Good movie or series to watch?

That was a good one.

Describe this more to me please

Have you seen the show?
I think you’d totally get it.

without getting too into theory
I’ll keep it dumb simple and just say

it’s about letting chemistry do it’s thing.
The only thing that matters is the experience of the time spent with the woman
And being involved in each other’s lives in a way where you offer real value to each other (partially by offering real value to the respective world’s around you) and bringing
out each other’s best.


Damn, sounds like healthy game theory

Ever got so good at game you stop having a certain tactic or approach or belief? That’s how I feel with khan rn, my ego depends on how well I perform with any specific girl at the moments we are together and I just go with my inner flow and learn

I checked the trailers. As I finished the Witcher I will go first for Dragon Dota.

My last manga was The Seven Deadly Sins. Always a dosage of boobs, naughty and action. Cant fault it.


That’s the only way to get really good at game


Like @Hermit said- it’s all in the energy- who you’re being- what you do doesn’t matter.

It’s all your energy and instincts, the willingness to trust yourself is the most ‘Alpha’ thing you can do, everything you could ever need in a seduction is right there in the moment between you and the woman.


I love The Seven Deadly Sins- one of my favorites-- the newest season is not as good but still pretty good

JoJo’s Bizarre adventure and subsequent series is also one I’m found of.

Hunter X is really awesome as well.


Your actions or what you do, does matter to an extent but it’ll be a result of the emotions you carry.

It’s like one person pops a joke and the whole group laughs, while another guy pops the same joke and all you hear is cricket noise.

What’s the difference? The presentation and energy exhibiting from the person and also how this person is perceived by the group.

So, you can mentally learn out of your head a sentence or script or anything which is on the frequency of success as it has attracted the outcomes you want for another person – but if the emotional frequency does not align with the mental frequency of the thought, its manifestation will not work – like a clockwork.

Emotion needs to align with the thought proposed.

that’s true, good distinction, you actions matter to the extent their in alignment with, and expressions of, your energy/instinct.

but someone trying to cognitively executive what someone thinks will work- is essentially seeking validation, manipulation, and forcing an outcome.

it won’t really land, it’s a lot of work, and even though some people get very good at that and can have success to a degree- it’s not as effective, sustainable, or fun in the long run

-The man from earth
-The madman and the professor
-The arrival (1996)
-Marco Polo


I’m glad someone said this, hell yes.


the tv show?

I saw it recommended on Netflix after I watched 7 deadly sins, but it seemed quite bizarre yes.

yes. it’s very well done it’s a pity there is no season 3

I enjoyed “Painting with John” on HBO.


Probably the series that Netflix decided not to finish. It was an excellent show, I wish we had more.

Just caught this. Yes, exactly.

Reminded me of HBO’s Rome. Another good one that wasn’t finished.


Not sure how I found this one. But found this old anime. Really old school about a hitman. Repetitive and not very deep but fun.

I really like “Joe Pera Talks With You” on Adult Swim.

I started watching Elite when I have time because some friends recommended it to me, it’s okay but some people might like it.