Le Journal de Palpatine™ (2023)

If you still want to be a developer I think a title like this would be great:

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Specter as in Harvey?

Edit: I didn’t read down far enough. Upvoted!

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Yesir but any person that has had great career success like the CEO of Google or the CEO of Apple. Both started as employees then got career success.

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Revelation of Law

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I just submitted the order to upgrade BILLionaire V1 from Q to ZPV2 custom.

The Cores/Modules
  1. Ascended Mogul Core
  2. Ecstasy of Gold ST1 Core
  3. Ecstasy of Gold ST4 Core
  4. Debt Annihilator
  5. Deus
  6. Informaticon
  7. Instant Business Tactician
  8. Financial Success Reality Shifter
  9. Limit Destroyer
  10. Omnidimensional
  11. Mosaic
  12. Rebirth
  13. RAIKOV
  14. Secret Source
  15. Sultan
  16. Trailblazer
  17. Unrelenting Wealth Motivation and Energy
  18. Marketweaver
  19. Merger of Worlds
  20. Wealth Limit Destroyer

I should be able to stack Nouveau R.I.C.H. with this and get some amazing results.

My next custom will be either another money/wealth one based around Nouveau R.I.C.H. or one based around attraction, relationships, sex, etc.

Still thinking about that.


This is the sex custom I’m considering (mainly because I’ve got enough $ left right now to use the cores/modules I’ve already licensed prior). Unless I wait until my paycheck hits to license S&SX

"Untitled Sex/Relationship Custom" (EDIT: Settled on IrresistiBILL lol)
  1. Sex & Seduction X ZP Core
  2. BDLM Core
  3. Alexander’s Play
  4. Focused Arousal
  5. Gorgeous Manifestor
  6. Instant Seducing Tactician
  7. Long-Range Seduction
  8. Male Enhancement
  9. Seducer’s Gaze
  10. Sexual Manifestation
  11. Temptation
  12. Deus
  13. Omnidimensional
  14. Submodel Alpha
  15. Merger of Worlds
  16. Yggdrasil
  17. Limit Destroyer
  18. Rebirth
  19. Mosaic
  20. Limiting People Remover

EDIT: Changed the above list. Dropping Emperor, Prevent PE, and will license Limiting People Remover module and S&SX Core, and BDLM Core.

EDIT (lol): Licensed S&SX Core, Limiting People Remover, and BDLM Core. Just a few $ short of being able to order the custom, so I’ll do that once paycheck hits in a few days.


ok so I ran S&SX, Wanted Black, and KB4. 5 mins each. Let’s just say more than once. I ran it while falling asleep.

Then any time I woke up, I’d put it back in, fall asleep again.

Probably 3x in total. My brain can handle it.

Anyway, wow. Nearly every dream was either revelatory or transformation in nature.

The job I work at now, they are dog-friendly. Meaning people who work in the building drop theirs dogs off for a bit in the suite I work. Doggy day care.

So I get dogs pets and cuddles in at least 3x per week.

Dreamed that one of the dogs shit all over the carpeted floor, and I was going around with a broom and dustpan (lol) trying to get the pieces into the dustpan.

Some old lady at work (only exists in the dream. Not IRL) kept screaming “Palpatine! Focus over here where I’m at!”

and I screamed back “I started cleaning up this literal shit before anyone else, you included. And I did the logical thing and started at one end of the office working my way to the other side. YOU focus where you are!”

And all during this, I had the slight but constant thought train of “Need to get back to the Navy on time so I don’t miss the boat leaving port!”

EDIT: Overall I’m impressed the speed at which this stack altered my dream content. There were plenty of other dreams, that’s just the one I remember right now. Recall will hit later today for any others.

I really don’t like when those Navy dreams shows up. I left that shit in 2005.
May need to run RoD for a cycle someday to see if I can get to the bottom of those Navy dreams.



How do you feel now?

I think the navy dreams are processing some unprocessed trauma. Maybe. Which is fine. Embrace it young Padawan. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::wink:

The irony is I could work it out faster if I had a good hypnotist :joy:
Only 2 hypnotists I’ve really trusted fully. One died of cancer, the other is retired (70s years old now).

Every other I’ve looked at these days who were close brings woo-woo higher-self crap into their hypnosis.


I know a couple non woo woo hypnotists.

They mostly train and certify though.

I wonder if you could experiment with that where you “imagine” one of the ones you trusted was here right now and taking you through the process.

Or bring yourself back and create that after the navy.

That you did all the processing with one of those guys back then.

I dunno. Maybe that’s cray cray too.

The point of real hypnosis is you’ve got a hypnotist and a hypnotee. The hypnotee has to go so “deep” for certain stuff that there ends up being nobody driving the car beyond that if there isn’t a hypnotist present.

So self-imaging them doing the process doesn’t work well. It’s why I used to record hypnosis sessions from a third person POV. As if I were hypnotizing someone named Palpatine.

So there’s still a voice directing the show.

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So I’m officially learning Ruby. Had a false start with Hackety Hack.

It’s still a thing but the barrier to entry is too high for me to deal with.

Since _why disappeared, and others took over, it appears to have lost the “For pure beginners” element to the point that if I want to use Hackety Hack, I’d need to build it from source.

Building from source is a huge weakness for me I’ll have to address at another point in time.

So I just installed Ruby to windows from the main Ruby site and going through a beginner’s tutorial from scratch.

So far, Ruby>Python in terms of intuitive grasp of the language.

I’m also reading Why’s “Poignant Guide to Ruby”. That helps a lot to see Ruby as more than just another language. That book gets philosophical af.



So I’ve been running S&SX, WB, KB for a week or so.
Last night was a sub day and I changed it up. Ran Nouveau R.I.C.H., BILLionaire V3 custom, and BDLM.

Dreamed I bought 2 SUV type vehicles. One for me. One for the wife. And found a decent house to rent.

All without telling the wife. Just did it with money I’d stashed over time. Did it and figured she’d like a steady place to live and a car of her own. So I’d deal with any upset she had.

At one point I find myself planning how to turn the basement into a kickass lab/workshop for my tinkering.

At one point, I hosted some kind of big party in the house. The wife wasn’t around yet.

I was manning the bar in the house. Two very gorgeous girls, maybe in their 20s were eyeing me and talking about me from across the room.

They didn’t realize I had super-hearing in the dream.
Girl A asked Girl B how old she thinks I am. Girl A thinks I’m cute at least. But can tell I’m older.

Girl B says “He is cute but seems way old. 30 maybe.”

I resolve that if anything comes from this, I’mfonna make my move on either one or both. Even though A seems the most into me.

I make a small show of “noticing” them looking at me and do a quick head nod.

They come over, A asks how old I am. I act all mysterious about answering for a few minutes. B pulls out a calendar type thing trying to figure out my age. I finally say I’m 48.

B is grossed out. “Ewww gross, let’s go A”

They leave.

The dream ends with them on a bus back to wherever they’re from.

A sort of voiceover thing shows that A already can’t stop thinking about me and regrets not taking things further with me because B got to her.

In the dream I’m legit “the one who got away” and she can’t stop thinking about me.

I woke up from the dream feeling quite amazing and confident.


I was thinking about the house in the dream ^^^^^. I realized this is a house I’ve dreamed about before once.

In THIS dream, the history of it is a bit different where my dad used to live in it. As I was moving my stuff in, I told the landlady and her husband that my dad used to rent it. Like it just came up in conversation

Shes suddenly got all weird, and being negative toward me. I finally said “I am NOT my father!”



BV1ZPV2 now exists!
Downloading now to run it through my script to make microloops of it.

I’ll be running an eventual stack of:
S&SX/BDLM custom
Sex Mastery, Diamond or Divine Diamond (Not fully decided yet. I’m still tinkering with the idea of adding one of them as a 3rd core to the above custom.)

Although Wanted Black or Khan Black would make a killer 3rd sub to stack with BV1 and the S&S/BDLM custom.

Too many possibilities, and waiting on my paycheck still.

EDIT: On days I run BILLionaire V3, I’ll also run 30-60 second of Nouveau R.I.C.H. to “upgrade” the wealth scripting in BV3 with the NWE. I won’t count that as a slot per se since it’s just for helping BV3 be more in line with the NWE.


So I went to bed last night. Ran:

  1. Noveau R.I.C.H. (30 seconds to get the NWE flavor for the stack)
  2. BV1ZPV2 (3 mins)
  3. S&SX (3 mins)
  4. RoD (3 mins)
    (decided RoD will be my 3rd sub. Help regain more constent lucid dreaming ability…but also help with using dreams on whatever comes up from the other 2 main titles)

Will replace S&SX store sub with the S&SX/BDLM custom I’ll be building.

Ran one loop, fell a bit asleep, woke up as the last track ended (because I set my microloops to start 5 seconds in, and end X time after, the beginning and endings are abrupt. no fade).

Took headphones off as that ended, went to sleep fully.

Dreamed I was in a huge facility of some sort. Not sure exactly what it is. I’m in charge or some aspect of something in the buildig (?) but I’m walking around all over the place trying to find some specific ID card, or credit card. Something card-sized (lol) and can’t find where I put it.

A smattering of the others in the facility (my underlings I presume) were trying to sow seed of discontent about me being “incompetent”, since I can’t find the important card I’m looking for. Like they’re trying to get me out so they can take over my position.

I’m not worried about them in the dream. More focused on finding the card I need.

(This tells me maybe I should run PCC more at some point)

My dream recall is usually spot-on as @Sage_Ninjistic can attest. This one is just snippets though.

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Reading the posts by @Feuerwerk, @ouroboros and @NinjaGazin got me thinking about that above. Instead of RoD (which is really just a “nice to have” more than anything), I need to run Heartsong as my 3rd title.

Every time I’ve run HS, I shy away because of the recon. And I know I’m stronger than that. I need to run HS and just work through whatever shit and muck it brings up.


Here goes…


Just a heads up that my partner and I listened to it once every couple of weeks or so. Once a week max. We let it bring up the recon. We had our “productive heartsong fights” and then we let all that simmer down before listening again. Slow and steady wins the race.

I think Heartsong really does have an initial result of making you see all the ways that your partner ISN’T your ideal partner… that’s a necessary part of finding out what your partner would have to do to really be your “ideal” partner in the first place.

But that causes conflict when all of a sudden you say “you don’t do this for me!”

So don’t listen to Heartsong faster than you’re implementing it in your relationship I’d say.

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