Le Journal de Palpatine™ (2022)

Finally settled on a small stack.


I’ve always found it annoying that I can give people pretty insightful input into whatever they ask me but me, I’m blind to what I need at times.

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I’m making progress with learning C. It’s easier having already done stuff with JavaScript, PHP, Arduino, etc.

Loop structures are nearly identical.
I might end up making a simple prose/text adventure game purely with C. Should help me learn more.
I’ve pretty much figured out arrays already too. That’s definitely one of the things a text adventure game would help solidify. My mom and I made one years ago in TRS-80 BASIC.

It was pretty sweet. Starts out with you in the desert outside a small ghost town.
You can walk into the town. If you tried going any other direction than toward town, it would just say “You are in the desert outside a small town” haha.

The ghost town has a bunch of small buildings, etc. Barber shop, Livery Stable, blah blah.
The only real actionable thing was in the Barber Shop, where if you sit in the barber’s chair, it would fall through the floor and you end up in a subterranean maze type thing.

One of the rooms is a cave with a switch on the wall. a Lever type thing.
If you flip the lever, you hear a rumbling sound and water floods the room and you die…then you basically spawn back above ground.

It was a simple little game, but it got lost. We were saving out latest copy to disk…I reached over and turned on the printer so I could print out the code.

Those old TRS-80 computers were notorious for line noise, RF noise, etc. they basically had no power filtering whatsoever. Which is one of the reasons they got a redesign and came out as the Model II.

When I turned on the printer, it spiked the code in the computer…saved it trashed to disk…was trashed in RAM. BOOOO.

Anyway, I think it’d be cool to make one of those…when I talk about prose/text adventure games, think stuff like ZORK, Enchanted Castle, Madame Fifi’s Whorehouse Adventure (personal favorite of mine)

*** The reason I said text game would be great for solidifying array structures is those are nothing BUT arrays.

One array is for location descriptions, another is for items in your inventory, another would be for the location of other characters (like the thief in Zork).

Certain actions you take, it will change the text values in the location array. So if you flip are in the control of the dam in Zork, and push one of the buttons, it will change the description slightly so that room will now say either “The Sluice gates are open” or “The sluice gates are closed” and so on.

OK enough geeking out. Time to learn about bitwise operators :wink:


With the exception of learning a bit more C today, this sums up my day:

More about C:

I’m at the point in my learning curve where I try shit and if it doesn’t work, I work like hell to figure out why. Trial-and-Feedback

So far, I found out you can use increments and decrements on elements in a string array!
Example, I have a string (which in C, are treated exactly the same as arrays, being just an array of characters)
Say the string is a variable named ‘a’ and has a value of “aaaaaaaa”
char a[]=“aaaaaaaa”;

I realized today that you can actually do increment/decrement on any given “element”
So if I look at that last ‘a’ in the string, I can use:
and that increments it the same as would work for a number. It actually IS arithmetically incrementing it by taking the ASCII decimal value of ‘a’ (which is 65) and it becomes 66.
And since this is a string of characters, it ends up being a ‘b’ now so that:
char a[] = “aaaaaaab”;

I think what’s fascinating me about C is it is technically considered a “high-level” language, but it’s actually only ONE layer above assembly language. Which is in itself just one layer above machine language (which is writing programs using nothing but 1s and 0s).

I’ve been thinking of the stuff @SaintSovereign has mentioned in regards to cracking the code more and more with ZP.

Seems to me that ZP is the latest milestone in getting closer and closer to approaching being able to write very efficient “brain programs” in the actual native/machine language of the brain/mind.

I imagine it being like beginner-level subliminals starting with full-on English in the “code”…and each build method and scripting innovation going more and more “low-level”.

Like how I first learned using the BASIC language on a TRS-80 Color Computer 1 (I’m getting older haha) and now I’m starting to learn C.

Not even C++ right now. C. And I’m loving it.


whoa. blast from the past.

used that too back then.

and had a TI99/4A at home.



That looks B E A Utiful. I love old tech like that. It reminds me of the learning spirit I had as a kid. I still get it in spurts now. I definitely will be getting Quantum Limitless though. I’ve mainly avoided using Stark because I’ve no desire to be actually FAMOUS like Tony seems to relish it.

My fav scenes in IM1 are of him tinkering in the shop, and he says “J.A.R.V.I.S., you up? I wanna open a new project file.”

I’ll probably just move forward with running Stark sooner rather than later. I’m not gonna manifest the lifestyle I want by holding back.

When I was still working at Apple, I ran Emperor V3 for several weeks.

I ended up stopping because I was afraid of it interfering with my job. Looking back, EV3 probably would’ve saved me a lot of anguish if I’d just stuck with it.

I need to move forward now, yanno?

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@Malkuth Here’s what my first computer looked like:

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Holy s**t. I just remembered this show that I watched back then.

I literally haven’t ever looked this up on YouTube. I forgot all about it. That means the last time I saw it was 1980-something.

And the crazy part is that I was thinking, ‘wow, that song kind of slaps’. haha. It’s probably 40 years old.

“Me mum” helped me to buy the book and course, that I think were associated with this show. I still appreciate that now.

On an unrelated note, do you ever think about the fact that when your parents were first raising you,. they were basically at an age that you might now call “kids”. hahaha. My mom was a ‘kid’. She was a nice kid.

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I try to avoid such thoughts haha. It just reminds me I’m running out of time to figure out what my “it” is.

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My first computer:

Time goes by… :smiley:

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Assume it also ran BASIC? (Imma start a thread for this stuff haha)

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Good idea. Yes Basic.

I love BASIC. It’s kid’s play for the most part now…and if I try stuff in BASIC, I’m like “BASIC can’t do this? JavaScript can!” haha

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Time for me to get real with myself I think.
On one hand, I’ve held off running Stark because I don’t want the “fame” aspect it brings. Kinda wanna be more of a “behind-the-scenes” type of Emperor. At least that’s what I tell myself.

On the other hand, I want the “fame” that would come from being the best lover I can be, sex with (maybe) multiple partners, and so on.

So do I want “fame” or not?

I guess the real issue isn’t IF I want it, the real issue is more likely what KIND of fame do I want?

If I had bought QL already, I’d likely be running it with Stark as my stack going forward.

The past few days of doing this C language learning actually made me feel like that 9-year-old kid again. Sitting in his room with the TRS-80 CoCo (was a model 2 by that point haha. My first CoCo I put pics of…I was 5 when I got it).

Sitting in his room, typing in program code from books, shit not working, scratching his head “WTF?”, then reviewing the code in the computer to see what the issue was.
It was FUN. I didn’t have much of a social life as a kid because I was balls-deep in the computer.

I love(d) computers because they don’t talk back. They may spit out some confusing stuff at you, but that’s the GIGO concept. It irks me when people blame stuff on “computer error.” Computers only do what they’re told. Period.

Anyway, this all is back to what @SaintSovereign said. You can’t lie to Zero Point.
I eventually wanna run QL and Stark at least. a cognitive/geek stack.

I’ve held back for years from reaching whatever my greatness is.
My dad used to hate that I’d spend hours in my room as a teen creating a Tic-Tac-Toe program that eventually became UNBEATABLE…basically by remembering all the board configurations led to it losing before.

He’s been a geek his whole life basically, got into radio in his kidhood…made a living out of it. Two-Way Radio sales and service. Building small towers for customers.
He used to pull me away from the computer stuff to help him with the radio stuff.
He wasn’t into computers at ALL until I got into my adult years.

He didn’t understand why I was so into the computer. I still am, but not been as focused on anything of substance, except the Empire Project I sometimes mention (mostly software-based).

This stuff with C has reignited it though. Fanning the flame to make it bigger.
When my dad said what he said a while back about how he’s basically disappointed I seem to have forgot all the “values” he tried to instill in me, something snapped.

I’ve been a bit more vocal with him about things. Because I no longer cares if he approves of me. Just don’t care. If he loves me as much as he says he does, he’ll stop trying to tell me how to live my life.

If he wants to support me, great. If not, it was nice knowing ya, and I’m not gonna call you every day anymore just so you have someone to talk to.

He actually has said to me several times over the past few years how he regrets getting me a computer at 5 years old, because I missed out on “being a kid.” Basically, though, he’s pissed that I am trying to forge my own path, and didn’t jump into the “family business” and do that for the rest of my life.

He’s also pissed I love so far away and that MUST mean I don’t care :wink:

I think I’m rambling at this point. Just know that I am getting QL when I can.
I may run BV3 so that that frees up a slot on ZP days, since BV3 is EoG in its entirety along with supporting modules.

The idea I’m considering is something like:
Inner Circle (though this one may change by the time I get QL)

QV2 Day:
BILLionaire V3

I think I’m definitely feeling drawn back into programming because I should’ve never quit programming in the first place.

I honestly wish I could take Emperor back to when I was about 13 or 14 and give Young Palpatine that to listen to. But since I haven’t cracked time travel quite yet, I’ll focus on the “future” instead.

insert Mic Drop

EDIT: The original point of this post may be hard to discern haha. Basically, I’ll be famous if that’s what it takes to be the man I’m meant to be. If fame starts to bug me, I’ll just iterate from there.

insert second Mic Drop


So I’ve found a pattern on forum while reading back over some people’s older journals…like pre-ZP
some even pre-Q
in regards to Emperor specifically.
guys manifesting hot women, hot sex with them, and the women then seem to have network contacts they introduce the guy to.

  1. meet hot woman…
  2. fuck hot woman…
  3. Hot woman “just happens” to know someone who’s able to help move the needle on his own empire-building.
    like wtf. that’s awesome

Hmmmnm…., hoping for this effect to kick in soon. :grin:

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Can you provide links to those journals?

Search Emperor and network

My subs today:

My next listening day will be my custom BILLionaire V2. That has cores of QL4, EoG4, Renaissance Man

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