Le Journal de Palpatine™ (2022)

I’m running a loop or three of Ascension and going to bed. I kinda feel like disappearing for a while. I’m tired of what seem to be “negative” manifestations. Feels like there’s something inside me champing at the bit to get out…some sort of release…but I’m just stuck right now.

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I’m reading “The Hard Things About Hard Things” by Ben Horowitz.
About an hour or two ago, in the midst of my “woe is me”, I felt/noticed a weird hard lump in my armpit. Enough so that I was like “What the hell is this? I can’t afford a doctor right now to go have it checked”

So I’m reading the book, ran a loop of Ascension while reading. Damn good book, btw (tagging @James since you’re always on the lookout for good stuff to read).

I felt it again, and it’s less than half the size it was an hour or two ago. Weird.
Reading the book has quelled a lot of my “recon” or whatever the hell it is.

It’s almost like the lump is a physical manifestation of whatever shit games my mind is/was playing.


Will look this up.

Damn! These “mind games”!

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I wouldn’t worry unless it sticks around for a while. There are lymph nodes in your armpits, so a cold or infection can trigger this kind of thing. It’s actually really common.

Personally I also get these if I use any anti-perspirant, my body reacts badly against the aluminum in it and I get large, hard lumps in my armpits that will last several days. I can only use plain deodorants.


Emperor Black :wink:

Gotta make $ first. Which means a working car. Endless…

I think MAYBE I got the coolant thing fixed. But now the car is screaming about transmission problems lol. Fuck.

It’s odd. I know quite a few people, self included who’ve had a run of weird and bad luck lately.


I’ve been somewhere in the middle with really positive manifestations followed by bad luck. Time for a new governmental conspiracy?

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My life got more interesting last night.


OK. 2 loops of Emperor Black: Twilight of the Gods so far. Once last night before bed. Once today while waiting on the wife to do a small grocery shop. Got 11 mins of it done before she got back out. Good enough.

I’ve completely altered my paradigm lately around subs. It’s very likely that Emperor Black: Twilight of the Gods is the only sub I’ll do full loops of from this point on.

I don’t wanna say too much about my new approach, since it will likely confuse people. I’ll just say that the the other day, I ran a minimum of 3 minutes each of all the ZP titles I own. Except Seductress, obviously. But I might run that one too.

My new paradigm basiaclly is I listen to subs. And I’ve been using my skills as a hypnotist to instruct my subconscious to take in and absorb the scripting from the subs I’m listening to, and then process and execute any of the scripting that will help me achieve my goals.

And to set aside any other scripting that isn’t immediately useful to my goals. But able to process and execute on it at any point as needed.

My results from doing this have been phenomenal.

I have been running Emperor Black: Twilight of the Gods with the intent of just developing that focus it has, and being able to apply it to my immedaite goals.

I keep using the word “goals” but I realized I’m abandoning my idea of “goals” more and more as this plays out. Instead I’ve got this mental image of Palpatine 2.0. And I’m allowing that mental image to dictate what I do right NOW to become that guy.

I am suddenly able to just open a conversation with just about anyone I want to. It’s really fun with women, naturally. A girl I went to HS with is on the verge of just saying screw all the stuff about being married and meeting up with me. All the guilt I used to feel about even thinking about that stuff has vanished.

I’m finding myself being more confrontation and direct with the wife regarding what I call my “non-negotiables,” such as her saying “I don’t want sex, but I’ll let you rub my back”

Me: “Oh really. Will you now? You’ll ‘let’ me. Sorry I don’t want to do that right now” lol

She’s been saying a lot more lately that I’m being “mean”.
and I say back “Not mean. Just feeling more like me”

I’m not meaning to sound like I’m complaing about her. She’s definitely got her plusses.

Emperor Black: Twilight of the Gods hasn’t stunted my sex drive. I still get hella turned when I think about Zelda riding me. But I’m finding that I don’t get stuck on that.

I’ll be re-listening to these ZPs (all of them) at 30 seconds each to make sure my subconscious knows what I expect of it.

I feel like a different person completely. And that excites that fuck out of me. I am fucking powerful.

EDIT: The thing of goals vs vision. Goals are static images for me. Not useful. I’m finding it far more useful to zero in on what Palpatine 2.0 DOES during his ideal day. The more I identify as the guy who does those things, the smaller that gap becomes.


This is the kind of money manifestations I get on Uber Eats when I run money subs and stay out of the way of blocking the flow.

This was a triple. Meaning I picked up stuff and took it to 3 different people. Batched ordering to save on fuel.

I scrubbed out anything that would identify where the customers live. This means that I got nearly $34 more than I was expecting. Average of each person tipping $11 extra. ON TOP of what they’d already put for a tip!



So apparently leaves get around town by autumnmobile


Today is the first day in a couple days. Maybe three. Where I feel sexual at all

I’m more about making money for water bill and rent.

Emperor Black: Twilight of the Gods at work.


“Rome wasn’t built in a day. But they worked on it every single day.”


I actually think stacking Heartsong with Primal Seduction, Primal and Sex & Seduction somehow focused Heartsong to where it brings up relationship themes as a seduction tool.

Yesterday I was talking to a friend and I said “I’m in love with the idea of your happiness” and she ate that up. “OMG that is the sweetest thing anyone has ever told me”. She’s swooning still today.


After reading that, I realize Stark with Heartsong (and errythang else I’ve run) probably contributed.

I think it’s safe to say that my experiment is working.


I’ve started visiting my mental beach when it’s night. I see the moon and how it reflects off the water.

Similar to the below pic (which is from my FB) but no trees or vegetation. Just sand. So deeply relaxing.