Jung Eight Cognitive Processes and Modules

@Simon again made me discover something :slight_smile: with his table of the 8 processes here, that comes from Jung 4 basic processes. I did not want to hijack his thread…

The processes are described below :
! MBTI Cognitive Functions

This goes hand to hand with the MBTI framework. So being ISTJ means that

  • I have a strong Si and Te and
  • need to develop Fi, Ne, and Ti.
    I found this particularly true for me with my Ti.

If you dont understand any of these like me 30minutes ago, go read Dario Nardi’s book. Thanks @joefso !

I think this framework can be particularly helpful for anyone already using MBTI.

I am wondering if people here have already make correspondance between modules and these cognitive processes? Down the line this can be used IMO to guide users towards modules to be used in a custom.

Is it possible to build here a correspondance between these functions and the Q store modules?

  • Extraverted Sensing (Se) : Ascension, GLM, Daredevil, Khan, SexMasteryQ, Muay ThaiQ, Boxing MasteryQ
  • Introverted Sensing (Si) : SpartanQ, QLST3
  • Extraverted Thinking (Te): Organisation Perfected, ExecutiveU
  • Introverted Thinking (Ti): QLST2, Limitless, BLU
  • Extraverted Intuiting (Ne): Lines
  • Introverted Intuiting (Ni): Mastermind, Mind’s eye
  • Extraverted Feeling (Fe): Love bomb
  • Introverted Feeling (Fi): Ascension, GLM, Renaissance Man

For me, it was Introverted Feeling and Alchemist.

I think of them as more or less the same thing.


As a core, Alchemist I agree, and and even Sage Immortal.


On the basis of major titles and excluding modules
and on the basis of my ENTP cognitive stack

Ne - Mind’s eye, StarkQ
Mind’s Eye also contains scripting to help you use your visualization abilities to predict the optimal outcome for any situation you experience. You will receive unending inspiration from your subconscious on how to improve upon your situation. You’ll be able to see numerous possibilities in vivid detail and determine what path you should take. This includes developing business ideas, business systems, running fight simulations, etc.

Ti : QLST2, Limitless, BLU

Fe : Any and all the social subs

Si : SpartanQ, QLST3

Ni : Mind’s eye

Te : ExecutiveU

Fi : Renaissance Man

Se : Daredevil, Khan, SexMasteryQ, Muay ThaiQ, Boxing MasteryQ


So you made your stack considering the cognitive functions?

YEah, it seems trickier with modules

I meant my cognitive function stack not my subliminal stack.

I only use QLST2 for my Ti and Mind’s eye for Ne which I have recently found to be a godsent for Ne doms.

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be careful not to be psycho reductive with typology. your a whole biopsychosocial system starting with the genome commissioning instincts to drive emotion behind cognition. typology doesnt dictate character, theyre general catagories people can be dominant in but are meant to be a suite of options in a developed person.
We have the tools to create wanted change in the psyche, now pair it with the most accurate model of the biopsychosocial system and be unstoppable! : Carl Jung: Find Your ANCESTRAL WARRIOR !!!! - YouTube


Are you saying stuff like introvert and extrovert doesn’t exist? Cause I have never seen anybody switch teams in that.

I will watch this. Is there a book?

Yes, it’s fun to do that when one first discovers the Cognitive Functions. :slight_smile:

The major program Archetypes are more likely to express as composites of 3-5 Functions.
… Stark = Ne, Ti, Fe, Si
… Ascension & Emperors = Ni, Te, Fi, Se (yes, all 3 of them – same functions, different order)
… Daredevil = Fe, Ne, Se (most of the Extrovert Functions)

Versatile tools like Khan and EOG, or a cognitive enhancer like Quantum Limitless, potentially support ALL 8 Functions, which is why they require Conscious Direction on the user’s part for full effect.


Not denying the fenomena, If you see accounts of people working through they’re personal myth along the throughline it’s actually quite common for them to have switched at some point, more commonly from extravert to introvert because of some complexes that formed around the relating function, appearing as the “negative anima”.
I was once a very outgoing kid, at one point it switched to istp. archetypes are merely collective expressions of instinct, which is at the core. alot of pop psych videos mainly found on youtube are conveniently psycho-reductive generalizations, a shortcut of thinking if you will that can cause more trouble than good.
Follow the jtlb channel or the discord for a fully contextualized and clinically pressure tested model, it is quite nuanced. However i trust those of you on this forum have the capacity of understanding.
and as far as reading goes, theirs the whole library of western psych material from frued to adler than jung functionally in that order. most at least of which has gone into steves “personal myth guide”, plus his forty years of clinical experience.


saw that. thanks!
have you read it ? good stuff apparently.

indeed its good stuff, being willing to communicate with the psyche on its terms as it is. that would be the gentlest way to unlock the same potential that these products can, its meant to be a courteous dialectic with the rest of you that isn’t the conscious ego.


Just came across thos old post and thought it was very interesting. This might provide some kind of explanation why love bomb and lbfh have been such amazing subs for me.

Would be interested in hearing how this list would change with all the new subs out now.

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