Is EoG and RICH Redundant?

Currently I am running EoG, RICH, StarkQ and a custom wife seducer Ultima once I get it.

If i take RICH out, theoretically my brain “load” will go down. I already am taking a sledgehammer to my SubC with EoG.

Should I take RICH out of the line up?
Why should I take it out?
Why should I leave it in?



R.I.C.H. is very much focused on wealth manifestation. It doesn’t have a ton of that foundational scripting that many people need. R.I.C.H. attempts to “brute force” wealth into your life by opening pathways of manifestations – a lot of them – that can build over time. Paired with EoG and/or Stark, R.I.C.H. can be a powerhouse.


aargh. This is another one of those really important statements that may get lost over time. I try to bookmark them whenever I see one. But I haven’t made time yet to go back and read through all of the bookmarks.

Guess I should tag @Meng123, who seems to have an amazing memory for these things, to make sure he reads it.


Lol,already read it when it got posted but thanks for the tag anyway >_<