Into The Unknown - (Friday's Diary)

I am (aware), therefore I am


Doing a subliminal washout until buying and running my custom Q

I already feel my brain thanking me for it


Interestingly, the dreams continue to be extremely insightful. Now they evolve about the past day or future day, always looking at certain situations from a different emotional/physical/spiritual angle.

Since two weeks ago I am also experiencing more “bad” dreams, where I wake up in shock. This is especially noticeable when I take power naps, and also continues when doing the washout.

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Today had a dream where my tooth were getting checked from a dentist and I was there with my mum. We were investigating them in a 3D-life-size model where one could stand/walk in. But the details probably don’t really matter.

Today, the first thing my mom tells me that the inside of her teeth fell out or is broken (something like that)

Also, had a dream about the guy representing my “bully” in my dreams. I know him for long in real life, we had been good friends as we were younger but then went on very different paths. But while I liked him back then he was never a good friend of me, betraying me and stuff like that. Right now, we are studying medicine together but mostly don’t talk with each other and I try to not be near him.

In my dream we met in a situation where we just had to talk, and so we chatted for a second and it was okay. I did not feel any bad feelings towards him but just chatted like I would do if we really meet right now and then left. After waking up, I realized that Attachment Destroyer is probably the most useful healing module for me, even more than Februus. Because I am mostly healed but there are just things I am holding on. There is no reason for it. Just need to let it go

In the last days, I made some realizations and plans for the future by following my intuition, thinking, meditating and studying themes and symbols of my dreams

#1 Continuing studying medicine - I believe it is not the right time for me to drop out. Furthermore, when the world will begin to shift, people like me will be needed to lead the scientific community in a different direction. The world-leading doctors, scientists, and logical-based thinkers are probably the ones who will struggle the most with the changes that are yet to come - as this would need their insight that 90% of what they believe in, got taught, and even teach all those years is (partly or mostly) wrong. Having people inside this community, and not outside individuals, who lead and change their minds and show them the new way, will be an extremely important factor in helping the new changes to manifest.

#2 Leading a team of 10-20 of fellow students to create the best elaboration of the content we are learning. This includes people, who pre-write, go to the lectures and seminars, summarise, make and attach pictures (maybe even memes), add more useful information/ new scientific findings and create Anki cards. It will be hard to make it work at first because all the people involved must operate like clockwork, but I believe it can work. The benefits would be amazing, spending 10x less time on learning for college and knowing 10x more.

#3 Using the free time with the help of #2 to becoming a magician and going my path of spiritual growth. This can be also summarised as going full Hermit-mode.

For now, I will continue my subliminal washout and then listen to Quantum Limitless Stage 4 for a month. After a month, or maybe earlier I will stack it with Khan Stage 4 to see if I am satisfied with results I am getting or need Stark in my custom. After that, the missing 50 modules will probably be added already and maybe more cores and modules, or even some new stacking modules, and I will have read some reviews and get a better picture to what to put in my custom/customs.

But all of this is not set in stone yet. There are always new insights coming in and I am only beginning my spiritual journey.


Now, this is interesting. The same thing happens to me, I thought I was the only one. I’ll sleep all night and have no problem, but take a mid day power nap and have nightmares and wake up with reconciliation and a headache.


I told you guys that there’s a clearing and purging going on in 4-D, the Astral. Globally a massive amount of people have reported ‘bad’ dreams in the past week or so.

Trust me it is a good thing. I bet you won’t be having any nightmares after today. Because the following has just hit us! There’s no doubt in my mind that you guys can feel this energy.


I will add some excerpts from the conversation with Hermit again

And from today:

It is actually getting scary at this point.

MY DREAMS COME TRUE. Or like half of it.
I reported it yesterday and the week/weeks before.
At this point, there is actually no possibility that it is all a COINCIDENCE.

I dreamt about talking with my neighbor Ralf. I haven’t seen him for weeks and we normally just meet when we invite him or when you are lucky you have an 11% chance when you walk around his house that you see him.
So today, 2 hours after waking up and recalling my dreams, I was walking upstairs when I suddenly see him walking the dog through a tiny angle in the window. I could not believe my fucking eyes. I checked again, and yes there he was. He normally never walks around our area, and maybe if he does and I just never saw him, there is like a 0,0000001% chance that he does so at the exact moment, when I walk upstairs and see him through a tiny angle in the window (where I only see an around 2m^2 area) at the day, where I fucking dreamt about him (never have ever before) AND taking into account that this is not a single case, but as you know yesterday, before the days… there are multiple examples and they tend to occur more frequently every day.

I am not listening to Mind’s Eye nor any subs for the last past 10 days or more (this was before starting Ultima) for that matter. Also, I am not sure if this some clairvoyant ability, or just heightened sense of manifestation but it seems more the former tbh. It is just unbelievable. I am also noticing a pattern as I dream about many people in my dreams but only one (or sometimes one topic of the dream) also happens the next dream: It is always the person at the beginning of the first dream I can recall. Just some very strange stuff.


I really resonated with Dr. Strange - really surprised that it never intrigued me before to watch it.

But it also shook my decision to study medicine again - when I continue studying I am exceptionally likely to end up being a surgeon - maybe even a neurosurgeon like Dr. Strange. But my greatest asset is not my hands, it is my mind.

This is true for me as for Dr. Strange. He did not live his full potential while being a surgeon.


Not gonna credit the person who recommended you to watch it? :smirk:

I’ve not had a dream in 3-5 days…

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My dreams went totally nuts after running Ultima B yesterday. I’m not sure if it is due to Ultima B or not, but the dreams went crazy last night.

Only ran 1 loop of it, so I guess we’ll see tomorrow, so far I didn’t experience any dream like relation to Ultima A.

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Now I am looking forward to sleeping I cant :unamused:

Can you explain the pictures and what they mean?




I really should name the thread: “Little pieces from the conversation I am having with Hermit”, so the following is another piece of it. I am sure this will help some of you to make better decisions with choosing your modules for your custom, even when you disagree, it will probably provoke some thinking:

"While you subliminal sounds amazing and is aligned with your divine mission, it is also extremely dense and compact, especially when you still wanna stack it with another dense custom. Your cores alone would be considered very dense a few weeks ago.

That’s why I decided to go a different route today. I am not sure if I will keep at it but there was something that was bugging me with my custom. I felt a lot of the modules, are cool, interesting maybe even needed or essential but give me little extra benefits for the buck. So I determined my biggest sticking point I want to resolve (PE and building the sex life I want) and build my sub with that focus and with your mindset: Using subs to eliminate your most negative traits, the things that are holding you back, and enhance the skills you still can and want to improve. But the first comes before the latter.

So I came up with that:

When I was running Khan or QL I had amazing results. So every module I add from there, I see as a bonus, not as an essential.
The added modules for Khan focus to enhance the most important skills for me or resolve the things I struggle with.

PE: Pretty obvious, and it fucked me up for far too long.
Temptation: Love that module’s description. Will help me to build even more sexual tension with the girls in my seduction process and generate a Johnny Depp aura I have been striving for.
Lion IV: I am sometimes feeling nervous (different from fear) before events or unfamiliar situations. This module will resolve that pretty quickly and will work on much more.
(Panther): If I have one sticking point to my seduction, I would say it is approaching and the first 30 secs in the interaction with the girl. This module might get thrown out because I can remember on Stage 4 that this wasn’t as big of a “problem” than on e.g. Emperor, Stark, etc but added focus on it would still help immensely.
(Invincible Presence): This is the only module that states that it will work on your confidence that’s why it is in. I do believe, having delusional confidence like on Emperor will help me with taking “risky” action, push my comfort zone, and thereby help with resolving traumas by gaining new reference experiences.

Productivity Unleashed and Carpe Diem are pretty obvious. Both I see as so incredibly essential that I want to focus a lot on those.

Now the healing modules:
Attachment Destroyer: I am mostly healed but still have some things that I am attached too. From all the healing modules, this will probably help the most with the things I am already aware of, and will, therefore, work much more focused. Other modules like I AM or Februus are great but they might be too general for me. I don’t need to break down my whole personality again. Though I still thinking to maybe add I AM. I will need to meditate on that longer.
Negativity Displacer: I actually wanted to kick this module out yesterday, but I today realized how beneficial it is (based on the description). This is the only healing module that will help with the EXECUTION. All other modules will break you down while you do your normal living but this will help at the moment you need it the most when you go beyond your comfort zone.
(Gratitude Embodiment): Important module, to manifest more and also enjoy your life. This will work great with Carpe Diem and immensely help when you experience setbacks. I first wanted to include Joy the Vivre for it but decided that Gratitude and Carpe Diem will do the job just as fine and have extra benefits.
((Yggdrasil)): Well not so sure about that because I want to not include more than 12 modules in my custom for now. Still, it is an extremely valueable module so I will meditate more on the choices.

Also, having a “not so dense” (it still incredibly dense with the cores) sub will get me extremely fast and reliable results in the area that need it the most. I will only pay 30$ for the subliminal and thereby can just run it for 3-6 months to try things out and then add more modules when I feel I need them or when new modules (like Godfather and Libertine) get released. So instead of now stacking QL Stage 4 and Khan Stage 4 to see how they interact with each other, I can just run my custom, get rid of the things I need to, pay close to nothing and still have most or all of the benefits I would get from my 21 module custom."

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Just downloaded the app “Waking up” to take my meditation game to the next level. I have been lacking with it in the last days. Why this app?
It is not the first time I used the app and I remember the incredible insights I gained by mediating on the pieces of knowledge Sam Harris was sharing on the app.