline, delayed gratification and cultivation of the masculine spirit… then you would be cut from a monstrous cloth.

Why is it, that you feel more connected… when you separate yourself?

Most men in society… grew up in a culture of unadulterated weakness, porn addiction and instant gratification. I call it the circle jerk of frailty.

These days, the average male has zero discipline. Absolutely fucking nothing.

It’s a circle jerk because they all think it’s normal. Just a bunch of idiots bragging about which pornstar they jerked off to the previous night… then these same men pedestalize the versions of men that they have no balls to actually bring forth out of themselves. Fucking brutal, lol.

Just a bunch of mindless chickens runnin around, flogging their lil weiners. No class, no discipline, no real masculinity in them. All artificial, nothing primal. Peak fragility in which life provides ultimate shatter. “Men of Culture” type of men. Expendable.

Don’t become like one of them @Furkan. I believe in you.


Empathy is just the ability to understand and feel what other people are going through.

I can feel what you’re going through and still not give an absolute fuck about you.

This is the #1 thing that people don’t understand about empathy. It is nothing more than a capacity.

A good place to start in learning empathy, is to empathize with past versions of yourself. When you were younger and didn’t know any better.

It sounds like you’re talking more about the compassion, care, kindness and love that can come from empathy.

Your real question is, “why should I give compassion to others when nobody ever gave it to me?”

You’re under the impression that compassion has some kind of transactional value to it. That’s why your fear is rooted in giving and receiving.

When I was little, no one ever gave me cookies.

I have friends that I love and I will surprise them with cookies. I never think “well shit, nobody ever brought me cookies so why the fuck should I do that for people.”

I’m good, with or without cookies. I don’t expect anything or need anything from other people. It’s just my genuine expression. I love life, I love people, I love moments, I love smiles. Inside out.

I don’t see it as me doing a “transactional favor” for somebody that I’m expecting to be appreciated and returned in some form or another.

I’m just genuinely expressing myself, based on how I feel and what I want do to.

Fill your cup and express yourself. The compassion you have for yourself will naturally project out onto others.

Empathy is the most selfish and dominant thing ever.

I put myself into your shoes, without even asking you.

My Jordans now.

Once you’re cup is full and your powerful… then you become the standard for people around you. In your friend groups, family, work, etc.

You begin to lead with empathy.

It’s about coming from a place of power. A place of being full. Selflessness, is an incredibly powerful frame.

I don’t have nothing to lose because I have nothing…

I have nothing to lose because I have everything.

Do you get that?

When I was in the darkest hell holes of my life, completely depressed and alone… nobody gave a fuck about me. @bombayduck the world turned its back on me and hung me out to dry. I had nobody.

When I look at some people, I know that I’ve been to darker places than them.

“They don’t know what that was like. They would have turned their backs on me to. Fuck them. It’s a tough world and everyone is selfish. Everyone only cares about themselves.”

This is how I used to think. It’s because I was looking outwards through my own emptiness. I was coming from a place of lack and unfulfillment, then projecting it out onto the world.

Once I changed the filter within myself, I changed the filter through which I viewed the external.

To touch on Empathy a little more:

Understand that people don’t see, feel or perceive like you. They’re a different piece of technology. Everyone is like their own little unique package.

There is something to admire in that.

I feel like the more content and comfortable you are with yourself and your own expression, then it’s like “well I’m good”, so then you naturally start looking outwards and admiring the expression of others. It all starts with your own internal growth.