Increase Flow Factor

Like all craving, clinging and aversion seem to stop the flow of the universe .

Which Buddhism call the core of suffering


Which sect do you follow?

Twim made an entire thread about it before .

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OK will look for that.

I send you link just gonna find it

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Im Also studying energy Bodies and manifestation. And conflicting beliefs Will lead to nothing or very little.

I have noticed This when I approach Because I was a bit unsure What I wanted so whenever I saw a hot girl my mind was like What Do i actually want and Then a Clash of 2 intentions Which create a lot of tension in the mind.

And sometimes I could barely hold eye contact with that Clash going on. And just felt shy.

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That sounds like me when I am in any social situation.

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Highly recommend twim meditation it’s What We teach to clients before We send them out to approach Then 6 r all tension between .

It’s so powerful.

For example I was on a date with This girl i pretty much fell in love with in an hour. Noticed tension 6 red it.

She just looks at me with bambi eyes I really want you to kiss me right now .

Relaxation is key

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The one thing that comes to mind that I will get in my next custom is faith unyielding


I know @Brandon is,
But I don’t know where you got that impression about me :sweat_smile:

While yes, I do find myself to be quite knowledgeable when it comes to esoteric philosophies, it’s just one of the many things that I learn to look at for the fun of it, and most spiritual concepts that are always promoted are modern-day BS fairytale anyways, so I don’t really buy into that shit (talking from both a logical perspective, as well as scientific).

It’s that belief that will lead you to actually put in work with the sub you’re listening to optimize the results.

Think about it, if you ran Emperor Fitness, didn’t believe in it, nor did you take any actions (like working out) with faith in the sub, and just discarded any potential motivation for action as just placebo, then do you think you’d have a good amount of, if any, results?

The idea isn’t to turn a blind eye to logic and just blindly trusting whatever, when I say to take action with 100% belief, I’m saying to get over your doubts and take action with the sub.

And that right there is a limit, if you don’t believe in physical shifting at all, it won’t really give you results as much, if any, that would be of any significance.

And I never said believing 100% is an easy thing to do, I mean, most people don’t even believe in themselves, let alone a 15-minute rain audio.

Yes, I agree with this, however, it can also come from having confidence (aka belief) in one’s abilities + subs.

Or else I wouldn’t be highly flowing on every sub I touch, cause that would be the same as saying I’m as congruent with anything and everything, which kinda sounds off :rofl:


I wonder about the impact of ZPT or ZPT2 on flow factor.

i second this, my flow factor increased a lot after running some confidence subs like ascension and the love bombs. I 100% believe this is because these subs have greatly increased my confidence in most scenario’s that i can find myself in. Also with the increase in confidence theres some undeniable proof of how powerfully subs can work as its extremely easy to notice (and not just recon), so since than i really havent doubted subliminals ever.


In my experienice Wanted Black is the antidote to those.

Wanted Black is literally healing any type of neediness a man can have and transforming it into an abundance mindset.

The process is painful and often full of recon, but totally worth it.

Most men, before they find Subliminal Club, are super needy and low self-esteem.
Because of how they were treated their whole life by society, plus all the media and hollywood brainwashing.

So going from “Needy Nerd” to “John Wingliss” is a 180° degrees mindset and belief system shift. This 180° degrees turn around is where a lot of the recon comes from.

But in the end totally worth it. I mean, any type of healing is worth it, but especially that of neediness, with which Wanted Black is the best title to run in my opinion. Even better than LBFH.

Even better, Wanted Black has the additional scripting that manifests experiences for you that function as healing experiences which then make sure that you are able to let go all the negativity from past experiences and through this allow yourself to incorporate the new John Wingliss mindset and way of life.


Its interesting you bring up Wanted Black. I tried just a 3 min loop while in Bali on holidays. I manifested so much aggression, it was as if I had too much testosterone.


The flow describes experiences which include meaningful enjoyment, focus, and intrinsic rewards and motivation. A state of mind in which a person becomes fully immersed in an activity.

Achieving this state can help us feel greater enjoyment, energy, and involvement.

One of the things I do to increase the flow is by believing that all my desires are already been manifested.

If I keep on holding thoughts on my mind, that thought/s will expand and influence any actions I make.

A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things. And an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things
Matt. 12:35


this is true, it’s cleaning the neediness in me that I wasn’t even aware of.
the recon was also the worst I have ever felt. but it was worth it.

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I’ve found Khan Black to be helpful with this.



What about Khan?

Well said, lol.

Self-worth seems to be the most important thing. Seems like similarly to self-love, people have a bunch of distorted misconceptions. Like entitlement and inflated self-importance.

I really don’t know where these misconceptions come from, I tried going down the rabbit hole and just quit. Lmao.