Last Law of Attraction Book You’ll Ever Need to Read

Exactly, lol.

Also, this is the best breakdown I’ve seen about feeling/manifestation and how it’s nothing new. It’s been in my bookmarks for years.

If you like Joe Dispenza or Bruce Lipton, then you will like Gregg Braden. They’re all good friends.


IMHO these are all maps… not territory.
They can be good temporarly if you are lost, but direct (I repeat, direct) experience of present is much more aligned with reality.
So don’t attach too much to maps cause you’ll be deluded :sweat_smile:


A map is your representation of reality, perception.

The territory is reality.

Edit: who creates your reality? :upside_down_face::smirk:

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reality is self created, you (and your sense of self) are a product of reality… as everything else is :upside_down_face:


A good topic with good discussions, thanks guys.

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i saw this in a magick group im in on facebook and I think it’s been activating my pineal gland for manifestation

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This book pissed me off in ways no other LoA book has so it did the opposite for me lol

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Ok I apologize that came out super negative. I appreciate you sharing the resource and trying to help others.

But I read this book about 2 years ago. There was so much filler and he went around in circles. It felt like a used car salesman trying to hype me up about LoA more than giving concise principles. I couldn’t handle it. The other problem is it seemed to center on gratitude which I’ve always had a difficult time with. So it left no alternatives for me.


I love using the Law of Attraction. It’s so much fun! This book is great! Gratitude is a skill you can increase. Then when the momentum builds up. Oh boy you are in a world of wonderful possibilities. Having a journal for your journey is a must. It acknowledges your small wins. Attracting small wins helps build your confidence in the use of this law. You have to practice everyday. You will feel the difference. You will feel light, funny, and calm. Knowing and applying the law is your natural true self.


Rampage of appreciation is an exercise that I love using whenever I attract something beautiful. It really amps me up and leaves me feeling eager, alive and energized. I’m always attracting plant medicine Native American ceremonies, I’m never chasing it. I’m always invited by someone else. It’s crazy. Everyone wants me to be around. They love my energy. It’s magnetic, powerful and beautiful. My friends always text me telling me how wonderful their experience was of me. People can’t get enough of me. I’ve been invited to 5 different events this month alone! 4 ceremonies and one healing event. How does it get any better than this? What else is possible? My life is filled with ease, joy and glory. Things are always working out for me. Money is always coming to me. Love is always coming to me. The joy is so much easier than doubt. JOY, JOY, JOY! I am a powerful magnet for miracles.


Thank you for this audio book! I’m listening to it more and more. I highly recommend it and I’m not even finished with it yet.

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Hey man! You rock!!
Im glad you keep getting all these wonderful experiences : )

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I mean robotic affirming has worked for me in the past.

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What I like more then affirmations is questions.

For example on dates I used to say in my mind why does this girl like me so much, Why does this girl love me so much.

Why does money flow into my life so much. Asking why is a reality cementing questions.

Most people use why on the negative things NEVER DO THAT. If you ask why cant I make any money. Your brain just reaffirms that reality.


I’ve done askfirmations too, more in terms of like ‘Why am I such a good dancer’ etc.

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That doesn’t clash with what I’m saying.

You may not actively engage in have the feeling behind your affirmations being a reality, but you can have the feeling that your subconscious mind is going to take those robotic affirmations and manifest them, thereby helping you create the subconscious feeling that they are your reality. Someone who has a very weak sense of personal power would be closed off to that.

My point is, mechanistically… it’s not the external experience (words, rituals, mantras, drawing sigils), it’s the internal experience (thoughts/beliefs/feelings). That is what manifests. This is a law of how reality works.

The language of manifestation is your internal experience.

Speaking language, can automatically create a frame (basic NLP) which creates a feeling. However, the point is, it’s not the speaking the language which manifests… it’s the feeling.


None of this really even matters anyways. You don’t need to use affirmations with subliminals, especially not Subliminal Club ones.

You can get most of what you want just by running Subliminal Club subs consistently, journaling, taking action, and having clear goals (conscious guidance).

I personally don’t do any affirmations or visualizing.


I appreciate the idea that thoughts are affirmations. In essence, we’re affirming daily with regard to how we think about ourselves and the world and in turn, how those thoughts amass into beliefs. We affirm what we believe is true from our thoughts/mental and emotional responses to the world.

This is a big part in why some people achieve faster, more noticeable, or larger results when utilizing subliminal technology. The ones who struggle the most often reinforce thoughts and subsequent belief patterns that suggest they struggle or are unable to change.

That said, I agree in that properly made subliminal technology can certainly induce massive change, but we do need to take mindful heed of how we think about things.

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Subliminal Club’s technology is so powerful at this point… you don’t really need to do anything else. You just need to:

  1. Listen to subliminal.
  2. Journal.
  3. Take Action.

Everything else is done for you.

Most people can’t even stick to a subliminal consistently, so they have to do all this gymnastics with trying out visualizing, affirmations, etc… it’s all just a coping mechanism because they can’t stick to a stack… or they’re afraid to take action.

I’ve already went in on this forum about how 90% of New Age manifesting is a coping mechanism for trauma. People who have a fear of taking action, low self-esteem, and a fear of rejection… are super attracted to the idea of lying in bed like a potato all day and visualizing their ass off. They get absolutely nothing and this has been confirmed for me 101% of the time with every person who talks like that I’ve encountered both in real life and on the internet. Their QoL is super low across the board, and they usually have very low self-esteem and self-worth. None of them are making more than 6 figures. Its all complete and total bullshit - that’s not how any of this works. I’m not about to support that type of stuff in this thread or by sharing a connection between feeling/manifestation. 90% of New Age is “I have traumas and fears, now I need to cope with it”. This is why you have “shapeshift into a dragon/mermaid” subliminals, it’s literally people with shitty mental illness that want to escape from reality. It’s all a coping mechanism.

I’m not against scripting, because it seems like it’s just clarifying your goals to your subconscious mind as you run subliminals.

For example if you’re running LoTS, then you can script in detail about how you want your body to look like and how it feels… but that’s just consciously guiding the subliminal.