How Permanent Is ZP?

we’re close to 1 year of zp, and boy has time flew.

to many of you on the forum, how permanent do you feel zp has been for you?

how much of the scripts would you say have integrated and stuck with you since you’ve stopped listening to certain products?

what scripts do you feel have not sticked? do you feel the “old you” coming back in your ways of thinking and behaving?


Ain’t been on zp that long but the Q progrms ran for a few years, I think the results are permanent as long as you continue on the road of action in whatever shape or form . Like you stop using subs for a few year sand don’t take action you will regress I think .

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Zp to me has felt incredibly permanent. They really change your inner core in such a subtle way that youre not even sure anything changed at all untill you look back to how you were a year ago. At this point i can barely imagine what i was like before starting subs lol.

Like you said though, as with everything in life, if you completely stop acting out the changes of course you will regress. But, at least with me, the changes have become fundamental parts of my being, so i feel like it would take tremendous effort to not act out the changes lol.


I still get the effects from wanted I ran in the testing phase.

Not as crazy of course and if you run a lot of other subs they over shadow it.

But sometimes I do notice.

Healing of course is always permanent.


Hard for me to say what’s “permanent” as most of the programs I’ve ran over the past year has been so focused on wealth creation. However I do feel a sense of identity level change. I was experimenting with psychedelics the other day and I noticed how much my inner dialouge, my beliefs, and my values have really changed. Previously while experimenting with psychedelics I used to feel this insecure feeling, like I didn’t really know my purpose, or who I was at my core. This last time was so incredibly empowering, I had this new feeling of belief in myself, and what I should be doing to make my self fulfilled. I thought about how life’s not all that incredibly hard when you are chasing your goals, growing, and working on yourself. These are beliefs that I feel that subclub has really instilled in me, but it’s given me a new belief and undistractable motivation to chase my goals, it was surreal that even mid trip, when I would normally just be focused on trying to get through the experience my mind was solely focused on ambition, making money, and becoming fully realized.


Even Qv2 was permanent for me. ZP doubly so.

Permanence is not purely a subliminal result, though. Environment is extremely important.

Subliminals are a positive influence, and positive influences make changes

But if you don’t change your environment, and negative influences always stay in your life, you can get reconditioned to your old way of being if you were to stop listening to subliminals.

However if you were to change into a dramatically more positive environment, and then stop listening to subliminals, the effects would be much more permanent because now you have environmental factors to sustain the results.

Permanence is never real - nothing in nature is permanent. A flower is either growing or dying. A river is simultaneously eroding and being reborn. Even a uranium isotope, with a half life of 4.5 billion years, is slowly but surely decaying. Even the sun. Even the stars.

So the question isn’t If ZP is permanent, the question is “what can I do to make sure I continue growing in my mental, psychological, spiritual development, and grow for as long as possible”


Poetic ass post. :weary:

You nailed the “permanence” question, permanently.


I did one cycle of primal it helped organize my life at a micro level the effects are still there.

A guy i know used primal for 2 cycles and permanently removed his porn habits.

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This is dead on,
I can feel like I regress from any results in certain environments or even when certain things/breakdowns come up,
my bounce back and fundamental character though seem shifted.