Expansion Restriction Balance

I’m having a hard time understanding this ERB framework. I’m supposedly INFP but don’t really get that stuff either.

Can this ERB approach be used without regard to the MBTI stuff? Or is it intertwined?

Help me understand! Haha. I feel lost


This post seems to suggest it’s still a work in progress, though it does appear to provide some explanation (bolding mine):

Some discussion on the MBTI stuff can be found in these threads: Jung Eight Cognitive Processes and Modules; Your Personality Type.


I’ve read those. I just don’t get it yet.

@SaintSovereign I’m trying this idea out haha. the ERB thing.
My MBTI stuff shows as INFP
My reading on a random website indicates that means I’m likely to get lost in my own thoughts, but should also be able to come up with great plans, generally speaking.
Since that suggest a cognitive-heavy core attribute, I’d build on that with something like:

  1. Quantum Limitless
  2. Limitless
  3. Mind’s Eye (I was thinking this COULD be balancing, but not entire certain)

I’m not naturally drawn to the life of “fame”. Prefer to be a loner.
So I THINK the restrictive part would be something to pull me back into the “outer world,” so:
Ascension (outer Alpha power/status)
Stark (the fame aspect would surely help with that)

For the balance part, since I’d need to balance between the dreaming/creative side and the outer world in terms of being practical:

  1. Possibly a healing title like Regen, though I’m not as solid in this whole “balancing” thing.

Am I on the right track here?

Quantum Limitless
Mind’s Eye


  1. Ascension/AscMogul
  2. Stark
  3. EoG (taking the dreams/visions and finding practical ways to make money from them?)

Sex & Seduction (balancing the inner and outer worlds as I have to pay attention to people while using my own intuition to talk to them)

sorry for all the edits. I am just drawn to this idea since I think it could help me decide on stacks easier and reduce a lot of the noise that comes from having so much choice.


I would have guessed commander or emperor as restrictive part
and EoG as Balance.

I got no clue but are also curius about how ERB and INFP work.

As Seeker mentioned, it is a work in progress. With that said, I get the impression that it doesn’t need to be related to your MBTI profile, the MBTI is just there to help for stack recommendations.

I disagree, the fact that you’re an F instead of a T doesn’t suggest that at all; literally means that you’ve tested as having a feeling nature over a thinking nature.

From my understanding, the expansive element is related to what you want to develop and improve, what your current focus and goals are related to. The restrictive element is what you would use to balance the aspects of the expansive element that can spiral out of control. Just as an example, if you want to use Limitless as your expansive element, Chosen can be seen as the restrictive element that keeps you grounded and doesn’t allow the pursuit of being ‘limitless’ go out of control.

Since the expansive and restrictive elements are intertwined to balance your pursuit towards the goal of the stack you’re running, the balancing element has to be what you use to balance the pursuit of the goal with the greater schema of your entire life, since your life cannot be solely lived for the pursuit of this objective concept you’ve established.

That’s my understanding of it, if I’ve made any errors then I would love for @SaintSovereign to offer some critique and feedback.


Of course. MBTI is an abstraction of personality, not the real you. You can consider strengths and weaknesses with your own introspection, assuming it is honest introspection.

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As Saint himself has mentioned, I wouldn’t even refer to the MBTI in relation to personality; it’s a test that determines how you think and process.


expansion: all areas of life regarding some matter. eg:QL
restriction:channeling the benefits of the expansion sub to one area: stark
balancing: what does stark lack in your idea: masculinity, (and also sth needed to get you A BIT out of stark’s maniac workaholism)?: that would be khan/GLM/commander

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In bed, I ran:
My EoG custom (BV3)

Holy hell. Tons of dreams. Woke up ready to work. More energy than usual upon waking.

Since it seems Renaissance Man would go well with Stark, I’ll likely use BV2 in the next test. It has cores of RM, EoG4, QL4.

I could then use a ZP stack focused more on healing. Rebirth or Regen is the current thinking.

This is exciting. Felt like I’m really narrowing down the “perfect” long-term stack for me.


Freestyling here.

I think that rather than necessarily integrating MBTI, you can think of the ERB idea as strategic method of triangulation around a goal.

You need a forceful, surging part. The arrow being shot from the bow. (The arrow ‘expands’ forward in flight.)

You need a counter-force, the arm pulling the bow backwards. (This is the ‘restricting’ bit.)

You need a stabilizing foundation. Your firm stance, and the structural integrity of the bow. (This is the balance.)

Combine all of those three parts and you’re able to aim and shoot and hit your target.

It’s a kind of balanced, strategic way of framing a goal. Harnessing polarity. Electron. Proton. Neutron.

It can be applied to any goal whether you’re into MBTI or not.

It’s primary strength and contribution is that it ensures you have the minimum basic elements needed to pursue an objective. Thorough and comprehensive.

The job of the expander is ambition, fire, aspiration, motivation. This is passion and will.

The job of the restricter is consolidation, self-protection.

The job of the balancer is to integrate it all into one stable structure. Structural integrity.

Basically same as what @bombayduck said.


Even if I understand this method correctly, it’s sometimes tough to categorise a sub.

(I guess the objectives will help soon)

I am an INFP-A with a pull towards spirituality (actually a strong one)

Chosen then is definitely the expansive part.
But what would Stark be for me? It seems to be almost expansive as well, isn’t it?

Do I really need the Emperor to restrict? Or could Stark do that?

(Even Heartsong had an expansive effect on me…)

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This, in itself, is not necessarily a goal. (Although potentially it could be).

The question is: what are you wanting to achieve in this particular time frame?

Once we know that, we can add it to your observations about yourself to set up an E R B triangulation.

In other words, any program can be used as an expander, a restricter, or a balancer.

Those terms describe the ‘position’ of the program. The position is a function of the role it plays in your strategy.


The subliminals are like stars. The ERB framework is like using the stars to navigate on your trip.

If you’re traveling northwards, Polaris — The North Star — can be your Expander. (Pointing the way to where you’re going.) If you’re traveling southwards, the same star can be used as your Restricter. (Connecting you back to your home base.)


But then why is personality with MBTI relevant?

If it only focuses on goals? And not who I am?

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It’s a combination of your goals and your nature, from what I understood (or imagined).

Saint will eventually write an article that can correct or adjust what I’m getting wrong.

The Expansive element builds upon, enhances, and expands upon your core attribute.

It takes your strength and super-charges it.

The Restrictive element grounds you, keeps that core attribute from spiraling out of control.

What do you tend to neglect when you’re in your flow and focused full-steam ahead on your passion? The Restricter makes sure that is taken care of.

The Balancer we didn’t get a definition for. But it seems to serve the function of integrating the Expander and the Restricter.

So, the Expander seems to correspond to the MBTI ‘Dominant Function’. As an INFP, your dominant mental function is introverted Feeling.

This means that what comes most naturally to you is connecting to and harmonizing meaning. The question your brain is best wired to answer is: ‘How does X fit into a meaningful experience?’ You have a strong ability to feel coherence and harmony. You establish coherence by using your own being and your own feelings as a kind of tuning fork. You refine that internal Tuning Fork and you use it to process harmony or ‘rightness’ in the world. You’re like a circus magician who has the skill of being able to integrate any element so that it fits into the picture well. Someone throws a piano, a lion, an opera singer, and a surfboard to you; and your mind fits them all together harmoniously. The opera singer sits at the piano and plays and sings music that charms the lion into riding peacefully on the surfboard. Your mind is not satisfied until things fit in a way that feels right.

On the other hand, your strong orientation to harmonious subjective integration, to rightness, and to coherent meaning, can cause you to lose touch with objective details, rules and frameworks. (the so-called Thinking function.)

A Restrictive program might help you to stay in touch with Strategy, Rules, and Cold Analysis.

So, we’ve got your Expander which applies your natural strength in Integrating and Harmonizing meaningful parts.

We’ve got your Restricter which ensures that you don’t lose touch with objective rules, limits, and structures. (It grounds you.)

Then we’ve got your Balancer. That’s any program that maintains you and keeps you solid between these two focuses. Might be Art, Might be Human Connection/Love Relationship, Might be Physical Exercise.

So that’s the Personality part.

But there’s also the Goal part.

As an INFP, we know that your main function is to harmonize and to meaningfully integrate. But what are you specifically working on harmonizing and integrating at this time?

Your love relationship?
Your overall Way Of Life?
Your intellectual projects?

Depending on your specific focus at this time, you may choose a different Expander program.

And what objective rules, systems, and data do you need to stay grounded with? Business related. Social. etc.

So, I think that your particular goals AND your nature will play a role in developing the strategy.

I’m still figuring this out right now. But there it is.

Not going to edit this.


So @Malkuth when are you going to start working for SC? :slight_smile:

What a fantastic explanation. Also your description of me was spot on.

I am STRONGLY drawn towards harmony (I hate fighting) and beauty in all forms.

Is RM calling there? :wink:

And when I am daydreaming of beauty and harmony I usually lose touch with reality and the things I need to take care of.

Specifically focused on current goals which revolve around my business, which’ focus is on teaching masculinity, mindset, and spirituality (generally life advice) lessons on Youtube with beautiful clips.

So it seems to me RM or Chosen would be the expanding element.
And Emperor the Restricter, keeping me grounded on the business details, not neglecting money issues, and still taking care of daily tasks.

Would that be right?

The Balancer. No idea. Could RM be the Balancer between Emperor and Chosen?
Or maybe Heartsong to use a relationship to keep balance between the two?

Although I must admit HS expanded me quite a bit, so maybe not a good fit there.

Maybe also something like Spartan/Wanted. Not just the physical and the astral, but also the body within. Including sexual.


I mean I am still on the EoG train for a while, this could potentially also be a Balancer, simply because it seems to tackle more than wealth (especially Stage 1).


This is really interesting and intriguing. I’m still learning to understand Saint’s framework for this. So, I’ll defer to his interpretation on it.

It looks like a pretty cool combination. I feel like there’s something else that belongs in there. Maybe for the Balancing part.

Not sure what it is just yet. Can’t wait to see how @SaintSovereign comments on your idea.

I’m actually imagining something more sensually/sensorily oriented for the Balancing element. Like Primal or something like that.

Something tells me that there’s some degree of choice in this as well. As in your sense of what you need to hold the whole thing together.

In my case, I’m thinking:

Alchemist: Expander
Emperor: Restricter
Stark: Balancer


I see or understand it like that:

Expander: Builds upon your strength
Restricter: Focuses the expanding to a certain area
Balancer: Adds another focus not for the expander but for your life

So if you expand creativity (you call it daydreaming) or feelings (harmony) with RM or Chosen and you restrict it on business life and productivity or money with emperor, then you could add as balancer something spiritual (Sage, Alchemist), something for the body (Emperor Fitness, Paragon), social (Daredevil), seduction, …

It is kind of like “work and play” with work being expander + restrictor and play the balancer. Whatever you feel you need to balance out the work, you add as a play part.


I like this.

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Uhhh I am digging this idea.

Emperor Chosen Sage
Emperor RM Spartan (UFF!)

Damn this makes for some sick combos!

Now if we bring customs into this it gets all more complex because we have technically 5 cores (or 6??) and a ton of modules.

But if anything I would make ONE custom with the ERB method and one or two narrow ones to hone in on the area of desire (for example, a YouTube fame custom).

Cancel that, the custom would be Emperor RM, a bunch of modules in the same sense (5 expanding, 5 restricting, result enhancers) and the balancer as an extra major core which also can be cycled in and out.