Le Journal de Palpatine™ (2022)

Immediately thought of this :joy:

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I was taught in sales that a ‘no’ just means you haven’t convinced me to say ‘yes’.

Without rapey/manipulative connotations, it’s very sound.

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More than your normal surge of horny energy?


Hopefully metal and not that Kanye shit @SaintSovereign listens to ?

This is " Alpha " music

Even Beavis and Butthead agree


It’s strong and powerful

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About the same intensity. Just more often

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I watched the “Reacher” series on Amazon Prime yesterday. It’s a pretty faithful adaptation of the first Reacher novel “Killing Floor”

Makes new wanna read that one again.

Experiencing recon in the form of not wanting to run today’s stack. BRB. Gonna go run today’s stack.

Ran the stack. Now experiencing possible recon in the form of missing the attention from and interactions with Moonbeam on Libertine and Love Bomb.

Mind is trying to negotiate how to get those back in.

It’s probably recon. SubC not wanting to keep up with Khan1.

I’m going to run a single loop of Mogul tomorrow. Otherwise a rest day. To see if that helps with earnings like usual. If so, may drop AscMogul to Mogul on listening days.

Earnings are nowhere near the level as before. Mainly because dumb shit is what’s being offered lately for deliveries. Talking $3 to take food 6-10 miles one way. By the time I get home that’s anywhere from half gallon to a full gallon of fuel.

So I’ll see if Mogul helps get better offers like before.

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I was sitting in my recliner. Uber eats app open, on my home wifi as per the usual.
Nothing great coming up. And by “Not great” I don’t even mean the whole “I’m not leaving home for less than $10” thing I tried before.

Talking $3.57, $4.12, $5.64 shit to go 5+ miles one way on each of them. I end up losing money on fuel on those, or breaking even, which is still losing money, since I got bills to pay.

I felt a switch inside me just switch. I’m nowhere yet qualified enough, as far as I know, to get a job in software dev.

I grabbed the laptop, which has been in my backpack for the past 3 days, untouched, due to not feeling like doing ANYTHING. Put it up the kitchen table (my current working desk).

Firing up job search boards, I’m looking to just set up informational interviews with whoever I can find, to get a real world take on what I should learn to work in the jobs in question.

I’m waiting on my replacement phone to get here, so I can see if having a new phone at least opens me up to more orders/offers like happened with wife for Instacart when she got HER new phone.

I’m using an iPhone 6S Plus, for context. My carrier decided that it’s “too old” so they disabled VoLTE a while back…and 20 seconds later, texted me “Click this link to get your new phone!”

Plus, I’m pretty sure Apple is still hobbling older devices with the OS updates, even though they deny it of course. No reason for them to allow older devices to work their maximum length of time.

Anyway, as I’ve said before, “Fuck Mediocrity”

I ran Mogul/Rich in bed last night. Figured doing so during sleep would get it in “deeper” for today. But I’m starting to realize that using Mogul and/or Rich just for the manifesting part is sort of a “band-aid” approach.



I’m feeling like I should tweak my stack. Not sure if it’s what Saint called where you can’t lie to Zero Point, or if it’s just recon.

So I’ll give it another week. I think what I’m sensing, though, and assuming it’s the “can’t lie to Zero Point” thing, is that Khan isn’t what I need now. Esp since the “money” parts of Khan (pre-ZP) were based on Mogul anyway.

I DO want Khan, but I think money is more important to me RIGHT NOW.
Plus, between Khan, AscMogul and Emperor, that is indeed a lot of alpha.

So my thoughts on a possible tweak are:

Option 1. Khan+Mogul+EoG
Option 2. EoG+AscMogul

I really want to nail a stack that gets me rich and boosts my sexuality. Rather than breaking out the M1, M2, M3 in separate stacks.

Wanted, Sex Mastery, EoG would be another possibility in keeping with that.

My issue with using ONLY Wanted is that whoever I’d become by running Sex and Seduction long-term, I’m not that guy yet.

So it may be NECESSARY to break stuff out a bit into at least a couple stacks.

for M1:
Sex and Seduction

Sex Mastery

The money stack above of

This may all just be recon talking, so I’ll give it another week to see if it changes or stays the same.


This is a great plan. I would suggest sticking to each stack for three or four months though.


If I do that, I’d start with the money one I think.
Because, right or wrong, having money will help with the sex stuff.
If for no other reason than wealthy me would put off a very different vibe than broke-ass me.

Whenever I try on the state of being able to buy whatever I want, it feels much different than buying something because it’s the one there’s a coupon for.

Khan + Mogul + [Sex Title of your choice]

(I’d recommend Sex Mastery since your wife seems to be into you these days. And anything more ‘search and seduce’-oriented right now may be a distraction from your empire-building.)

From what I’ve observed, you already have great ideas/skills and just need to get through the Winter phase of steady building before things begin to take off.

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That couldn’t hurt anything :slight_smile:

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@Alphamale and I were chatting a bit in DM, and I had a good (I think) idea on how to approach sub selection. Funny how it’s easier to get good ideas on someone else’s behalf.

A bit after posting that, I realized it’s great advice for me too. Kaizen sometimes IS the way.
So for today’s stack I’m running EoG1, EoG4, R.I.C.H. for the wife and I.


its easy to give good advice to someone else haha


In keeping with Kaizen, I may go even smaller than EoG1/4 together. Since that’s still approaching a goal of “BE UBER RICH”.

I’m taking to paper right now to write down exactly who I see myself as in the future. Then I’ll make a list of the traits, beliefs, etc needed to close the gap between me now and Me 2.0.

Sort that list in order of seeming difficulty to achieve a change in each item.
Maybe even figure out 2 subs…one for the “easiest” thing and one for the “hardest”.

Lots of possibilities with this idea.

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My stack this week has kicked my ass. I’m looking to break it down a bit more than I already did.

It’s legit had me tired this week. Fatigue tired and tired of life. I’m not afraid of recon, but this week has been a bit much, even for me.

Not even that the stack is “too big” or whatever. More that I need more pathways of action to let the stack work fully.

That’s why I’m doing what I outlined in the post above this one.

Easing into it a bit slower than usual. If I were in a “steady paycheck” job like before, I think I’d have more leeway to run that stack longer.

Saint is right about how you can’t like to ZP. Money is more important to me.

I realized my M1, M2 M3 idea is totally backwards.
that was Meet Women, Have Sex, Get Rich. In a nutshell.

In the marketing world, the idea of “funnels” is basically where you get potential customers by way of different traffic sources, get them into the funnel and use different structures to get sales.

Partly through persuasion, partly through weeding out bad apples as early as possible.

With funnels like that, it is most effective to optimize the stuff on the “back end” and work your way forward to the beginning of the funnel.

If you just optimize the front of the funnel, that basically takes the form of getting more prospective customers cheaper. Lowering the Cost-Per-Customer.

My M funnel is the opposite.

When really it needs to take the form of M3 (sort out my finances/empire), M2 (get better and better at sex), M1 (Meet/manifest women…wife and/or others).

So by the time I am bringing more women into my “funnel” I’m already damn good at what I do.

Plus, being rich first will help find women, right or wrong. They are drawn to men of means, to my understanding.

“Rockin’” - Duke Nukem