Last Law of Attraction Book You’ll Ever Need to Read

Yes, I think I read it too because I saw it mentioned here on the forum

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Just to put some thought into this book.

I’d recommend it.

I thought it would be like every other Law of Attraction book and would seemingly be different to what I believe in, which is Law of Assumption, but it actually followed it really well. It speaks about different ways of manifesting like Affirmations, Visualisation, Scripting, etc and how one method doesn’t work for everyone and suggests using fall back methods.

I really enjoyed the scripting portion which I was actually thinking about coming back to the past two days or so since I’m working on something.

Would recommend the book, it makes a lot of sense.


Perhaps this is a sign to you to continue your scripts hehehe
Even 3 minutes a day is more than enough : )

Im glad to hear you liked the book also Brandon


I’m curious about this book. How many pages it is? Does he cover anything about the shadow/unconscious?

No matter how much people say that shadow work doesn’t matter, I don’t believe you can bypass your shadow side 100%. Maybe I’m wrong but I most certainly know I wouldn’t be where I am today without diving into my shadow side. My dark side. I see where things are showing up still and becoming more curious of how those experiences have come to pass. It’s all by my doing or some other dark kinky persons doing. I was open to it and accepted their gift. :flushed::speak_no_evil:

I am currently reading a book called Existential Kink where she explains why people aren’t having success with LOA or other new age practices.

Their shadow. The unconscious. The dark kinky desires.

The parts of ourselves that most don’t want to look at or acknowledge. The parts that are resisted. Repressed. Hidden but revealed in many ways if you really pay attention.

She basically explains that in order to get what you truly want you must get off on what you don’t want that you’re currently experiencing. We may consciously think we don’t want those things but deep inside there’s a part of us that does want it. We essentially do get everything we want but may not be enjoying those things consciously. Some part of us wanted those things and got them.

Our most dominate beliefs conscious or unconscious are manifested.

Once we get really honest with ourselves by noticing what we currently are experiencing, become aroused by all of it, something magical happens.

We learn to love all of ourselves. Every single dirty kinky fucked up part. From that place, freedom awaits us. To actually start enjoying and manifesting more effortlessly what we consciously want coming from a different place.

Quote from book: We do always get what we deeply desire, but most of us aren’t that aware that much of what we deeply desire is some highly unpleasant, painful, secret, repressed, fucked up shit.


no it doesnt talk about shadow work
It does mention doubts / negative thoughts and how to reduce them


That’s because you don’t manifest by just saying empty words.

Mind you, this is extremely basic stuff.


Generate the feeling, yes!!! The feeling is the secret.

What about your most dominate beliefs lurking in the shadows? What are you doing with those guys? :sweat_smile::smiling_imp:


i have to finish this book

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Exactly, lol.

Also, this is the best breakdown I’ve seen about feeling/manifestation and how it’s nothing new. It’s been in my bookmarks for years.

If you like Joe Dispenza or Bruce Lipton, then you will like Gregg Braden. They’re all good friends.


IMHO these are all maps… not territory.
They can be good temporarly if you are lost, but direct (I repeat, direct) experience of present is much more aligned with reality.
So don’t attach too much to maps cause you’ll be deluded :sweat_smile:


A map is your representation of reality, perception.

The territory is reality.

Edit: who creates your reality? :upside_down_face::smirk:

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reality is self created, you (and your sense of self) are a product of reality… as everything else is :upside_down_face:


A good topic with good discussions, thanks guys.

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i saw this in a magick group im in on facebook and I think it’s been activating my pineal gland for manifestation

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This book pissed me off in ways no other LoA book has so it did the opposite for me lol

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Ok I apologize that came out super negative. I appreciate you sharing the resource and trying to help others.

But I read this book about 2 years ago. There was so much filler and he went around in circles. It felt like a used car salesman trying to hype me up about LoA more than giving concise principles. I couldn’t handle it. The other problem is it seemed to center on gratitude which I’ve always had a difficult time with. So it left no alternatives for me.


I love using the Law of Attraction. It’s so much fun! This book is great! Gratitude is a skill you can increase. Then when the momentum builds up. Oh boy you are in a world of wonderful possibilities. Having a journal for your journey is a must. It acknowledges your small wins. Attracting small wins helps build your confidence in the use of this law. You have to practice everyday. You will feel the difference. You will feel light, funny, and calm. Knowing and applying the law is your natural true self.


Rampage of appreciation is an exercise that I love using whenever I attract something beautiful. It really amps me up and leaves me feeling eager, alive and energized. I’m always attracting plant medicine Native American ceremonies, I’m never chasing it. I’m always invited by someone else. It’s crazy. Everyone wants me to be around. They love my energy. It’s magnetic, powerful and beautiful. My friends always text me telling me how wonderful their experience was of me. People can’t get enough of me. I’ve been invited to 5 different events this month alone! 4 ceremonies and one healing event. How does it get any better than this? What else is possible? My life is filled with ease, joy and glory. Things are always working out for me. Money is always coming to me. Love is always coming to me. The joy is so much easier than doubt. JOY, JOY, JOY! I am a powerful magnet for miracles.


Thank you for this audio book! I’m listening to it more and more. I highly recommend it and I’m not even finished with it yet.

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