Lotus in Flames (Alchemist + Emperor + Rebirth)

I felt groggy in the morning and had some vivid dreams last night. Now I feel really relaxed and at peace. I’m curious how it’ll go during the day.

I suppose it’s RM that makes me vulnerable to other people’s energies and when I’ve sensed the negative one I tend to avoid those people. Also, RM makes me feel ok with my vulnerability (related to social interactions) even though people see it in me and try to use it to their advantage. In the past it used to make me upset or angry and now I’m cool with that. However, I’m not sure if I want to keep RM in my stack since it causes that vulnerability to surface in the first place and I’m not sure yet if I want to be that way… on the other hand, it may be only temporary or it may be caused by another sub in my stack or just be a from of recon (which I doubt but I don’t cross it out). Hard to tell now, therefore, I shall keep RM in my stack for a while and see what happens next.

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I feel like this much of the time. Sounds like Renaissance Man may heighten the Watery and artistic aspects of temperament.

(well, I guess that’s what the tin says after all)

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I’m starting to think RM may be a great sub to run if you’re independent and you don’t have to be among people who are rather “primitive” and dealing with them requires of you to be more “alpha”. It’s not difficult to display alpha qualities (dominance, toughness and relentlessness) on RM but it’s not something that comes naturally to you like on Khan for instance. It’s not like I cannot manage with this “kind” of people it’s rather about being effective in your interactions and removing unnecessary obstacles which on Khan (and I guess on every alpha program) comes to you naturally.


Listening to RebirthU now. I’ll be running all the three titles tonight, one loop each with two-hour breaks between. We shall see what happens on the morrow.

I’ll be changing Stark for the Emperor tonight since I think I need to:

  • strengthen my foundations

  • get rid of some limitations related to money, social status, societal norms, sex and power imposed on me by society

  • I would like to focus more on improving my motivation, productivity, drive and become more goal-oriented

  • on top of that, my financial situation needs to be improved too.

Stark offers some of those things yet I consider the Emperor to be more basic than Stark. I think of my alpha foundation as solid since I’ve run alpha programs for some years yet I think the Emperor could take me to the next level in that matter.

I like Stark for its vibe, how it makes me feel and how it affects my social interactions but there are higher priorities I mentioned above. Besides, I believe that after laying foundations with the Emperor it would be much easier for me to execute the script of Stark since I think there are still those limitations I mentioned above that hold me back. I think it’s going to be a great combo (the Emperor + the Alchemist). We’re going to see since that’s a test for now.

I’m giving up on Renaissance Man too since I want to be more focused on what the Emperor and the Alchemist offer.


I’ll be running two loops of the Alchemist and two loops of the Emperor tonight. There’ll be a one hour break between each loop.

The three most detrimental beliefs I want to get rid of are:

  • it’s okay to be poor
  • it’s okay to be nobody
  • it’s okay to do nothing about that
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Right on man!

Congrats on this new journey Emperor Voytek. EQ is one hell of a sub, and a gift that keeps on giving.

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So from now on my stack is:

  • the Alchemist
  • the Emperor
  • Rebirth Ultima

I run two loops of the Alchemist and two loops of the Emperor per night, one hour of silence between both tracks and two hours between the two queues.
I run one Rebirth Ultima per day.

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I slept for seven hours last night and woke up at least three times, despite of that I feel well-rested even though I’m a bit groggy. I had some vivid dreams related to the fear of death and being independent. I feel relaxed. We shall see how it goes through the day.

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The Emperor has made me more decisive and commanding already. Also, it helped me clarify my options if it comes to earning money and what kind of future I could expect staying here in Thailand or going back to my country (Poland). I’m more focused and motivated to improve towards having more financial opportunities. These were two loops only and I’m excited about what happens in the future.


Beautiful. I would have stayed with EQ but when I read Stark would help me find my place in life, my hidden talents and whatnot, I was drawn to that.

My impression of EQ is it’s for someone who already found their calling, and wants to be busy building an empire from that. I’m sure not everything is set in stone, but Stark seemed better suited for what I’m looking for at this point in my life.

I’m very keen to read your findings, my friend.

Btw, have you gotten tangible results or
manifestations from Stark Qv2?


Only on Q, I ran for one week, I had very good results. On Qv2 I was relaxed, careless and more socially apt but the results were much less pronounced. It may be that some of us need that alpha scripting to push things forward or we need to build solid alpha foundations first. That was one of the reasons why I switched to the Emperor; to strengthen my alpha base, destroy my limits, build a better life and then, perhaps, go back to Stark. Stark feels to me like a sub suitable for someone who has already reached some descent level of life like having their own business, some better social life or being at some good point on their career path. I didn’t want to run it just because I’m a teacher and it would be great to have better social skills. Stark is not about that…not only.

Remember Mogul (as you know included into the Emperor) contains the component you mentioned too. That is finding your path, special gifts you can monetize. Also, it’s advisable to look at Saint and his path. He built solid alpha foundations and only then he moved to things like Stark (only for a while, btw),


It seems we have similar results. I’m doing a clean slate run this coming week, all Qv2 so I do not confuse myself.

I have AM but I didn’t know this about Mogul, this is new info for me. Yes I believe EQ can help with this too, but the way Stark was described, it seemed like it would be a better tool for my specific need, plus that it might cooperate better with Khan. That said, I am still keen for an EQ/Stark hybrid down the road.

Based on what I have observed, most of the incredible wealth results I’ve seen on here was from an Emperor based journal.

I had a wonderful time with EQ, I’d like to see yours unfold, you’re going to enjoy it and be pleased, I am sure.

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Which Stage of EF is that?

Please, send Azrield a PM. Thanks! :slight_smile:

The Emperor has increased my sex drive and made me want other women again. I’ve been focused on my relationship for over one year and I didn’t think about other women much. The Emperor changed it and now I feel I’m open to… new sexual (but not romantic) opportunities.


I’m more comfortable, careless and louder in public places and although I don’t feel that kind of power Q used to fill me with and that makes me doubt in its power but it’s definitely there. It’s too soon to tell which technology is “better” for me for now.


Since I started running Emperor I’ve been more prone to get angry and I’ve been less patient but fortunately Alchemist helps me deal with it consciously, promptly and swiftly.

On the other hand, Emperor has become the driving force of the Alchemist and I’m more determined to apply Alchemist wisdom and skills to real life.

Those two powers seem to be perfectly complementary, they seem to create… Lotus in Flames. :heart_eyes: