Joining the caravan of Love 💖

How can you hold a light when you are in survival mode?

Love in it’s purest form is enormous in its energy. It doesn’t need power or force, it is beyond that. That core energy doesn’t push or pull, it just IS.


Currently on day 8th of my washout before the new technology. Reconciliation litterally comes in waves, and resulting in irritation, tense jaws, and thirst.

Going to be interesting to get into QZP and to learn all the patterns there, and if one goes on the testers and what have reported, the reconciliation is less and different in a way.


The illusion is not the world, but the values we put on it.

Your survival depends on you being in a linear world. Your brain was trained not to let you see anything that would not suit your linear existence. Therefore you have a biased reality.

This process of unwiring this pattern of linear thinking and preferences, call it awakening or whatever you like to call it, really confuses you, over and over again. And really, what keeps collapsing is the whole conceptual framework for your life, the meaning that your mind had given it.

The word that keeps coming up for me repeatedly is Integrity. It is mere impossible atm to just look away when more and broader realities opens up, and old systems and patterns in our society becomes transparent of their actual intentions. Therefore integrity is so important.

But at the same time to think oneself as outside of what’s going on, and try to position oneself above someone or something is not helping either. It’s easy and tempting to make all these easy assumptions, and not to see yourself as part of the chaos and taking responsibility.

Gone are the days for me where personal success and all the Cinderella stories are what ultimately drives me. The world is going through a catharsis, and the amount of people I meet with some kind of depression or other crippling mental disorders are frightening at times.

There’s a big shift going on right now on this planet, the energy is rising and the silent buzz of the masses are becoming louder. What we need is not more things and empty promises, what we need is get closer to one another and to heal ourselves from within.

All of our prejudices, and all other preferences about race, nations, classes, and all of that is something that was programmed in, it’s an idea and fantasy we created. The only way out is in.

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We all have nights, especially me when I have recon symptoms, where I have to go up and pee quite a lot of times during the night.

And how nice that would be to step into a heated bathroom in all it’s glory. The problem is where I live in my little shed, is that I don’t have access to a bathroom during the night.

So in my boxers stepping into nature in -11 celsius(12 fahrenheit), you could say that it wakes you up :grin:

So I now decided no sleep tonight, and just wait for QZP, and maybe, just maybe, I’m one of the ones that gets drousy from listening :sweat_smile:

Best to you on this new journey (or is it just a continuation of the old one)?

I remember you inspiring me to run the love sub. And it was a great experience. Even found my soul mate, but damn I don’t trust myself yet to ask her out. Maybe she isn’t interested and other thoughts are ruining it for me. Still there is love for her and I also don’t want ruin that by being disillusioned. I am a coward.
But that’s okay. I still feel the love.

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Holy moly, what are in these subs!!?

After 7 hours after my loops of Chosen and Wanted QZP, I experience a level of energy starting from my root and sacral area and up through my body, that can only be comparable with taking ecstacy or something similar :panda_face:


I have a resemblence of when I reached one of the highest level of consciousness that I have experienced a while back. I can sense where my awareness originates from. The eyes just feels like an outer layer, this comes from deep within.

I now understand what Saint meant with that these subs works through you :slight_smile:

Also my body has to adjust to the energy levels, so atm I can not sit still until my body has gotten used to this.


Thank you my friend, that warms my heart :heart:

I know what you mean by soul mate, it feel slike you met someone that you have seen before, perhaps in a past life, and you promised each other that you will meet again. It’s going to work out, she probably feels the same way. Happy for you :pray:


I literally have to stretch my whole body, all tensions are releasing from my body. This is just crazy. As I said before, I have experienced this before, but not through something I just listen to for 15 min!

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Things are getting more chill now, but most definately I have shot up in a higher state on consciousness. Just by the way I perceive things, it’s so familiar, but it gets lost when I go down again. Maybe this is a sign of that this might be the new normal?

My vision is better as well. I have this sometimes on QV2, but I get this heaviness, probably from reconciliation. Now that is gone and there is only the improved mental clarity and vision.

Still early on, but I say it looks promising…

Wow bro, that sounds like quite a trip! Who needs drugs, when the human brain has more powerful chemicals that can put you on cloud nine all day, in a healthy way!


Actually what I thought just right now, we have subs instead :slight_smile:

I would compare it to the difference between an old locomotive where you have to shovel coal into a fire to get it going, you will run out sooner or later(substances!).

And this is like those new maglev trains where it runs on magnets instead and power never runs out, because it’s a circular system that feeds itself indefinately.


Abundance is having peace.


Very true my friend!

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Yes. Do you know the peace behind all of it?
I think that you do. Everyone knows it on some level. By just reading these words you are reminded of it.

Thanks for reminding me.


We all do at some level. I have seen it many times lately, but I keep being forgetful. When we cease trying to control that is when magic happens :innocent:

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Actually my friend, when I played my first two loops on Wednesday I had a crazy experience of peace that lasted for hours, thanks for reminding me. We are on to something here in this marvellous community :pray:

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Played a loop of Sage Immortal ZP after one day of processing.

I’m beginning to think that I have been living in a constant state of reconcilliation for over a year. Usually I drink a lot of water every day because I’m thirsty, and especially during noticable recon. And also that makes me have to go and pee all the time. This also made me sleep very disruptive because I had to go up so many times during night.

All this became habitual and not something that I thought that much about unless it became heavy. It’s like when you are sick, all you can think of is getting better. But when you’re healthy it’s easy to forget how grateful one should be all the time for perfect health.

Now on day 3 of ZP, I don’t get thirsty and just sip water from time to time, and I rarely go to the bathroom unless I have been drinking too much coffee. Before starting QZP, I did a washout of 9 days, and even right before trying QZP I had a period of intense recon, and resulting in massive intake of water.

Now the subliminals literally works through me, and instead of my mind having to invest energy in reconcilating input, now this energy works in my favor as I walk and interect in the world.

Atm I’m just walking around and having a feeling of what is it I am really looking at? Not that I don’t know all the labels I have on everything I see, but it’s deeper than that. Observation becomes like a waking and natural meditation. Sage is doing its thing :slight_smile: