Eternal Void - an Invictus journal

Can’t wait to see how this turns out, I soon will also be joining the custom Khan club


I’m running Revelations of Mind too. I’m curious to see what your observations about it are.


I’ll start this journal off with one of the revelations I got today about myself:

so this is probably the third time it happened, but it took 3 times for me to come to the realization that I often times self-sabotage my own physical and inner growth by going back to WANTED.

you see, I ran WANTED for around a year and a half, taking as much action as possible, and really putting in the time and effort it takes to become a man of such high caliber, however, I’ve already made it clear that I have outgrown it, so why do I keep going back?

Well, the answer is very simple: WANTED is my comfort zone.

there have been a few times (behind the scenes) when I embarked on a self-discovery and spiritual growth journey, however, as @SaintSovereign has witnessed it himself, I always end up stopping before a big moment of growth, and retreat back to WANTED, and he himself even mentioned to me a handful of times that this is not me “grounding” myself, as I used to use that as an excuse to justify using WANTED again, but more so my ego pulling me back from going deeper, from experiencing growth with my spirit, and to be honest with you all, it really does feel like it was all due to my ego, as WANTED always brought more attention my way, like even just a single loop always ended up with at least 2 girls thirsting for me IRL, which I ain’t gonna lie, boosts my ego A LOT, and that’s pretty much all there is to it, that’s what I always kept going back.

Whether it was Sage Immortal or Revelation of Spirit, I always shied away and ended up going to WANTED?
Why? cause it’s my comfort zone, or in other words, my ego’s safe place.

Hence why the custom I went back to today isn’t one with WANTED core in it, and this time I have more clarity as to why I don’t want to think about it (at least for now).

Today kinda marks the start of 7th week on RoM, and so far, my biggest 2 revelations have been about 2 things: myself, and something I call “the paradox of creation”.

The Paradox of Creation

Now as for today’s observations with the custom:

  • Sudden increase in the amount of heat my body has been generating, now I know it’s because of the auric components of my custom, but it was so physical that at one point when I was working out, during my last rep on the tricep extension machine, I was looking on the side and there were 2 guys facing the opposite way, but suddenly when I did my last rep, before the weights dropped, the 2 guys turned around quickly as if they felt my presence just from the random look I gave them, even though it was random and neither of us knew each other :sweat_smile:.

  • There has been a friend in my life who’s been acting up, and was kinda trying to ruin my reputation in my older cousin’s eyes, so I met him today, and even though I didn’t bring up any of the BS he told my cousin, I just set my intention on making him feel an intense amount of fear (tried merging Fearsome + Invincible presence + Auric Overdriver as a directed aura projection), and boy was I surprised to see him being the one to open the subject and say “I know you probably know this, but I wanted to apologize man.”, not even a word was necessary haha.

  • The pump was amazing at the gym, as expected, and as always, EmpB boosted the intensity, which now that I think about it, has been going up weekly at an exponential rate, even if I don’t increase the weights during the workout, which is weird cause it’s almost as if part of me is always mixing up variables without me even realizing, and while I thought it previously was due to the 2 Beast cores in my last custom, now that I look at it objectively, it wasn’t those 2, but EmpB just unloading even more, which leads me to believe that for me personally, EmpB is a sub that has been evolving itself in my subconscious, all while evolving me inside out.


How lovely!

I will be stalking this journal with a very keen interest :eyes:

I love your reflections on the Paradox of Creation.

Indeed, how can I be sure that the picture of my dogs I put on my desk for that girl at work to see, led to her not only getting the desk adjacent to me, but also becoming my new boss at the same time, which in turn led to me getting asked to take on new responsibilities, allowing me to transform my experience at the very same company from a poor and one to a great one - basically manifesting a whole new job experience? And also… the lingering question… did I do all that…? Do I have that kind of power?

How can we know? Indeed, is there any way to know for sure? The effect causes the causation.

Then again, maybe we are better off just assuming we were the original causator*, as to embolden us to keep creating and to give birth to even greater things.

But to assume the responsibility for such through matereality-bending power, and to fully own it… can a Man truly wield that power, and still call himself… human? :sweat_smile:

(*apparently that’s actually a real word :flushed: )

This custom!! I’ve been musing on an Emperor Black Stark power/fear/aura custom with several of those modules. Now, I feel inspired!

By the way. RoM and Emperor Black. Quite a couple, huh? I was contemplating on an EB/RoM custom but like you mentioned RoM is like a (mini) custom anyway :smiley:

I always reckoned you had run Alchemist previously? :thinking:
What are your reflections on what it is that’s pulling you towards it?

Oh, and also this:

Holy cow Invictus…

… are you…

…me? :joy: :rofl:

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That vibration on your face

Well, meditate on this:

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. You’re playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.


RoM + this custom is something far more than just power and liberation, there’s actually a huge duality effect that is occurring within me right now, and the thought that RoM is provoking today as a result of this duality is:

What if the idea behind Dual Identity Disorder is all wrong? What if it’s just the manifestation of different sides of the self that makes society assume that a person with DID is just crazy? When in reality, that’s just a pathway to channel all the different sides that reside within us, while the ones who get admitted into the asylums for treatment are just the unlucky ones who can’t control such overwhelming power?

It’s weird because as I was trying to recount my week or so, I realized that there were lots of talk about the movies Unbreakable, Split, and Glass (which have a lot of emphasis on being superhuman, but Split stands out), as well as marvel characters such as Moon Knight and The Sentry (both having at least one more “Character” that resides within them).

Interesting thoughts haha

The main thing actually pulling me is Stage 3 haha, I feel like there’s a lot of untapped psychic potential in me, and I won’t be able to access it until I go through proper spiritual cleansing and growth :sweat_smile:
But the desire comes and goes, so who knows, maybe I’ll wait till it’s upgraded and then see.

Who am I but just a reflection of everyone’s realities and desires :wink:

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What are you even saying :upside_down_face:
I have seen you becoming more in control of yourself and growing, but man, you gotta stop your weird comments that make no sense :joy:
Makes you look a bit cracked in the head, lmao.

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Gotta be open about something:

Last night, the guy I mentioned in this point;

I was thinking about how this guy has been kind of a dick to me recently, like he’s nice at times, but then he slips and shows me his true face, and honestly, he’s leeches off of my good vibes and energy.

And well, you see the part where I mentioned trying to merge those modules as an auric projection?
I’ve been utilizing EmpB + AsC cores in my custom with those modules as well, and, the guy apparently had a really bad panic attack when he was on the phone with my cousin in the morning today (my cousin called me earlier and told me), he was probably saying something bad about me, which is why I somehow felt good to hear that.

I won’t deny it, I’ve had this thought multiple times that I can manifest situations to people if I consciously label them as toxic and/or negative to me, and I have opened up about this thing in more details with people like @Ingress @GoldenTiger @Lion @AlexanderGraves @DarkPhilosopher, but at this point, I think EmpB has made me accept this part of myself more, and while I wouldn’t wanna use this recklessly on people, this is something that makes me realize that I have more power than I show, and it’s time to develop myself more in a way to embody this power with my physicality and appearance.

With great powers, comes great responsibility.
Yeah, not when you set aside morals…


I have a hypothesis that I wanted your input on. Since Pragya allows the brain to assimilate subs faster, I’m wondering if it means that it makes subs last less time in the processing phase. So faster bloom results, less time needed during washouts, and the ability to rate subs faster without accruing as much recon. So instead of 12 days needed to rotate a sub, maybe that time could be cut down to 5 days, essentially the length of a normal washout. Would you say that the above is accurate?

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Theoretically, yes.
However, I used to use it long ago, and now, I only ever add it if I made a manifestation booster, but having AsC + Jupiter + Void of Creation is more than enough now.


I went to see Akon earlier, and I ended up buying Alchemist.

Currently mid loop of Stage 3.


It never occurred to me that sometimes ppl instantly know when I look at them cause of the presence of my aura lol.

As far a what happened to the guy talking behind your back, many ppl are unaware that their negative feelings towards someone could initiate many metaphysically unpleasant things. For people like us with enhanced manifestation abilities, those effects can be amplified greatly.


I used to only think that people in close proximity would be the only ones to pick up on it strongly, but apparently it’s much stronger now haha

Yeah I’ve picked up on this.
There are actually many more instances where bad things happened to people due to my intentions, I guess I just use their bad feelings and negativity towards them at a boosted level :sweat_smile:
But I don’t know if this is due to a sub then :thinking: or just one of the effects of using Mind’s Eye for a long time (cause I do visualize them in those situations due to my own frustration too).


I thought I was already at a high peak, turns out I barely just had a tiny piece of my potential.

I’m going through a series of realizations that just don’t stop, and some of the things I’m realizing feel so mystic, that I’m thinking that I’m gonna split my journal into 2; discussing only my custom + RoM stuff here only, while leaving the other stuff for the black forum section (or maybe limit them to myself).

The reason for the reluctance, is because I came upon a realization regarding something “supernatural”, and I kinda applied it as well, more than 3 times, and it worked EVERY SINGLE TIME, which makes me realize that my ability to manifest a lot is just the tip of the iceberg :exploding_head:


Did you attend the World Cup Final @Invictus?


Nah haha
Was training Chest and Triceps at the time :muscle:t3::sunglasses:


Respect 🫡 :muscle:


So with the Alchemist and RoM run, I decided it would be better to run my other custom that had a more inner-focused profile, Cosmic Transcendence (which I edited in the first post with the cores and modules), and with this now, I wanted to post something I’ve been pondering upon:

I’ve always wondered about why I’m so egoistic, and why do I perform at my peak potential only when my ego is involved, which I have realized time and time again, so I decided to really dig deeper within myself to look for answers.

One of the things where I’ve noted this the most is during my workouts, as it’s an undeniable fact by now that my best workouts are the ones where I think about the worst things that ever happened to me, whether it’s break ups, cheating, childhood trauma, insecurities, fights, disappointments, feeling of never being enough….

Those are the things I have been consciously enjoying thinking about to fuel my workout performance, and it’s been working wonders, to the point where I’m actually looking my best at the moment (been consistently doing it a lot for the last 6-8 weeks).

Another moment in my life where I did this was when I was 16, and how everyone thought I couldn’t go abroad to live and study alone, and it provoked my ego cause I didn’t like the fact that everyone looked down on me, thus, I ended up taking matters in my own hands, applying to universities by myself, getting my acceptance letter, and going to the ministry of education all alone to demand for a scholarship as I deserved one, and that’s how I proved myself to everyone.

But you see, both instances show one thing: my ego getting provoked leads to me getting positive returns, and when I do get those returns, I become uncontrollably happy with what I receive.

Kinda like WANTED’s game, you don’t feel the need to chase, and you would even reject some women and be cold to them, but that’s exactly what makes the hot chicks come to you, which leads to feeling amazing haha.

And that lead me to think:

If law of attraction is about manifesting our desires, isn’t it better to fuel ourselves with negative energy to attract positive outcomes? I mean, opposites attract, you know.

While I don’t wanna say I reached to a definitive conclusion, I do feel like the idea of “negative” energy is seen in a bad light, when it’s not supposed to be, just as we don’t call Electrons evil, we can’t just label negative energy as such either.

Now I guess I need to practice with positive energy, as only then, by combining both sides, can I fully utilize the eternal void of creation.


The way I see it… Energy is energy is energy… And the razor in question is whether it drains you, or empowers you.

Whatever energizes you and enables you and leads you to action and positive outcomes… is positive energy to you - regardless of what societal norms and morals might otherwise consider.

The universe doesn’t care about “positive” or “negative” energy… is what I would say.

Indeed, what IS positive energy, anyway, if not the kind that enables and empowers you? :smiley:


What I was eluding to in my post above wasn’t about the thought behind the energy, but the nature of the energy itself.

Think similar to the concepts of the sub duo: As Above & So Below.

One is a calm energy, the other is an emotionally intense one, and both are utilized in their own ways.

In that sense, the concept I was trying to talk about was about the polarity aspect of the energies, where one stems from “negative” thoughts, making it negatively charged (emotionally intense), and while the other stems from “positive” thoughts such as gratitude and love (calm and tranquil).

The idea here is: I’m firmly accustomed to one polarity, but lack the skills to utilize the other kind (gratitude and being full of love actually makes me not achieve much, cause I become too content and don’t wanna be too “greedy” haha), so if both can be utilized, and even more importantly, combined, then according to my hypothesis, the energy would be in its most purest form.

Why does this matter?
Even though energy is always there (can’t be created or destroyed), we can only utilize a certain level by invoking either of the aforementioned types of thoughts, but if I can potentially have the duality of both to co-exist, the amount of energy I could potentially utilize would be limitless, because the polarities would cancel themselves out, leading to the energy being without any sort of “feel” to it, meaning that instead of channeling thoughts to utilize it, you can just invoke it in its purest form without any thoughts or emotions.