Le Journal de Palpatine™ (2023)

I have had maybe 3-4 lucid dreams since 2007. My lucidity is broken basically. That’s why I got Dreams in the first place.

That stack in the screenshot is what I ran in bed as I fell asleep. 3 minutes each.


Gaming Mastery is labeled v3 because it’s the third rewrite of GMX. It’s still ZP v2.


Headed home from the workday in a bit. I’ve been sitting all day with this intuition that GMX3 may stack well with HoM and PCC.

Those 2 are pretty heavy on strategic thinking.
Guess I’ll start seeing tonight how it goes.

I’m mainly thinking about what actionable things I can do to “wake up” this stack.

I suspect EoG and QL may go well in there too. Haven’t thought about that enough to be sure.


Awesome to see your v3 products have started rolling out, then.

I’m really looking forward to a Sex Mastery custom I’ve been planning for awhile now, as well as Spartan.

I’ll be making Sex Mastery one within the next 3 weeks. Is there any bit of a nugget you might be able to share about the up and coming (:face_with_hand_over_mouth:) v3 version?

Sorry to ask a question on your journal like it’s a Newsletter, @Palpatine :slight_smile:

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Worry not. I want SMX3 as much as you do.

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this is a different v3.

This is more like Gaming Mastery 3.0

But the main v3 that everyone is waiting for is ZP v3.


Ah. I haven’t read the Release Thread yet, that’s good to know :slight_smile:

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I did a “power stack” the other day which involved Power Can Corrupt. 3 mins I think.

Starting yesterday a bit and more today, I got what I think was probably my first result from PCC.

I posted in last year’s journal about being ignored by my manager regarding some ideas I had to alter the flow of the telephone IVR at my water company job. So then I emailed the same thing again 2 weeks later to her, and CCd her manager.

For the longest time, I thought of that as an example of “being resourceful” and “doing what needs to be done to get the job done”.

Suddenly now, years later, that story comes to mind again and I realized I violated Law 1: Never Outshine the Master. I could’ve handled that much better in terms of office politics. I may have done well to email her again and alter my approach with those suggestions and make it clear I’d be OK with her taking the reins and letting it be her idea.

She and I would both know who really came up with those ideas. She’d look good, and she’d think of me when it came time for more ideas. Lesson learned.

Crazy it took this long to see the opportunity for growth. I’m gonna run more PCC from here on out. PLUS this realization is what got me to FINALLY buy the 48 Laws of Power book on kindle.

It’s downloading now.

That original entry is at: Le Journal de Palpatine™ (2022) - #269 by Palpatine


In early 2007, I was in a (I quickly discovered) bullshit scam marketing agency. It was part of a thing called “Smart Circle”. If you know, boy do you know.

As scammy as that shit was, the guy in charge said something that stuck with me.

“If you can’t make at least a hundred bucks in a day doing what you’re doing, either you’re fuckin up and doing it fuckin wrong, or you’re doing the wrong fuckin shit”

Today, I have both the Uber Eats app and Instacart app on. And I’ve racked up a whopping $54.69 between them all day. And it’s nearly 5pm here.

Since I’m not in control over the aspects of this stuff that lead to orders showing up, it’s the wrong fuckin shit I guess.

I know I’m far better than doing just this stuff.
That isn’t the issue. The issue I’m having is this fuckin shit is supposed to be easy money.

It isn’t like I live in a farm town population 87 or something like that.

Maybe what’s happening here is I’m manifesting a lack of decent orders to somehow force myself to give this shit up. Not sure.


I’m nowhere near on track for posting as much as I would have in the year, compared to 2021 or 2022.

I just realized that. It seems as if I just have less to say.

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Today, for the first time in a long time, I ran full 15 minutes of 3 titles. Instead of my usual micros, 3 mins or 5 mins.

Did Libertine. Later did Wanted and Primal Seduction. Meditated/zoned out a bit during the loops.

Later in the day, while waiting in the grocery store parking lot/car park, I started feeling woozy. The kind I feel like if my blood sugar is out of whack.

I figured I just needed food. Took me some time to realize it was the subs having an effect.

I went into the store, got a banana and a container of diced fruit.

I was at the store deli counter to get forks. And the cute girl in the deli I talk to sometimes, she was there.

I felt super bad of course. And it was weird. Like I could feel my aura TRYING to fire.

And she seemed to alternate between being attracted and looking at me wirh confusion and concern. Aura didn’t have enough energy to fire and sustain I think.

That was interesting to note even as I felt like I did.

Got out to the car, ate my banana, and 3 pieces of watermelon, 3 pieces of cantaloupe, 3 pieces of honey dew melon.

I started A stopwatch right as I started eating. Took me 8ish minutes to eat all my stuff. Felt way better already by then.

The uptick in energy almost seemed unbelievable/placeboish because of being only 8 minutes.

But it was an empty stomach. So maybe it just started hitting fast.

I still am a bit on the dizzy side. But I’m not out of it like before I ate.

I was so out of it that I nearly just walked out with my banana and fruit without paying for it :joy:

Who forgets to pay for the sole things they go in there for?


just reading into this journal and here i was thinking am running too many subs trying to do less. how long are you washout usually and how has the bloom been on all these subs?

I rarely wash out. I just run stuff when the thought hits me normally.

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Holy moly your stack lol


Yeah it’s interesting most days.

That’s happening with me too. Part of it is I’m working less so have less time with not much else to do.

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I read the first law of 48LP. Never Outshine the Master. Before bed.
Read that and than ran a full loop of PCC while thinking about the first law and how I’ve either followed it in my life or violated it like at the job I mentioned recently.

Then sleep
I had a doozy of a dream. Still hazy on details. So I’m posting a bit here as an anchor for when I remember.


Yoda in a business suit.

EDIT: My plan is to run a full loop of PCC for each chapter of 48LP I read.


The thing @SaintSovereign mentioned on his journal regarding the newer aura scripting weeding out those who won’t be interested, I love that idea.

I know that aura thing has been overdiscussed by now, but it got me thinking about something else.

It got me thinking about when I was in a network marketing company which provided legal services.

I didn’t do well with their traditional/old-school approach of “invite people to your house!”, “hit up all your friends!”.

I know that stuff works somewhat, but it’s also rooted in a time pre-internet. I prefer using newer tech when I can.

I read a thing once about when Robert G. Allen was in Usana (he may still be. dunno) and he set up a phone recording to tell people about the Usana business opportunity. Told them enough info about it, that it was an MLM/NM company etc…so they could decide whether or not they want to know more. Leave a message with their contact info if so, hang up if not, etc.

I did the same with my gig. Rented a phone number that was voicemail-only basically. Told them what company I was with, how much it’d cost to get started (the full amount, not the discounted amount that sometimes happened), that it was a 1099/contractor thing and not a W2/wage job, and so on.

I ran a classified ad (dating myself a bit?) in the county paper, which had a circulation of about 15K customers at the time.

I got 4 calls, 3 were legit interested, 1 of those 4 asked “Is this an actual job that pays a paycheck?” and I politely said that all that was covered in the message, to call and listen to the full thing and decide. Never heard from him again.

I love the idea of pre-qualifying on autopilot. It saves SO MUCH TIME!

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Writing the previous post got me thinking (haha).
Back when I first got into doing paid hypnosis, I made a big sign that said something like “Stop smoking now with hypnosis!” and put the phone number I’d set up (again, with a recording outlining all the pertinent info like how much I charged for a nonsmoker session).

I would spend a few hours each day on different street corners being my own sign holder.

This guy I used to work for happened to be driving by, pulled over and talked me up, see how I’m doing, etc.

This guy isn’t one I’d ever work for again (a backstory there I’ll keep off the journals).
I mentioned the recording, and how it pre-qualifies people for me.

He was of the opinion that “Nah! Don’t put the price in the recording. Have them call you so you can SELL them on the price!”

Nah thanks. Having contact only with those who are ready to move is my preference.

I absolutely detest when I go to a website looking to buy X, and where I’d expect to see a price, it instead reads “Call for quote”. Fuck that. That tells me they probaly charge different amounts to different people for the same shit.

Palpatine out.


Yep… or, they rely solely on high-pressure influencing.

I’m the same way, call for pricing for a custom enterprise software solution? sure. Call for pricing for even the off-the-rack solution? Fishy.