Le Journal de Palpatine™ (2021)

No no… THOSE make you look like Princess Leia. :rofl:

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Her: you sure ask for it a lot
Me: No. I offer


Classic :ok_hand: So real that it should be a movie dialogue.


You got game!


R.I.C.H. seems to bring me larger tips for Uber Eats. Today saw a $20 tip. And this is just delivering people their food


I just ordered BILLionaire V3 today.

The List of Modules dun dun DUNNNNNNN

Furious Ascent
Debt Annihilator
Instant Business Tactician
Financial Success Reality Shifter
Limit Destroyer
Unrelenting Wealth Motivation and Energy
Wealth Limit Destroyer
Machine: Action
Submodel Alpha

This should get my ass in fucking gear.


Tell me something I don’t already know :wink:

kidding haha. I agree. I’m definitely shifting.

I’ll be building a custom sometime this year called IrresistiBILL

or should that be “Severely FuckaBILL”? Not sure

It’ll have:

Diamond Ultima Core
Sex Master Ultima Core
Gorgeous Manifestor


You plan on running it solo?

I’ll run it with R.I.C.H. Ultima V2 at least for the more “quick hitting” aspects of the Ultima version.


3 loops of RebirthU in bed led to this dream:

I’m driving around some town late at night. and I see a homeless dude pulling along a bunch of stuff. I do my best to actively ignore him. I realize it’s my son. so I keep ignoring him lol

some dude walking down the street says “He’s your SON! He NEEDS YOU!”
so I reluctantly let my son put his crap in the car and he gets in the passenger seat.

I say “What’s up? What you need?”
He: “You to let me move in with you, like you’re legally required to. I’m your son”
I say “Dude, you’re an adult. I am NOT legally required to do anything in regards to you anymore”

then I say “You’ve got a week. No matter what’s happened by next week. you’re out again”

he scoffs and says “Fine”


the “You’re legally required to” has basis in reality

back when he was still living with us the first time and starting shit, we reiterated that we love him

and he said “You’re legally required to love me, so….”

and I said “You show me a law that says I MUST love you. I’ll wait”

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It’s not a law but I think if a person doesn’t instinctively love their own child something is very wrong

There’s a lot to the story I don’t post here for obvious family privacy reasons. I’ll just say that we ended up having to call police on him 3 times and he went to Juvi each time for stuff he did at home.

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I’m not one to stick my nose into family matters. Hope things work out for you guys.


@summit I have found that 2 loops of R.I.C.H. Solace seems to be my max while driving. Sometime during the third loop I get hit with a wall of fatigue.

One day it hit so hard I had to pull into a parking lot/car park and go offline from Uber app just to take a quick breather.

I’ve yet to see if that’s the case with R.I.C.H. V2 with the “regular” mask.

I’ll check that angle sometime


I got in 50 mins of BV3 before I got interrupted.
An hour or so later, I was sitting in my recliner and a thought came to me:

There are 2 kinds of people. 1) the ones who won’t turn on the turn signal until there’s an opening. 2) the ones who turn the signal on and let people know to get the fuck out of the way.

I realize I want to be the second one.


I’m the second one too.

haha. It’s a similar thing for me as keeping the check marks turned on on WhatsApp.

Yes, I read your message. Yes, I may have taken longer to reply. If you’re annoyed, then you should have the right to be annoyed.

Yes, I’m trying to move into the lane. If you want to speed up and keep me out, well, let’s deal with it.

There’s a part of me that just prefers the honesty and simplicity of that. Even when it’s not convenient.

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Severely IrresistiBILLy FuckaBILL

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Naps seem to be the ticket for me when I hit those walls of fatigue. But I haven’t tried listening to three loops in a row of any single title yet. Sounds a little too intense for me at this point.

Have you noticed any manifestations from RICH yet at that exposure level?

My main income stream right now is Uber, Instacart and doordash. On days I run R.I.C.H. I tend to get a lot more cases of customers tipping extra on the app.

Makes me eager to set up passive income streams more and more to see how that goes

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You must have a good car. I did the math for door dash a while ago and found I’d be losing money on gas just driving around

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