Heal myself and find who I am

Dear forum,

After searching and looking for a great subliminal maker I came across this site and [EDITED]. I’ve been in contact with [EDITED] but they can’t really offer that what I am looking for so I went to search on Reddit and came across you guys. I will explain my situation as specific and personal as possible so that hopefully you can give me some advice on which sub will work best. Right now I am studying as a hypnotherapist and I know how much the subconscious mind influences the world around us.

to be blunt, my mother died when I was 20 years old and my dad left when I was 11 and left the country when I was 16. He was and still is a alcoholic who was raped when he was about 4 years of age. So my youth mostly was based around addictive behaviour, arguments and alot of emotions. My mom was also a very emotional person and was very focus on making sure I did well in school. After she died I started as personal trainer and later a mental coach. I’ve studied psychology and hypnotherapie and had my own business for around 2 years in helping people. To fast forward a bit, I moved to Spain to live with my dad and after 6 months I came in a big depression and had to go back to the Netherlands where I was born. I quit my business, paused my study and it was like I was just done. I’ve been living this kind of personality for so long that I just couldn’t take it anymore. Right now I am living with my family here in the Netherlands and going to a psychologist to work on the underlying issues with my parents and with myself. Learning the emotions of sadness and anger and how to express this and deal with it. My family says I am know in this deep resting fase of my life to truly deal with all the trauma and pain in my body and mind. I have alot of pain in my throath and chest aswell.

That was quite personal, but I know it’s necessary to get good advice. So now that you know that information. My problem is that I’ve seen countless programs about alpha males, money, entrepreneur and what not. But I honestly want to know Who I am truly, whats my puprose, be deeply in my core and spiritual and heal all my trauma’s and emotions. The next 2 months I will be free from work to really really dive deep and work on myself. After that I can choose which kind of direction I want to go in life and which program will be suited for that. but first I have to figure this out. My questions is then, what kind of program would you advice to do to obtain this kind of change? After looking a bit I came across Dragon Reborn Multistage that sounded really great, but maybe you guys now A better one or have some tips and tricks. Looking forward to your answers :wink:

Kind Regards,



You might want to look at the healing section of the store.

You might also want to look at the Some possible approaches to emotional healing thread.

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Welcome @Solomon,

I redacted your post’s mentions of the other subliminal company.

As for your question, Dragon Reborn will likely be too strong right away. It’s good to have a bit of experience with us before jumping into it. Try something lighter like Elixir, Regeneration or Limit Destroyer. I would go with Regeneration, possibly Elixir because of the pain you mentioned in your throat and chest.

You could also look into Alchemist, as you’ve mentioned spirituality - but I’d go with a healing subliminal first and foremost.

Finally, I would consider a lighter “status” title such as Ascension. While it has plenty of status, it’s also incredible in bringing out confidence and helping you have the guts to face your issues.


Dragon Reborn could definitely help. But if you go the DR route, I would stick to the listing recommendations for running one title. Do DR only.

Regeneration might also help too though.

Welcome to the forum!

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Ah pardon me for using the other subliminal company, makes sence my bad.
Thank you for your reply! I’ve forgot to mention that I already have some experiences with subliminals for about 1-2 years now So i feel confident to start the DR route, even if it’s very hard. I just wanted to know if this will be a good fit and by the likes it seems so. And Yes! I was thinking about doing the Alchemist after I have done DR. Thank you for the advice and welcoming me to the communitiy!


Yeah was thinking the same, just focusing on this program only, thanks for your advice!

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You will need experience with SubClub products before you run Dragon Reborn.

Do the combination of Elixir and Regeneration. It is a very good starter healing stack.


Welcome @Solomon.

I came here in 2018 from another subliminal site. I started with Ascension since I’d been doing healing subs with the former company, and I loved how I grew on it. I used Regeneration later, and I’ve mixed healing titles with alpha titles here since stacking (listening to different titles with different goals on a listening day) is allowed.

Right now I’m doing a Dragon Reborn Stage 1 custom sub, and I’m planning on running DR for a year (3 months per stage). Of all healing subliminals I’ve ever used, DR is a beautiful mix of hitting core issues, not being overwhelmed, growing as a man (masculinity scripting is included in DR), and feeling like . …it’s all going to be ok. I watched a touching movie tonight, felt extremely vulnerable, so I came and wrote about it in my journal. I had a revelation of something I’ve adamantly dodged for decades, cried about it, and released some via writing. I wasn’t even looking for it. It was just rather obvious while reflecting since DR keeps wearing down my mind-blinders and making me aware of possible choices I have to change things.

SC has great subliminals, and you’ll definitely make progress if you stick with them. Welcome!


Greetings and welcome to the club@Jim. You will find that this is a very safe and helpful place. May you find what you are looking for. All the best👍

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Here you can take a look at a journey with Alchemist + DR:

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Why do you choose to take 3 months per stage? I guess the “Normal amount” is to listen for one month each stage right? I’m interested. Will definitely look into your journal!

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Thanks :slight_smile:

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Welcome @Solomon :slightly_smiling_face:
Its recommended to do 45-60 days per stage.

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I’m simply choosing 3 months per stage to let it do its work. I’m 50, and I’ve used multiple healing modalities in my years. I can say from that experience that my lack of results have stemmed from not staying with what was working.

A major model I use in my head is @COWolfe. We both began DR about the same time last year, but he did 12 months of it (using a custom sub with Emperor). His results have shown. I began the store version Stage 2 after Stage 1, but I was listening to so much internal fear that I pulled off it. It was QV2 too, which was much heavier.

But 3 months? So it’ll sink in and clean out what’s being dug up.


I’m impressed by how fast this community responds, thanks!
For now I’ll start with just listening to DB and get used to it before i’ll start stacking. So if I understand it correctly, I start with 1 loop (15min a day), rest day en then after a couple of weeks maybe start listen to 2 loops (30min a day)? I’m still a bit mesmerized that we only have to listen for 15-30min a day. That’s such a great feature!

Also, let’s say after 2 months of DB I got more clarity about what I want, will it be okay to use another subliminal then? Or should I first complete DB before i start stacking with another. I will never stack more then 2, because in my personal believe it’s better to not overdue to much because of the delayed result.

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Makes sense!

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While this is good, be mindful once you start listening to DR. It’s a very different journey with our subliminals and previous experience doesn’t translate as directly. Don’t be afraid to take an extra rest day.

Taking action and journaling is also going to be important.

Read up on reconciliation on the support site - What Are The Most Common Symptoms of Reconciliation? - Subliminal Club Support Hub


Yes you should start with one loop but its not necesseary to increase to two loops. You can but with ZP less is more.

If you feel fine there is no reason to avoid another subliminal. You can stack up to 3 ZP titles atm. But take it slow and build slowly. Here again the recommendations:

I was with another producer for a couple of years before finding SC. Whereas most producers write in a “you are this”, or “you are that” style, SC writes their scripts where we have a LOT more choice. Most of my past recon was from the follower mindset I’d adopted in real life, and I was used to listening to “do this…do that…I am…”. When freedom was offered (meaning I had choice in the matter), it froze me sometimes. Especially with emotional healing subs.

So @Solomon, there will be some adjusting due to this, so starting with a less challenging sub will likely have a lot of benefits if you wish to do DR later.

Yeah I made sure I got time free from work for the next 2-3 months to really give myself all the rest and time that I need. Focusing also on healthy eating, no vices, exercises, reading and yoga like I always did. But I really brace myself for the difficult journey to come. Thanks for the honest advice