KG Journal - Khlassified Ultimate

Gotcha. Thank you very much for your response.

But things take time also - I am thinking is it better to wait for these to take effect and get me where I want or add ascension to the bunch. Hm

Maybe I should wait. Not sure. `What would you recommend in this situation ? Add it (Or ascended mogul since Hermit said he noticed even more power from it) and monitor things, or wait and give this stack more time?

Tbh deep down I guess I should just wait and let this stack do its thing. No point keep adding things.

I decided to remove Ascension for a reason cuz even tho it feels really good in some ways I noticed earlier something was happening. I was feeling very… Gorilla-like.

Ya I guess I should stick with this stack.

Thanks again for your help! If you still would like to bless me with your further recommendation I’d appreciate it =)!

Perhaps as you continue to listen, an answer will become more clear to you. :flashlight:

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That sounds kind of mystical.

Yeah. I think it’s better to keep with this one.

I also removed ME from the stack, because it felt like too much divergence from the rest of it.

Thanks for your response.

I am being tested I guess.

Oh man holy shit

OK answer did come to me

I gotta keep with the stack I’ve got
Khan is amazing. It’s still doing its work. I dont need ascension. Let’s keep listening to Khan and develop and build that character that I desire instead of looking for answers outside.


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A bit on my experiences with Khan and how it has made some people not go along so well with me.



Actually I realise now

main reason I was a bit derailed and now taking things slow is when I listened to 5x loops of terminus khan, was getting shitty as fuck reactions and got into some fight, eg once some girl was yelling at me (the night before she was waving hearts at me and obviously wanted my dick) next day over some random shi she does this

I couldn’t be bothered to say anything was kinda nonchalant but at same time part of me was like oh maybe you should’ve said something etc - anyways this whole thing - just derailed me

I think I can listen to more loops :smiley: but good to take it slow

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Fish Theory

I realize I listen to Khan for ages. I’m actually powerful as fuck. But I’m used to it. Then other people start treating you in a way that’ll like make you feel not so good because they are actually intimidated by you. Then you gotta find the next step on how to grow. But instead you might feel like “shit I’m not feeling as powerful!”. So you go think I need more loops / different program. Etc.

You are still powerful as fuck, just you and your environment got used to it kind of. That’s the interesting thing. Very interesting. :star:

I hope this helps people who come across this. `those who are listening to some sub/ doing something then suddenly feeling like they are not getting enough results or not feeling happy. Just keep going with your stack. You will find new ways of getting through the blocks that you just became aware of.

And now I realize At least with a program like Khan you can be sure of that. Just gotta keep listening man.


Does your Khan Custom feels indifferent from the regular Khan Stage 4 Archetype, similarly how is the denseness of your Custom, Khan is said to be the densest Program currently available, I can only imagine with that much modules added to it that it feels extremely dense, is it not?


it’s awesome. It’s not easy but I’ve listened to these programs before and when you take action it slowly comes out. Hasn’t been a smooth ride always but results do come as we keep listening and taking action - it’s fine. I can handle it :smiley:
I was asking Fire yesterday about eg is it fine that the modules are maybe not so connected? Then I realized well Khan is Alpha in a romantic and social way, just ~Alpha male, EF is the physicality alpha, strength, vitality, health etc, and Alchemist the spiritual alpha if we wanna think about it like that. So they are still connected. Indeed I had some story in my mind of how these are all connected and wha ti want from it so should be fine.

But ya sometimes reconciliation, sometimes ppl hating on you massively eg I see this a lot at university - feels like I’m the alpha ape and people either r want to get close to get political ties with me or have sex if they are females, or they conspire against me if they think they have no chance or find a chance to backstab me. Shit like this. it’s not feeling nice but it comes with the territory.

So yeah, it’s not easy, and the lessons are more painful before you get the epiphany sometimes so far at least this has been. Eg as I said I was very scared at some point ’ what if these ppl do this or that’ later I realized damn well I can just go dominate them I’m the shit I’m the man, so yeah shit like this. Takes time to get the results, get through the blocks, esp as I have things there that are pretty intense. But I love it and I can handle this shit :smiley:

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Yes you right…i get some peopke that dont every want to cooperate with me. Like you said thats just that territory.

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This is the complete opposite of Stark, interesting. It does make sense though, Masculinity creates polarisation and divides us while Feminity creates de-polarization and unites us. I preferably lean towards Feminity, however, you do need some Masculinity to survive against those with Masculinity otherwise you are going to be made use of in society. A balance of both is probably the way to go.



I have both now in the stack. It’s nice. But it’s still much more masculine than feminine, just as it should be. And I feel in control of which one to bring out. I love it :D.

Btw I think Starkcan be pretty balanced too. It’s just much more talkative and outgoing and … whats the word I forgot… expressive and shit, rather than Emperor / Khan which seem threatening, Stark is a lot more calibrated. It IS in a way how women exert power which is more subtle and less domineering outward.


Wise words!

@Gemstone, what a lovely username.

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Thank you very much!
Yours is great too. A Hermit grows inwardly.

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I have kind of outgrown this Username, well, it is what it is – I’d change it to Magician if I could. Anyhow, it does remind me of my state of consciousness when I began my journey at Subliminal Club.

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We always grow from our roots.
I´m a child in this community, with my 3 month on subs.
A child with a bright future though.

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Perhaps you will morph into a Ruby, Diamond, or Emerald :blush:

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Dragon reborn and khan together is so good.

So good.

I feel being finally. BEING. Real being. Although maybe the khan custom alone would have delivered this I think DR makes it a lot better. So grateful.