Le Journal de Palpatine™ (2022)

“Rome wasn’t built in a day. But they worked on it every single day.”


I actually think stacking Heartsong with Primal Seduction, Primal and Sex & Seduction somehow focused Heartsong to where it brings up relationship themes as a seduction tool.

Yesterday I was talking to a friend and I said “I’m in love with the idea of your happiness” and she ate that up. “OMG that is the sweetest thing anyone has ever told me”. She’s swooning still today.


After reading that, I realize Stark with Heartsong (and errythang else I’ve run) probably contributed.

I think it’s safe to say that my experiment is working.


I’ve started visiting my mental beach when it’s night. I see the moon and how it reflects off the water.

Similar to the below pic (which is from my FB) but no trees or vegetation. Just sand. So deeply relaxing.




I ran full RoM ultra before bed.

Was having some sort of deeply-layered dream. It felt significant. I don’t recall any specifics because wife woke me up wanting a damn back rub.


I use my headphones. I’ve measured enough to know how high I can do with the volume.

RoM seems to be increasing my Wordle ability.
Making easier leaps as to word possibilities.

Wordle 546 3/6


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I’m at the Zelda restaurant waiting to pick up an order for someone. It’s crowded. As in every table full.

Normally this level of noise and this many people would kick my anti-crowd response into overdrive.

Nothing. Just sitting in the waiting area and amazed at the fact it isn’t bothering me in the slightest.


I laugh when people say “I’m running this sub solo for 3 years”. Playa no you ain’t

I never commit to a single sub or stack anymore.

I commit to outcomes.


In Soviet Russia, outcome commits to you.


In America, we look for a party. In Soviet Russia, the party finds you.


Political party or the fun party?

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Having to explain that ruins the joke.


This was a new joke itself, in case you thought of it as a question :joy::joy:
And don’t even think about taking the credit

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My “overexposure” of 3-minutes and microloops is paying off.

Driving just now and I “asked” EoG what my main problem/issue with money really is.

Got an answer immediately.

“You’ve spent a lifetime focusing making your expenses fit within your income. Trying to do ‘just enough’ to keep stuff going. When you should be making your income grow to meet and surpass your expenses”

I didn’t get that literal wording as a voice in my head. More like a mental dump of that concept.


When I come across the quote that this reminds me of, I’ll share it here :slight_smile:

Seems legit!

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Another insight:

Subs are tools. Meant to be listend to/run until they aren’t needed any longer. The scripting gets “in there”. Minimum Effective Dose will be different for each person, of course.

The real insight, though?

Listening to subs over and over again past MED signals to the SubC that you don’t actually have faith it will do what it does.

Find your MED, run the loops. Trust the SubC to do its thing with the scripting.



At the risk of being overly generalized, engineers love creating new features. Regardless if anyone wants the new features or not.

They want the market to conform to their creations

That’s why most “art” sucks

because the artist thinks it’s solely about the art

when it’s better, financially- and marketing-wise, to find out the kinds and classes of art people want and value

and then make stuff that fits within that somewhat

But they see that as “selling out”

when they could still find out the general kinds of things customers like and still have plenty of room within that to show how creative they are.

EDIT: No idea really where that ^^^ came from. I decided earlier today to buy Ultimate Artist next to add to my toolbox. I’m sure it’ll help me in my pursuit of goals and outcomes. I’m like $2 or $3 short still, so it’ll be a couple days before I get it.


I’m reading “The Spirit of Kaizen” by Robert Maurer, Ph.D. (same guy who wrote “One Small Step Can Change Your Life”)

“If the Amygdala is like an alarm system, small steps are like cat burglars”