Forged By Fire, Entrepreneurial Awakening - (Dragon Reborn + Emperor + Rotating Third Subs) - Billions

Nov 25 - 9pm - 3 minutes of Dragon Reborn & 3 minutes of Emperor Black

My girlfriend listened to this loop with me, and last week’s loop of DR, too.

She got no recon from the 3 minute run last week.

She is pretty resilient and can handle subliminals pretty well. Her only real recon comes when she’s alone, so she’s learned to listen to subs before we see each other for the weekend. So long as she does that, she’s fine.

My listening schedule for DR will be simple: once a week on Fridays with her.

That’s a pretty fantastic result for me.

My girlfriend definitely has traumas and anxieties she wants to heal, and she works actively on them. DR is great for her. And the fact that In her own way, she can handle DR even better than I can, means that she won’t feel resistant to running the loops and it’ll be smooth for her but we’ll grow together.

As for me, as long as I listen to DR once a week, at the end of my work week, and then process on the weekends, I should be fine too

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My thoughts on EB and how it’s ultimately not the right sub for me at this point in time.

(But I’m having massive internal shifts. Even more massive than I thought when I wrote this post originally)


Those “massive insights”

I’m starting to feel stuck in my current business model. I may be ready for a change.

All of this may be recon, or it may be inspired genius… I’ll just speak without a filter.

Take everything I’m about to say with a grain of salt.

Niching down into Real estate was a great way to get started for me. I had worked for realtors. I had experience in the industry. I saw the opportunity of quick cash.


Now I’m at 45-60K USD Per month. And Holy fucking hell, the version of me 18 months ago, when I started subclub, wouldn’t believe I’ve even accomplished that.

He wanted it, but he wouldn’t have believed it was possible.

The better business gets, financially and organizationally, the worse it gets for me personally.

Worst and first of all, I don’t really feel like I’m helping people.

And while “profits” as in our profit margins are technically high, we invest most of that into education, coaching, websites, marketing, assets for the business. Everything included, we’re not very profitable ->. (Footnote*)

But more importantly, I don’t feel ready or willing to do the things that I need to do to go from 50K to 100K. I’m hardly even excited to maintain 50K. Let alone grow.

I fear becoming less and less authentic as a means to become more and more successful.

On my current path, the next steps to success are to brand myself as an expert in real estate on social media, which involves perpetrating a story that’s a gross over exaggeration and living outside of my values to do so.

It involves researching topics I have no interest or prior knowledge in and then acting as if I have 1000’s of hours of experience as I present on the matter in order to be seen as legitimate.

In order to scale past 50K a month, In a churn and burn sales focused industry like lead gen for realtors, I need to hire closers constantly and become sales trainer, which means convincing sales people I’m the greatest mentor they could ask for and working with me, they’d make 10k a month. My life would basically be hiring closers.

And to grow a business, I need to get more pragmatic, more analytical, further and further in “grind” mode and completely eliminate my creativity in favour of increased output.

When In truth, it’s my creativity that got us to where we are. We have the most creative possible mechanism in our industry - we trailblazed and innovated.

I like that process.

Now the nitty gritty is about nailing it to perfection, I’m less interested in that.

My personality quizzes all call me the “philosopher/creative/academic” type. I love learning, writing, reading, knowledge, consuming it and reinterpreting it and writing it and expanding upon the body of knowledge and making it hyper practical for people. ESPECIALLY in personal development. That’s my soul’s niche.

But to succeed, I need to let go of that creative side.

To put it bluntly. I need to become fake.

(Footnote) = perhaps this is where ksub is right and it’s time to run HOM. To learn how to manage money.


Where am I looking ahead?

I’m starting to realize that if I’m going to dedicate my life to a brand, I don’t want it to be a real estate brand.

I resonate with personal development. Mental mastery. Discipline, habits, systems, environmental design, I’m a philosopher of the human mind and if I wasn’t so committed down one path I’d feel like I could start a performance coaching brand tomorrow.

I know that helping people transform themselves internally, and externally, is such a powerful drive for me, that I want to do it for free all of the time. I want to reach out to people (like @prioritas) just to help them with their agencies etc. I would do it for free. The only reason I don’t do it regularly is because it’s a distraction from the things I have to do.

But ultimately, I always feel like I’ll be playing small in the industry I’m in now. I’ll always have to pretend to be someone I’m not. I’ll always be one of many. I’ll never be a contender for the best of my industry.

To be fair, I could make 300K/yr personal income just being “average” in this industry, but, it would be a lot of work, a lot of in-genuineness, a lot of friction.

But I am “committed” to things

  • high rent based on the fact that I have consistent income, which I don’t want to jeopardize.

  • a business partner who probably doesn’t share the same passion as me for performance coaching (although we could combine interests into an ultimate agency owner coaching program)

  • so much sink-cost fallacy towards this business

  • a fear of starting at zero

  • fear around a non-ROI based offer that I can’t crank paid ads on… aka It’s a business where the only thing that will make me money is how valuable my brand is perceived to be.

(I actually thought I’d have 30 reasons, but I really only have the same one reason phrased 3 or 4 ways)

With this business model, I’m basically banking on the Alex Hormozi concept of “giving away more content of value for free than are in most people’s highest-priced paid masterminds.”

The question is, can I do it?

I think so.

I’ve been so unbelievably unfocused lately, at first I started to wonder if it was because of some failing of me as a person. But now I’m feeling it’s more of a reaction to my environment.

(Footnote*) = I got such a massive rush of joy writing this, and realized how much of an asset that could be. He wants to transition into a coaching program, I want to transition into something more philosophical, performance, and brand focused, and he wanted to focus on agency coaching on the biz/tech side.


I think Dragon Reborn is hitting hard

Sales Page: “designed to completely change you – it will shatter and purge, heal and rejuvenate, release and liberate all of your negative emotions, traumas, beliefs, energies, conditioning and negative blocks, on the physical, mental and spiritual levels.”

Me: I feel that this is already changing me fundamentally. These are new thought of TRUE congruence, which only now seems possible.

Sales Page: To become the person you desire, you have to take into account the physical and spiritual aspects of your being as well.

Me: yup, definitely a spiritual component. Alignment. Helping others. Life’s purpose.

Sales Page: There are many ways of becoming a person of legendary caliber… You must let go of everything that holds you back.

Me: I feel like this is happening already.

Sales Page: Dragon Reborn is a subliminal that does exactly how it sounds like – it is about helping you break down, heal and let go of all that holds you back, so that you can be reborn as something more. Someone that clutches destiny in their hands. A Dragon Reborn.

Me: I really feel like a phoenix burning into ashes. A part of me is dying and a much bigger version is taking its place. This version is in pain, but the new version is already conscious and excited to enter reality. I really feel this is more about clutching destiny in my hand and carving myself into the annals of history, instead of society’s bullshit path of “do whatever but make 125K or more per year.”

Sales Page:

  • Destroy, heal and transcend any and all societal or self-created limitations, traumas, negative beliefs preventing you from reaching your goals

  • Free yourself from your misconceptions and the limitations others placed upon you

  • Discover exactly “who you are,” what you believe your life mission is, and how to overcome all obstacles preventing you from reaching those goals.

Me: I’m surprised at my reaction to reading this… but being a thought-leader in personal development was ALWAYS my goal until I “grew up” and accepted that “that’s impossible” and to “focus on making money.” I’m glad I did. I learned skills. But DR is helping me accomplish my TRUE goals, not just the goals of the moment, the goals of society. It’s bringing me back to what I’ve wanted to do for the last ten years but then ultimately decided I was too incompetent to ever accomplish.


This hits so fucking hard, also a nightmare scenario for me when I think about how that’s almost what’s basically required of me now, since I switched my offer to personal brand / content for realtors (ask me how proficient I am at that lol).

Also a massive fear of mine working for realtors, as I don’t think I could give a fuck less about that entire industry to be honest.

100000000000000000% same, my soul calls me to learn and care about self-improvement, and share THAT with other people to educate and coach the world on how to be better, how to be happier, how to love life, and cry, and laugh, and feel the beauty that God made for us.

Not helping realtors get leads, or post on TikTok.


Por que no los dos?

I want to be impactful while making stacks upon stacks of cash so I can rain abundance and gifts and experiences down upon the people I love. Take my dad to Paris, my mom to Rome, my girl to India, whenever the fuck they want.

My spiritual struggle in a nutshell is figuring out how to be congruent with my soul’s calling to help people be better while also giving my family everything I want to give them.

Also reconciling that all these desires are completely selfish in nature. I love to help, but mostly because it makes me feel good seeing them learn and grow. I love to give to my family, but mostly because it makes me feel good seeing them happy.

This is a fucking awesome last line. I’m excited for you bro!!

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What I meant by society’s bullshit path was that I’ve always been conditioned to believe that success was earning 125K in a job you hate. And if you’re really good at it, you’ll earn 300-400K in it. Still hating it though.

But the BETTER reality is that by doing something you love, something that feels like you were destined for it, your capacity to earn is unlimited.

So actually instead of “doing whatever and making 125K a year” there’s every possibility of “doing the thing that lights you up and earning 500K-999K+ per year”


Nov 28 - 11pm

Dropping emperor black.

Replaced it with emperor. Listened to 3 mins. Just now.

This journal will be a dragon reborn journal

as that is the driver of the stack. Emperor, or HOM, or GLM, or IC, etc, all will be tested to see how they interact with DR for the better. While the accessories may change, DR will stay constant


Damn that rap was smoooth


Agreed that’s WAY better haha, also the path I want to follow.

Let’s do it bro :sunglasses:

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My dream last night combined the best of Emperor and DR.

There was a young boy. Magical. Free. Loved by all. Connected to the world and able to bend reality to his will. An emperor-to-be, free from all negativity.

He could swim faster than a cheetah could run. He could swim in the freezing cold ocean at 3am until sunrise.

And he laughed so often and so freely.

It was a way of being that of course I would want for myself and my subconscious is telling me it’s close - or I already have it.

I can see why @viking runs DR + Dreams

Emperor + DR seems like a good combo


Didnt know you are running dr has well, paired with emperor sounds like a tough journy, but at the end you will become the emperor dragon.

My plan is after i finish dragon reborn, i drop dreams and add khan, to become the dragon khan.

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Nov 29 - The Dust Settles

Feeling better after that massive hit of internal shifting yesterday. It was both recon and results.

I have clarity on all sides.

I have clarity around who I am and my highest and best contribution to the people I can help.

But also, maybe this is Emperor’s influence… I have clarity around my current business, and I’m excited to solve those challenges too. I see how this business leads me to my ultimate purpose and see it as a positive stepping stone - so long as I live with my future in mind and take steps towards the ultimate version of myself, instead of tell myself I’ll work on my true goals “one day”


The dreams I have on DR are insane.

Mixed with Emperor they have become even more powerful.

And mixed with Inner Circle they have become more social.

In my dream, I remember my cousin being in love with a man and suppressing it, they acted like friends and even dated other people.

Then she opened up to me about everything she was going through in regards to him:

Dragon Reborn’s influence on that dream was that My cousin unsuppressed what she was suppressing - a sign that I am also expressing myself more freely.

Emperor + Inner Circle made me more social, status, worthy of being a trusted confidant to.

And as per usual, I sleep a lot more since running DR. 9+ hours just to feel like I’m breaking even whereas before I did great on 7.5


Lucky you… I am happy if I get a night with sleeping through (which is less than 8h).
Another excuse that I have for not using DR yet.

Clarity Emerges

Really great clarity emerging after my identity crisis.

Major lessons

  1. My business is still awesome and I’m still excited to grow it

  2. My business is the stepping stone that makes my future identity possible. Any agency coaching or performance coaching will stem directly from having an awesome agency and fantastic personal performance. Both are still in their “budding” phases - successful, but not fully matured yet.

  3. I’ve been neglecting my strengths and fitting myself into a narrow “business” box.

  4. I can start imagining myself as an agency/performance coach, and build the skills and systems that will allow me to personally succeed at both and also help others do the same. I love helping people and learning about performance even unpaid, so, that will be me expressing instead of suppressing my strengths

  5. If I wanted to, I could even start building a brand now so that at any sort of launch, I have traction, and even before launch, I’m fulfilling a passion.” I could make videos on things about performance that interest me. Not under my name, but under a brand/channel name


A sense of freedom emerges, DR is truly powerful

The shackles are releasing.

Why have I been doing it the “normal” way for so long? Working 9-5 even though I set my own hours.

This procrastination I’m hating myself for comes from adhering to someone else’s idea of “good”

Not mine.

My ideal day:

6am-8am = awesome morning routine, walk, meditate, etc.

8am - 1pm = work

1pm - 3pm = food + exercise

3pm - 7pm = enjoy myself, rest, socialize

7pm - 11pm = work

My goal: Take Advantage Of Human Nature

I’ve always loved this rhythm. A few unnecessary self-imposed limitations have stopped me.

  1. Wanting to work 9-5

  2. Feeling guilty and like I need to work more from 1pm - 7pm

  3. Being too lazy to actually get to work at 7pm, further fueling a guilt to work at 1pm despite being out of focus

  4. Needing to be social after 5pm for other people, not myself

  5. Getting sucked into a YouTube black hole when 1pm comes, so that instead of being energized and vitalized at 7pm thanks to 6 hours of rest and flow, I’m exhausted and burnt out from binging

  6. Fear of not sleeping early (also due to not knowing how to rest/nap/sleep during the day)


One “limiting belief” I forgot isn’t actually so much a belief. Before, I had client meetings at 2-5pm, but now I don’t. However… even after a long time of not having client meetings from 2-5pm, the morning/evening pattern never came back to my mind due to social/societal limitations and “norms”


Not nocturnal, not diurnal, but Crepescular

Human beings are not nocturnal, obviously. We’re not awake during the night like owls.

But we’re not the opposite… we’re NOT awake during the day like diurnal (day) animals.

We are CREPESCULAR animals that are most alert and energized during two phases of the day: morning and afternoon. (Source: Andrew Huberman.)

Also check out the book Daily Rituals by Mason Currey.

MOST of the artists in that book have a schedule that looks like my “ideal day” outlined above.