PizzaShaman’s journal - Ongoing

Exactly the reason why I keep my subliminal activities to myself.


You can see in the picture where to find the prompt and to rename your journal you have to
tag RVconsultant or DarkPhilosopher. Hope that helps.

Screenshot 2023-05-12 161322


Current Customs in stack:

Marriage Enhancement---ZP Terminus

Sex Mastery X Core
Love Bomb for Humanity Core
Epigenetics & DNA Modulator
Male Enhancement
Prevent Premature Ejaculation
SPS: Endocrine System
SPS: Reproductive System
SPS: Cardiovascular System
Inner Gasoline
Subconscious Flow
Soul Connection
Stress Displacement
Harmonic Singularity
The Wonder

Self Enhancement---ZP

Revelation of Mind Core
Mind’s Eye Core
Deep State
Inner Gasoline
Eagle Eye
Awakened Perception
Energetic Development XI
Subconscious Flow
Mercy Protocol
Way of Understanding
Fusion Optimized
Health Codex


If only I had gone that extra step in the advanced tutorial…oh well.

Thank you @FireDragon for supplying the missing info for me!


5/16 morning time!

I, along with many others I’m sure, am eagerly awaiting the new release today. I have a washout coming up from the 22nd through the end of the month, so I have time to consider everything that will be released.

Did a fasting experiment Sunday into Monday. 28 hour water fast with the wife. I was curious how it would go, as I have plentiful fasting experience with Zeal. I had not been able to do a clean water fast before as I was always on some sort of medication. Now that I am done with the meds, I can go/went for the real deal.

Fasted from lunch on Mother’s Day til 4:15 yesterday afternoon. Listened to 1 Loop of each custom in the stack on Sunday afternoon. Had sexytime MD night and yesterday morning. I didn’t feel exceptionally thirsty, so I wasn’t drinking a lot of water. Massive headache yesterday late morning/early afternoon. Took a nap, didn’t help. I smoked a few bowls, no relief there either. We decided to break the fast to see if it would help with the headaches, as the wife had one as well. It helped a little bit. I did feel like I had gained enough energy to run AC. I try to keep to a Monday schedule for that and while it was on my radar all day yesterday, I wasn’t feeling up to listening until after I ate. Went into AC and directed a boost to Sub Processing and execution for this week, and for a smooth week at work.

I had to work the commencement day at my job this past weekend. I had a LBfH manifestation pop up that day. An older woman came back to my station for another serving of my product. I smiled at her and said, “Thank you ma’am! Seconds is the best compliment I get.” She looked at me and smiled, “This stuff is good.” I thanked her but she continued, “No, you don’t understand. I made (your product) for 30 years in (product famous city). This stuff is Good!”
I laughed and told her I would sleep easy that night, thank you!
A co-worker witnessed the whole exchange and expressed amazement and a bit of jealousy.


5/17 morning time!

I am feeling pretty good this morning. Today is a listening day, so I will get to that tonight after work and whatnot. I continue to look forward to the month’s end washout. I cannot recall who proffered that listening method/routine on here, but it speaks to me.

I was out last night with me wife, getting water and groceries, when RoD dropped. A very interesting product! I will have to acquire it at some point in the near future, as I can see use for myself. I do have to move to lessening greatly or a complete ceasing of my smoking habit to begin to gain any sort of benefit from RoD. The dream interference is real! I did take a break from August-November of '22 and the dreams had been back for the first time in years. There is something to be gained there. Just a feeling.

I have been looking more at my smoking habit too. I arise and have a bowl, and usually start again upon getting home from work. It completely kills any sort of productivity I could be creating. I know it also keeps me at home, as I won’t go out and drive anywhere. While sort of a “duh” thing, it’s also a very limiting thing. I get the feeling that I will be able to unlock better things if/as I am able to get it under complete control. I recall lamenting to a work friend in years long past that it seemed my life was spent managing my marijuana and masturbation habits. While I have conquered the latter, the former…

I’ve looked at how I feel about just doing things too! So much reflection! Maybe the weed is helping with the emotional stuff there. I know I will keep myself from doing things because I don’t want my wife to jump in. I feel that my energy gets hijacked when its just starting to flow and I’m able to start a project, a cleaning task for example. I had been contemplating a basement clean out/reorganization, with the intent of creating my own space down there. Voicing it aloud to my wife, she liked the idea and started speaking with excited interest, outlining how she wants it to look. With every word she spoke I felt my desire to work on the project drain away.

A series of mental jumps here brings me back to having to develop a stronger sense of self. That post from Luther24 in the criticism thread…

I should be more confident about what I want to do and create, and be able to set some boundaries. I should be able to say, “No thank you dear, I love you and I am going to do it this way.”

I have been curious about running an alpha title. I wonder what sort of change or direction it would take me. I’m not certain which title would be good for myself. Time will reveal it. Or RoM!


This dude. You post many things I find relevant! A subtle shift in view and everything changes…


Thanks for letting me know!

And also for linking to your journal so that I can follow it.

There are more journals here now and it takes more time to keep up with them.


Actually, I always appreciate when people put their names in the title of their journals so that I can remember whose it is.

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5/19 morning time!

Yesterday’s listen was 6 minutes of Self Enhancement. Contemplating having a listen of Marriage Enhancement later on today, maybe 3 minutes after work. We’ll see.

Work went well enough. Summertime is slow time at my job, but I was able to keep myself busy.

I have a bit of a headache this morning, but that’s the price to pay for bedtime and morning time romps. I don’t believe it’s sub related. Thankfully the monthly enforced break is upon us and I will have some days to …recover? Recharge?

I’ve been noticing that I am feeling like I can intuit people’s body language more precisely. I observe many interactions at work and while I can’t read lips, I’m feeling like I’m picking up what’s going on.

Made a specialty item at work yesterday. One of the athletic coaches came back to tell me it was the best he’d ever had. LBfH at work I presume!

So far I’ve made it through SubClub release season without any impulse buys. My goal is to make it to June 1st with that in mind. Take stock of all the new offerings and evaluate the stack then. I gotta say tho, the description of Genesis made something stir inside, much like RoM did, and I nearly snapped it up. I feel that it would complement my 2 custom stack pretty well, especially with the action component. With that said, I am still eagerly awaiting Revelation of Body’s copy to see if that would be a good fit.

While I am still anticipating my washout, it will be the longest one I’ve done. I need to keep in mind that sub listening is only a small part of the process, conscious goal directed action is where it happens.
I am curious about the bloom coming my way.

Half day at work today, and a payday on top of that! Celebrating with tacos!


5/23 morning time!

Day two of the washout. I am feeling a bit run down today. I believe the cold that daughter #2’s boyfriend brought over as finally spread to me, as my head hurts with sinus congestion and my throat feels a bit raw. Coffee for the time being. I’ll get my supplements and Zeal in me before I walk out that door, that will help me feel better.

I’ve been following along with the new title releases, like everyone else. I broke down and picked up Genesis, as my wife wanted to listen to that. I’ll admit I gave it a loop too. Felt pretty good on the trailer. I’m still thinking I found #3 although there are more releases to come. UPX could be beneficial, although I’d have to get into programming to get the most out of it. UWX looks real good. I’ve always wanted to get over the hump of mental friction and write a book. I appreciate the bit about hemispheric synchronization in the copy. I personally would want that in every sub I listen to; a whole brain state is best.

Hopefully I can get a fast in later on this week. My food consumption is outpacing my caloric expenditures.

I’ve figured out that I keep myself small/energetically depleted to avoid rejection/keep the status quo. I used to worry excessively that the things I said or did would drive people away. In not doing anything, keeping myself drained to the point where I don’t do much, I don’t have that risk. I know what to expect from my wife if I don’t want to go here or there. But if I start a project around the house (which I’m horrible at. I know I have good “finishing” energy, but not starting energy), I don’t know what she will say or do.

Such foolish fear, ruling my life for 42 years! As I sit here, I realize I simply need to have a conversation with my wife and I should be able to dissolve those fear blocks. Things might not go as smoothly as I want after, but they should be better. My wife has more…alpha or leadership energy then I do, however.

Might as well get started in this journal on the things I do know and have learned. I’ve been on this self discovery trip for a decade now. In that time I’ve learned:

  1. Gateway Experience/HemiSync for consciousness shifting/training
  2. Psych-K for subconscious reprogramming
  3. Qigong from a Monkey Kung-fu grandmaster for energy flow/awareness
  4. Human Design–explaining life mechanics

I feel fine in posting these as they aren’t competing subliminal companies, although I did try 2 different brands before finding SubClub. I’ll share my Human Design chart. For fun. Perhaps someone else here is aware of it.

That’s all for now.

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5/30 Morning time!

Let’s see. Ended the washout a bit early this past Sunday night. How could I not, when KBC was released? I’ve been waiting for this particular subliminal my entire life!! I read it on here somewhere: No stack plan survives first contact with SubClub releases. That certainly seems true for me.

Gave KBC: Stage 1 the first loop Sunday night.

  • About 8 minutes in, pulsations starting from deep within (bottom of the lower dan tien if yer into that) radiating out through my body. It felt like fire coursing through my qi channels, but it was MY fire. It felt like something was being cleared within those channels. I know it felt good, leading to an energy tingling in my hands.

  • Sometime later, within 2-3 hours (not quite sure, but I know it was before I went to sleep): A tsunami of calm came over me. I was in control. Finally. I am in control.

My current quandary is the decision to either keep KBC st1 solo or to add in anything else. (I was contemplating Genesis and either a custom of mine or LD) I desire to get to where I have KBC helping me power other subliminal goals. ST3 (and st4) look to be the power generating subliminal component I was looking for.

I suppose…Well. Just St1 for this first week. I will know if I need to work Genesis in. Ascension Chamber as well! I’ll have to work that in this morning. It’s been over a week since that last listen. I did think of AsC after my first KBC listen, told AsC to improve KBC processing and all that. For the first time, I got something back from AsC. The word, “FINALLY”. Just sort of hanging in the air in my mental cathedral, not consciously created by me.

So. 2 x KBC St1 today.
1x AsC

Til next time!


5/31 Morning time!

8am. I’ve already placed the call to the township about my missed trash pick up. My account is current and all my neighbor’s cans were emptied so I guess mistakes happen. I’m currently debating either taking my dog for a walk while it’s cooler or laying down and meditating with some HemiSync. It’s been about two weeks since my last listen there, and I miss the ease of one-mindedness. Focus 10 just feels good. But the dog is sitting on my foot as I type this. I’m sure he knows.

  • During my day yesterday, I noticed a HUGE difference in my thoughtstream about sex. Normally a
    stray sexual thought rolls into another, into another, etc. I was able to observe the thought and go back to what I was doing or thinking about easily.

  • My mental attitude towards sex is changing. Just a few days ago it was more tinged with need and craving (which itself was a big improvement from before, I credit WANTED for helping me along there). Now I feel calm towards the thought or idea of it, which is odd since I can feel the energy building.

  • My perception of my sexual energy feels more sensitive. I’ve been exploring this for a few years now, and I have some experience with semen retention and energy circulation via qi gong. (Health qigong and the Grand Circle from Today I am aware of my energy building however instead of a raw ball of energy which would soon require release, it feels like a …core that is fortifying. Quite different.

Hmm. If I can stay at ease until Friday morning, I’ll have enough energy to move via qigong. I bet that would feel different on KBC.

I still feel tempted to add Genesis in with ST1. It must be some good stuff because I gave it 1 loop over a week ago. It’s still under consideration. I know from past experience that while my exploration of gathering up my energy is very interesting, without something to put it into it is ultimately pointless. I am not active enough to use up all that energy. But it could power Genesis quite well. Feed the aura and manifestation channels. Ultimately I want to experiment with ST 3 powering my Marriage Enhancement custom, and ST1 with Genesis would be a viable step in that direction. The answer will come to me. For now, I continue with ST1 solo.


St1 hitting hard right now. A surprise adjustment in how I feel about sexytime plans during an upcoming weekend trip. Enough to make me decide to completely alter those plans to something far less.

I kinda feel like I’ve had the desire but not known the way, and KBC is showing me the way.

I feel really good. Running this by itself after my week washout, I feel like I could add something else in. Still thinking about genesis. I’ve also thought about GLM or LD. Something. Something to require this energy I have an abundance of.


6/1 Morning time!

I had the talk with my wife last night about my adjustment in attitude towards sex and plans. She had been looking forward to it, and after some talk we will proceed as previously planned.

It’s my son’s birthday today. 14. My youngest. Due to work schedules, the dinner celebration won’t be until tomorrow. He does have a friend coming along so he’ll like that, and we’ll get ice cream tonight.

Currently finishing up one loop of ST1. I’m still feeling tempted to add Genesis in. Goodness! Well, maybe a loop this coming Monday. Maybe once a week. We’ll see. Proceeding with loop 2 of ST1 now.

Maybe make a note for myself here!
Cycle Day 5:Listening Day
2x KBC St1

  • Lots of energy tonight! It’s been 3 days since the last …release so I’m aware that I will be feeling my energy build but GD! Much more than I would expect given my past experiences with periods of retention.

  • Instead of the usual feeling of energy building and being stuck about my nether regions it is definitely being distributed throughout my body! I am unused to this energized feeling in my limbs and torso. It feels good though. I feel strong.

  • The energy feels different than before. It feels cleaner, which is odd to say (to me). I suppose the “cleaner” feeling is due to the channel clean out.

I wonder if one should actively retain/abstain while on KBC st1? Perhaps it would be better to save retention for a later stage. :thinking: Maybe that’s weakness talking. I don’t know.

I’ve been considering a new idea: running ST2 concurrently with St1. My thought is that it would help me with all this energy I’m currently holding. Food for thought. I believe I could handle it.

I type slowly, and this entry is through my cellphone. It’s been a half hour or so in the typing. I still feel charged up. Like my mana bar is full! I look forward to powering a sub with this energy. I wonder what sort of results the testers got with Mogul and Sage Immortal? I wonder what sort of results I will get.


6/2 Morning Time!

Let’s see…had some sexytime last night. Wife was feeling reeeeeally tired though so I decided to be done without finishing. She took notice and was trying to be affectionate as she fell asleep.

I woke up a little after 5am, feeling just JUICED! Like I slammed some pre workout. Tried unsuccessfully to fall back asleep, so I got up and smoked a bit. Caught up on the overnight thread updates here. The resource list for KBC is coming along I think. I realized yesterday that I have a great deal more to add and offer the community here on this subject. Just gotta get my full list compiled.
I have always had interest in …dual energy cultivation, so I have more information in that area. Secret tip for anyone reading my journal interesting in practicing semen retention while still enjoying sexual activity: Energy-Karezza by Dr. Stanley Bass. Practical advice and directions! Helped me a lot.

What would help me more? My wife getting over her need to have me go BOOM to validate the sex. Had sex after making coffee. Finished.

  • I was quite aware of the level of energy drain the orgasm and ejaculation took from me. I have been becoming more aware of such things in general
General energetic awareness details, possibly nofap triggering

I am not certain what sub to attribute it to, but recently I’ve been noticing that an ejaculatory orgasm from a blowjob drains my energy the most, followed by doggystyle, and missionary is the least draining. Energetic Development XI? Awakened Perception? I don’t know. My awareness has grown though.

But this is a little different. Today I was aware of HOW much was …I almost typed taken from me, but transferred is a better term. I know/feel like …70%ish of what I was feeling prior? I could bust another one or two before feeling completely drained. Kinda fun collecting these data points!

  • Even after BUST, my energy feels different. I still feel it circulating throughout my body. Not quite as much, however it still feels clean. Flowing smoothly.

I think I will hold off on a full scale retention experiment until I get to St3, although I wonder…since it is supposed to cultivate massive amounts of energy, and I already feel so much after 3 days of retention and less then a week on ST1, what will that be like? I will have to pair that with something else.

Still mulling over what to add to the current stack of one. I might just be mulling on it until stage 2. Oh well. Til next time!


Belated Birthday Wishes to your son!


6/3 Evening time!

More awareness of my energy today as a morning depletion’s energy loss expressed as some carpal tunnel in my left hand. My energy level feels low today. Still, while on the trail walk with the dog and my wife, I finally decided to give ST2 a loop today. I’ve invested time (over the past few years) into figuring out which herb blend works for me, so my sexual energy regeneration is fairly high, I feel. I’ve certainly felt my energy build up very quick this past week up until release, even accounting for my supplements. So in seeing what KBC can do solo, I wanted to get a loop of fortifying my energetic channels in my brain. Listened to that a couple hours ago. Gave ST1 a listen just now, and felt some odd pulsing in my left forearm.

My initial take away from my ST2 listen: I’m depleted. lol Naw I felt something, almost like a hardening in me, but I know my energy is very low so not much is circulating.

Had my wife read the sales copy of Symmetry: Helen of Troy and she expressed interest, so I hooked her up there. Her first listen is tonight. It will be replacing her Seductress/Regen custom in a stack with Genesis and LBFH.

I’m going to end up listening to differing subs this coming week. I know I will want to get some SMX in on Friday’s listening for that night’s fun. I want a loop of Genesis on Monday and a loop of my Self Enhancement custom on Wednesday. I want to have a micro-loop of my Terminus custom too! I gave RM:UW some pretty strong consideration. Hell, just journaling would engage that one on a daily basis.
Either way I’m still going to get at least 1 loop of ST1 every listening day.

Cycle Day 7:Listening Day
1x KBC ST2
1x KBC ST1

Guess it’ll be Ascension Monday this week.


6/7 Morning Time!

Still dealing with some nerve pain crap from my left thumb down to my left elbow… I wish I knew what it was. It varies in intensity and sensation. I suppose I’ve been feeling recon the past couple days. I didn’t feel like journaling. I did listen on 6/5, gave myself a loop of KBC St1 and a loop of Genesis. No AC listen, just wasn’t feeling it.

I’m finishing up my loop of ST1 for today right now, and I’m going to follow with a loop of my ME/RoM custom. Friday’s listen will be ST1 and the Terminus custom.

I’d type more but my hand hurts. Still, no update is an update, as they say.

Cycle Day 11: Listening Day
1xSelf Enhancement Custom ZP


6/13 Morning time!

While interesting, I don’t wish to relive the past few days. Too much drama and emotion in my house between my wife and daughters. I foresaw this happening, and I did offer a warning, but “do what you want, and pay the price”. Le sigh.

Spent Friday through Sunday morning at the beach, a few hour drive away. It was pleasant enough, although I am not a beach guy myself and ‘senior week’ was going on. My wife likes to lay out in the midday sun, whereas I find it draining. We did get to see a group of dolphins swim by, that was cool.

Better get my loops recorded here while I’m thinking of it.

6/9 Cycle Day 13
1x BDLM (10 minutes)
1x Marriage Enhancement Custom (5 minutes)

6/11 Cycle Day 15

And that BDLM loop is where I had …manifestation? Expression of Free Will aura? I posted this over on the BDLM thread…(and small victory right now, figured out post linking! hahaha)

To expand: I was just laying in my bed listening to muh subs. I didn’t ask for any sort of action in the morning. It just happened. I will say that my wife initiating things is EXTREMELY rare. So how did it happen? I don’t know. Either way, thanks Sub Club!

Today is:
Cycle Day 17

OH! OH! Lest I forget! (typing while I listen!)
Time for AC! Lets see if we can boost the subs for this coming week!

I’m likely going to take my cycle out a few days longer as I had added in BDLM on a regular basis. Maybe to the 21st. That would be 2 more listening days before a washout lasting until July.

I’m noticing the increased sensitivity to my own energy. While at the beach, there was sexual activity once a day, and after Sunday I felt reaaaallly drained. Unusual. In the past, and I mean before KBC, once a day would be no problem, it wouldn’t faze me. Now is quite different. I have been aware of energy loss for a while, although not to this extent, but now I don’t want to waste the energy busting a nut. It’s just a waste. I know my wife likes it when I finish, but I feel it’s a validation of sorts for her. I get that, I suppose. To move to a relationship spot where such a thing is not a concern, and we can be together on a daily basis would be ideal for me. Hmm. Time will tell.

I’ve also spent a bit a time contemplating a QTKS custom. I like to experiment, and that sounds right up my alley. What to invest in though? What modules/cores would I want for something long term and transformative? Lots of possibilities. BDLM/DivineD/KBCst4? RoM/RoS? Good thing I have plenty of time.

Losing focus. Guess it’s time to bring this to a close.