AM + DR(ST1) + AP Powerhouse

what did u gain externally when your blockages were removed…?
Like removing money blockages got u more money type of things…

I’m reading your DR journal rn btw

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Now, with the Emperor, I’m working on my external blockages that are related to money, sex and power. Before I got rid of a lot of traumas, emotional garbage (fear, guilt, shame) and energetic blockages (negative thoughts and negative self-talk).

That was a great ride!

Recently, I’ve given up on Stark and Renaissance Man for the sole purpose that is removing those external blockages I mentioned above. Of course, they’re deeply rooted and it’s going to take some time until I’m free of them but I’m patient.

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did your money situation improve… did u get a job? online? r u making money now?

Nope, I started running the Emperor only two days ago. On the Dragon I spent around two months looking for some opportunities online but didn’t find anything that would be worthy of my time so I gave up on Mogul (that give me a lot of motivation and ideas on earning/making money) and I switched to the Alchemist and yoga.

why arent u using RICH or EOG or Mogul?

Because I want to get rid of all those blockages I mentioned; about money, sex, power and societal norms. On top of that, I need that motivation, drive and productivity the Emperor gives you. Another thing is; as you know, the Emperor contains the whole script of Mogul. A lot of people reported great successes on the Emperor. I’m not running R.IC.H. since I’m focused on one vital Ultima that is RebirtU and I don’t want to fall in to that most common trap I mentioned and i want to be laser-focused on rebuilding myself utterly if it comes to those three crucial areas; money, power and sex.

You could read more about my Emperor undertaking here:

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Something is definitely happening underneath.

I am feeling more fatigue and tired than usual. But this could also be due to my field stack which is also quite draining.

Last night, I forgot to change loop settings of my music player and played only DR the whole night… 5 Loops…

Rn, I’m at
100+ Hours of AM
~60 hours of Khan
9 hours of DR

AM has certainly disappointed so far, after 100 hours one would expect something… anyways

I’m thinking that maybe I’m not feeling/seeing any positive outcome coz I’m overburdening my subcon with too many powerful subs…

So for the next week from today, I’ll only use Khan ST1 and 1 daily loop of LDU… I wanna confirm if overloading is the issue here… I might 2-3 loops per day

I’m also using Limit Destroyer Ultima(LDU) past few days… 1 loop in daytime… will continue that

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Switching subs all the time is the one thing that will sabotage you more than anything else. You want progress? Pick one sub or create one stack and stick to it for a year. And during those 12 months, take as much action as you can in one single direction. You want money? Run a money stack for a year and focus most of your time on making money. If you really want to change your life, a year of focus and work is nothing.


yo… I’ve been doing khan for 25+ days now… I’m eliminating all the keeping Khan only…

I’m not switching anything… No sub has been by replaced another sub by me

guys I just thoought of smth…

I’ve been doing Khan TB for almost a month now… this weekend… 1 month will be done…

so should I drop TB and move to ST2 TR?

@Azriel @DarkPhilosopher @RVconsultant @Yazooneh @friday @Lion @pacman @laughingprince @Introvert_Uli06 @SaintSovereign

This TB ride wasn’t so rough on me.

I admit I’m basically in a shell rn. haven’t experienced the real world…
I don’t think I have many traumas altho I have some limiting beliefs and confidence issues…

Shud i move to ST2 TR?


Yes, my friend. Move to ST2


does this mean your running Khan only? If you just dropped everything from your stack except Khan, I would continue Khan TB 1-2 week solo with no other subs and see if you experience more obvious effects.

If I misread your journal and you are still stacking 3 subs, I would run khan stage 1 2-4 more weeks unless your intuition/gut tells you strongly it’s time to move on.

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i’m going to do Khan TB solo for a week at least… thats when 1 months gets done for kahn…

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also @rising @Malkuth

I’m sure you read that running more than one sub prolongs the whole process. So running Khan solo for one month doesn’t equal running it along with some other sub for the same amount of time, even if the number of loops was the same.

You have a lot of issues you need to deal with, as far as I can see, and I wouldn’t expect any major breakthrough till you deal with them. Running TB along with LD only would be your best bet in my view, if you really want to run Khan. I would go for the Dragon first, though. Again, I didn’t write it to offend you, that’s what I genuinely think so, please, don’t take it personally. Thanks.

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These may or may not be permanent beliefs, most likely in the moment stuff.

VENTING ALERT… feel free not to read… prolly writing this to look back on at some point; I’m also sleep deprived, haven’t slept all night so

Man wtf is this shit… I’m so fucking young, wasn’t abused or anything in childhood, grew up in a comfortable middle-class family in a good neighbourhood, has good friends in school,

the only thing bad thing from childhood is my poor relationship with my father; he beat me when I screwed up, and I grew up scared of him, I’m 23 now, and we still don’t have a good relationship… we smile and laugh and talk and live peacefully under the same roof. Still, I don’t have that connection with him… his bad temper and absence due to work didn’t allow for any connection to form…

My life with mom was good; she, too, beat me. Her beating was more in frequency and less in intensity… with dad, it was vice versa…

Why the fuck am I reminiscing about my childhood… I want to know why the fuck am I not getting results… where the hell did my subconscious blocks come from… why me?
What the hell are my blocks?
I’ve been reading about the shadow (Carl Jung) and have dug deep inside my mind and have made terrible admissions to myself that was quite ugly… I thought I was clearing my blocks by digging shit up… maybe there’s more to dig…
dont really know what good the digging has done so far…

But my understanding is Subcon blocks stop good things from coming to us…
blocks about love, obstruct love
blocks about money, obstruct money
I’m basing my lack of results on that logic here… I don’t know any other mechanism as of now…

Why the hell do I not get results…?

"If you’re new to sub-club, start with AM for 30 days, 1 day per loop"

Okay, bro… I did that… I used a little more too… I’m at 100+ hours, and I don’t even feel any different… wtf.

How the fuck are people twice, and almost thrice my age getting results so fast…
They must have a lifetime of shit in their Subcon minds; they’ve lived more… endured more shit… they shud have more blocks and shud get results much slower… isn’t it?

how are newbies like @AlexanderGraves (who I hear is very generous and has a big heart) and older ppl like @James stack and still get results…

okay aside from physical results… how are deep internal changed taking place in such users… you don’t need action for that… right?

DR1, Khan TB doesn’t need you to do shit for all the cleansing…

You see how I keep linking blocks and results…? coz that’s the only mechanism I know so far when it comes to manifestation…

OR are subs not exactly part of the manifestation thing?

I am certainly missing something, OR I have a fuck ton of Karmic blocks from my past life (is this thing even real?)
My sis is a very, very good astrologer; we have a fuckton of valuable old books on tons of esoteric knowledge… basically, in my past life I was a priest who stole a little from a temple… that’s what she’s told me… other than that I was a good guy…
We’re a diverse group here… maybe one of u can connect some dots…

I used a cheap paid sub last year, and fuck, I don’t even remember how long I used it, but it made me some fucking money…

I’ve been wasting time on YT subs since Nov 20’ to March 21.’
ZERO results… other people were still getting results from those free YT subs… why not me?
In the discord server also, teenagers are getting results so fast… height increase and whatnot?
wtf is happening in this world?

sometimes i feel i dont even know why im chasing the things i want… truth is i’d be happy with nothing… i want to be in nature and meditate and achieve enlightenment and escape this fucking prison called earth and matrix

I was a very demanding child but since ive grown up i’ve not had a want for anything… in the past 6 years I’ve not bought a single pair of new jeans… changed phone and laptop only when the old ones where affecting my work in college… i have tons of good branded clothes but i dress okay, never any show off…

Does it look like I’m desperate for results? I just feel stupid for all the time I invested here… LIke I want some fucking output… I’m truly glad you guys are at least getting results…

My failure with subs has not made me resentful towards other’s successes… I’m proud of that.

I even tried fields… I have a very severe hair issue… I’m so fucking young.

I tried Harper’s Hair restoration for 21+ days… fucker says you’ll see results in 21 days…
Like fucker what??
didn’t fuckign work

Fields have failed me as well, it seems… I’m still using them tho… only for those physical changes…

I’ve listened to tons of Subcon blockage removal subs from YT and shit… subs that are really popular and lots of people swear by them… but so far… nothing…

I’m at a decent place in life rn at my age group. I have secured a good job in a country infected with mass unemployment… I came this far without any subs or bs, just by sheer force and will

I think I may have to continue this journey without subs as well.

I find that when I’m sleep deprived, I type more and really fast.

If by any stroke of luck you’ve made it this far… sorry for wasting 5 mins of your life that you’ll never get back…

I see writing as therapeutic… that’s why I write shit to get it out of my system… i do that with pen and paper as well…

This is also connected to my idea of digging the psyche for blocks and resolving them…

I’m home for 1+ year now… locked in the house… no friends nothing… the school friends I had I’m afraid I’ve outgrown them… i might cringe at them now… i need friends maybe…

I entered college clueless and wasted a fuckton of opportunities… but since the past 2 years since I found twitter… I’ve grown tremendously… my mindset, actions, everything…

my sister who is 5 years older idealises me, worships me and looks up to me as if I’m the older brother… I’ve drastically changed her life… pulled her out of depression… I’m doing the same with my mom now…
my dad made my mom’s life hell… my and my sister is why she didn’t kill herself long ago


I hope this journal lives… and I can come back here and laugh… or I live with such a full spirit that I forget this mind dump completely

I didn’t mean to attack or demean anyone here… you guys are a helpful bunch and I am grateful…

this is a mind dump, that’s all

Peace :v: I’m gonna sleep now :sleeping::zzz:


I feel like there was a lot of progress in just this one post.

I hope you REALIZE what’s happening.

It seems to me there is a TON of shit you still need to work through.
Reading this I feel like my growing up was easier WITHOUT a father at all. And I thought I had issues.

Maybe you’ve been neglecting for too long HOW MUCH it truly impacted you. Maybe it was buried inside you and is now surfacing?

However, I am just a newbie (no offense, you’re right) so I might be TOTALLY wrong with this.

One thing I just want to send over from @SaintSovereign where he keeps repeating to NOT chase results.

This has been the hardest task for me.
Basically surrender yourself to WHATEVER happens. This was especially tough on Khan ST1. Fucked me up good time and I wanted to fight it because I was scared of losing my business and everything.
But so far it came out better than I thought.

If I learned ONE thing in my short timeframe on Subclub, it is that the Subconscious drives almost everything in our every day life. So setting it up with subs and then ACCEPTING whatever happens seems to be the key.
But is also REALLY hard because the conscious midn doesn’t like it.

Just my thoughts. I don’t really want to give advice, because it could be wrong. I’d rather have the Arch Alchemists on here help you with that.

But it was a great read! Very personal and emotional. Love to see it!
Guess it was necessary!

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all these things are since b4 i started subs btw… nothing drastic and out of the ordinary to show for since after i started subs

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Khan is a life long subliminal. Use it like you brush your teeth. Do it everyday. Now and then you change your paste.

You can go to stage 2 and if at a later stage to feel you need to go back to stage 1 then do so. It’s almost impossible for some one to tell you when is the correct time to go to the next stage.

My suggestion will be to stick to stage 1 the longest even if it means 6 months. You will not regret.