Expand beyond measure

Limbo state

My second Limbo state in 6 months , and I will use this opportunity to set the intentions for the coming months .

When I say I am in limbo state doesn’t mean everything is stopping , it means the most important thing at the moment which is my business another price increase then we stopped orders and our advertising campaign . A new price list should be available within days . This second price list change within month and half .

Noticeable things in the past days

  • a foundness of breathing awareness came back to me .

  • I realised that one of my centres is BODY . Speaking about that later .

  • saw some books a bout Medici family and I decided to read them (reading these books is part of attuning to the same reality ) I did that successfully with Steve Jobs biography by Walter Isaacson I read the book around 10 times and I have awesome synchronicities back at the time reading .

  • one of the first sentence of these Medici books is “stay away from public eyes” it touched a cord within me .

  • caring for my energy level

That definitive behaviour disappeared although I am still running r.i.c.h in my stack .



" I was setting with a friend from primary school (in real life he is married and having children) in what seemed to be my office and I was teaching him smth about business taxation , then came to the office another friend who have his own firm and sit with us "

" I was searching for my test centre in college saw different friends ,and I take long to find mine and I didn’t then the dream scene changed and I was walking the street still looking for my test centre and two monkeys attacked me "

While in college I was wanting to drop it and focus only on business (my 1st business I was 19 while studying) but this didn’t happen .

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Relief :smiley::smiley::smiley: , a manifestation happened today and I received money I invested before . That I thought I will never have back again . And it will be big loss . I am deeply grateful . Later when I get home I will write about the details of it . Thanks to R.i.C.h.


The story behind this manifestation

I did an investment in company (out of stock change) with my money . Every thing was going well . Then at some point the government discovered (a lot of details behind the word discovered but I want to focus on the big picture )that the contract between the shareholders and the company is not following the right economic legal condition . Then the department responsible about "public money " , "taxation authorities " and "stock change " , stopped all the company work and "detained for investigation " the foreign managers of the company .

When I knew this information I get " terrified " and felt “falling” while awake . And my “mind wandered in worrisome in thousand directions” and " what ifs" pessimistic scenarios . And my body was shaking , it was a “valuable amount of money that I invested”

First thing I did was closing my office door for 2 hours to collect myself . Then I played one loop of r.i.c.h zp . And it transformed my state and grounded my scattered mind

This was in first week of October and for the next two months my stack inclded r.i.c.h and lBFH . It was amazing how both f*** worry about losing money and never get it back .

After I regained myself I started cultivating the final image " me counting the money and I put it back in my bag " for the first weeks I did this image scene before I sleep and whey I wakeup . And for next month and half I never asked about where the situation headed .

Then I called and asked about the latest news ,and the one I was contacting with told me they are now obliged to bring the money back and give it to shareholders . Thai was a good sign

After that another piece of good news came that they started to give the monetary value of stock to share holders . Starting from those who own small number of stocks to those who own big numbers .

4 days ago I received a call to travel to the capital to receive my money . There was a little worry because in situations like these you usually lose your money . But I received mine and this was magnificent moment . At the moment I received the money I said the amalgam "the sub works " “my world cares for me”

This was a journey of trust
I was busy in my other endeavours
And while sleeping thoughts of I am rich and abundant happened automatically in my mind several times .
I am certain that lBFH did it’s work because of

Contains a “protection aura” to ward off negative individuals and situations. Please note that no subliminal or subliminal-generated aura can 100% prevent bad things from happening, nor do we make any claims of the sort.

And I experienced this protection but this before with LBFH but this is another long story that I will share when possible .


Wow, what a story!

So glad it all worked out for you in the end! :blush:


Thanks @Athanaxos :smiley::pray: , wish you the best also :muscle::sparkles:


Death considered the last rebellious act a man can take. To break out of his repression .


Congurence :

  • when people speaks about spending more money while using wealth subs part of that maybe is an act aligned with you being rich .

  • I have the same happened with me , instead of saying I can’t afford smth I started planning to spend on things important for my living space .

  • also I made some improvement in the store that costs me money it needed to be done , I was dissatisfied by doing this because the cost .

  • I have an imaginary scenario with some one and this was normal topic to ponder but instead of saying I can’t do this because of my financial situation . I stopped myself and remembered that once a thought came to my mind that I am rich and abundant . This stopping was so natural like ( I can’t contradict myself )


A subtle but valuable observation regarding rich

  • I have a friend who is in business also but different industry than mine , I always taught he will reach to the top of richness before me . But as I ponder this I discovered this subtle perception disappeared and I am also in my Mind eye are capable of the same success he can achieve . And we are beside each other and he is not far away in front .

  • valuing oneself : when customers want to have more discount I now value myself and don’t give it to them and stand my ground (I already doing great offers , compared to competitors products , but people in this community feel a sense of victory when they take smth from you ) , I now value myself and my business deserves to earn well and be well established .


Not all pain comes from past trauma there are pain comes from unfulfilled potential :pleading_face:


I find no interest to read the biographies I have (didn’t read till now ) about wealthy families and billionaires . I want to have the same experience . I just read articles that summaries the books . But if I am using title like Ql , I will finish reading them within 2 weeks maximum . But with titles like Ascended Mogul and rich . The Focus and attitude is different .


Oh the longing for a better future filled with purpose and success.

  • wanted and age

Since I used alpha subs here I have that change from being a child to a man In terms of attitude and responsibility and the seriousness of life you have one opportunity and you should make the most of it . Weeks back and my mind was insisting on playing wanted and use it for longer time , I didn’t know why and there is no logical reason for that , till I remembered @James words that he is not interested any more in sex and alpha subs because the age and the different aspirations he have now . This made me realise why wanted is pushed on my surface lately .

  • taking photos and authenticity

Using stark and I have the urge to take photos for everything and anything , I was doing that before subs as a personal development tools and beside I love to see my history in pics not personal photos but photos for my home office , bed every mundane and important thing and lately I have the urge to share photos here from day to day life not personal photos .

  • eog for the purpose floods of sales

I would like to increase rich manifestation power and have a floods of sales , I am pondering eog stage 1


Addicted to . Ai midjourney at discord . Must usssse .

This is one of the best ways to focus attention


This is what motivates me to run rom

Maximizing the use of RoM means having a dedicated, daily energetic and / or meditative practice, as well as engaging in some sort of spirituality. This doesn’t even have to be something formal (though it’s recommended). If you practice mindfulness, or just living in the moment for a few minutes a day, you’ll receive benefits from RoM.

Because I already doing intense practices daily

Rebirthing breathing session for 2 hours , sustained breathing awareness throughout the day , yoga practices , so I am interested to see what breakthrough I can have with that title.

  • Rich is solidify my desire and determination to be rich beyond measure . This appears in my words while relaxed and holding my fist :facepunch: :fist: saying I decided to be rich , I should be rich , I Must be rich . It takes my anger and transforming it to pure determination
    . Other times I have the words in my mind i am rich while tapping with my fingers in determination and power .

  • noticeable shift from crying (releasing resistance) endlessly while playing rich , to positive thoughts and determination
    I still cry but not with intensity like I was having months back .



Wondering if you could upload a photo of yourself with a prompt of “sid, a rich guy with a luxurious life”. You can use that as a way to visualize and feel yourself as if you’re already rich :thinking:


Yea you can do it with midjourney . A lot of people uploading real photos and they imagine different things . You should try it it’s awesome :wink:


What’s your native language?

I find the way you write punctuation with preceding spaces is interesting. It’s quite unusual. Is it in French or something that this is done?

Is there a particular reason for this?

I’m passionate about language (and work with it) so whenever I see these kinds of things I just have to ask to understand and learn others’ perspectives