Let's Talk About Subs and MIND CONTROL 🧠

So what you’re saying is that if a sub is not giving you results then it’s futile continuing to run it.?
So if an individual wants to improve his dating life and chances with the opposite sex and the subs aren’t working because he is ignoring the script then where does said individual go to next if the Seduction subs won’t work.? Reading this part was pretty disappointing because it seems to me and correct me if I’m wrong that certain subs will not work for some individuals no matter what.


No, from my own experience, there are 2 ways:

a) You are not YET ready for the scripting, you need more groundwork first. I.e. I decided to run months of GLM and Emperor first, before I go into Wanted.
Will Wanted work regardless? Sure, but it works BETTER and even faster if I have the foundation set up first.

b) It might need a while to actually show massive results, because it needs to drill deep into your personality and solve shit that is necessary first before being a strong man.
For example, if you have a lot of traumas and programming about being a man and what it means to be, this needs to be removed first, before Emperor, for example, can fully unleash its power.
Your subconscious will deny the “higher” scripting until the baseline is built. Then it can proceed.

ZP WILL make it happen. But depending on personal circumstances it might take a while.


This indeed was what I was thinking aswell it’s just that the way Saint phrased it made it seem like if a sub ain’t working for you then might aswell hang up the jersey and try something else.

So let’s say the foundation work is present but all the subs in a certain category still fail to yield results then what is a person to do in those scenarios.?

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I’d say Action is the Hallmark of subliminal receptiveness.

Individual differences notwithstanding, it’s going to be pretty rare that we find someone who is willing, able, and motivated to take effective action in some area, and who will not benefit from a subliminal in that same area.

So, if you’re not sure if a subliminal is hitting in some area, one good strategy is to focus on the action side of things and see how well you could do even if you did not have a subliminal. This ‘tills the soil’ and facilitates change.


I made a CD of DR4 and Khan4 to run in my car.

I also made a CD of DR1 and Khan1.

I found when running the ST4 CD that it was “smooth” in terms of no recon whatever.

When I ran the ST1 CD, however, I found that the recon was noticeable.

I then realized that while the ST4 CD had no recon, it also had no actual results. The foundations from ST1 and ST2 just weren’t there yet.

So it was like trying to read Shakespeare without first having a grasp of the language of his time.

That’s the only time I think I’ve stonewalled a sub. And I don’t even think “stonewalling” is the right term in my case. More like my subconscious just didn’t understand what it was hearing yet.


That’s one hell of a good way to put it. It’s what I assumed to be the case aswell and I credit you and Alex in confirming that. The problem however is that it only applies if not being ready for a sub is the reason results arent happening .My concern is let’s just say the foundation is there and one decides to run the bigger guns like Khan but they fail to yield you any results because you ignore the script and that person is taking action like Malkuth suggests. What’s the next step for this person.? Do they just pack their bags and go home since the sub will just continue to be ignored by the subconscious


Nah. I’d try different actions. In NLP terms, if what you’re doing isn’t working, try something else. Go to different places to meet potential romantic/sex partners.

Even just change one thing about the actions you’re taking and see how the results change.

A mindset of playful curiosity.


I’m quite new here but as far as I see the foundations are quite common between the various subs here? I’would they are the natural/spontaneous features of a healthy human being?

One has to basically clean up the mess to uncover these features (with healing subs, shadow work techniques, meditation, or whatever…), not creating them from nothing.

What I mean is, if you have sufficently uncovered your Beign, how is it possible to completely ignore a scripts that AFAICT share the same basic features with all other titles?
Maybe I’m making it too simple though, and going too basic with what I define as foundation (self confidance, self love, self worth…)

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The sub is not artificial.

It’s not this crazy stranger who comes into your life and starts messing with you.

It’s a coach, an intuitive friend, an inspiring teacher.

It’a a magic mirror.

It connects you with depths and aspects of yourself that you may not have known.

But it is still fundamentally working with you; your potential and what you are.

It’s not going to be blocked.

It’s not going to be impossible.

It’s going to be YOU.

The Emperor that is in YOU.

The Khan that is in YOU.

The Alchemist that is in YOU.


Right now.

It may take longer to uncover it. It may be very quick.

Chipmunks take about 31 days of gestation - from fertilization to birth.

Dolphins take about 364.

A month versus a year.

They all come in their own right time.

The various parts and expressions of you are the same. They have their own timings—their rhythms and seasons.

Just try to enjoy the ride, brother.

It will take you to good places.


No. We’re discussing the idea of subliminal audio being mind control, my comments were in that context.


@AlexanderGraves Thank you. That is so encouraging to hear. I just celebrated 8 months with Sub Club and I am not getting the super mind bending results of others but I have felt some results and your words have let me know I’m on the right path. I am beginning to hear and follow my higher self and know that if I keep on keeping on ZP WILL make it happen.


Yes I got that part where trying to mind control via subs is pointless because the subconscious will simply resist.

The point that I was making was for the specific statement you made regarding the individuals that are not getting results because their subconscious is ignoring the script and that would only happen if the script doesn’t resonate with you. So if a person is attempting of improving their dating life and none of the Seduction subs resonate with that individual then where does he turn.?

@Malkuth broke it down beautifully in his last post and it is what I was thinking aswell that maybe such individual would not be ready for such scripts .

That part of your last post concerned me because I have been running your titles for nearly 2 years now and rarely ever switched out my stack it was always consistent but somehow I’m still not getting the results I had hoped for in the Seduction based subs.


Keep pushing or switch to another sub to test.

Regardless as long as you run ZP you will proceed.

But it is a long game for sure!!

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To stack Rebirth.


What were you hoping? How fantastical was it?

What were your actions like? Were they in alignment with the specific title?

Did you get no results / some results / improvement plateaued after X months?



Bringing these here to continue the MIND CONTROL discussion…



Man that was a beautiful way to put that. I figured the subs were unleashing parts of us that we buried deep inside. All we have to do is just focus on who we want to become, then run the appropriate subs while taking actions that align with our goals :grin:


what’s your opinion @SaintSovereign about the above quote ?


@sid Love this! This really speaks volumes to me.

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Great! How honesty related to reprogramming and it’s relation to subs ? What’s your experience about all of this?


For me, I really have had to look at myself and embrace the real me. I know that I am very different and through Sub Club I slowly become the me I was meant to be.

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