Dragon Reborn A New Life

How far you have come in just 1 week!:sunglasses:

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Second rest day and I feel like I’m actually starting to process what I stuffed in my brain. So more rest from now on, definitely. I know you kept mentioning that, old habits just die hard and I have a history of taking on too much at once and thinking I can handle it all.

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I think I know that inclination quite well…:grin:

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Got hit with a crypto locker at my job. I’m just gonna assume this is a manifested challenge. One, Im learning to detach myself from the pressure of figuring shit out and making sure I seem competent. Two, I’m riding out the storm of everyone that wants to criticize the fact we were compromised when we run a skeleton crew and continually get slammed with work. Something was bound to fall through the cracks and this wasn’t my fault.

So fuck what people want to think. I don’t care, whatever snide remarks or criticisms. I’m bigger than that petty shit. And you bet your ass I’m sick of petty office politics.

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Can’t wait to get back on Fidelity. DR is basically clearing the blocks for past programming to come through. I feel like later stages will unleash even more. You can definitely have a mindset basically installed in your subconscious that doesn’t fade but it doesn’t execute either because of blocks. That’s where I’m at, as these things are being chipped away I’m seeing more of my desired effect from everything I’ve listened to from subclub.

Im also practicing everyday holding onto the concept of circumstances not mattering. What I mean is most people are like “I want xyz, how do I get it?, What steps do I have to take and plan out? What did others do wrong?, Etc.” Instead the attitude has shifted towards me already having it, I just have to continue affirming it and trust where my mind takes me. This is higher level manifesting, when you throw out the logical framework and with it all the limiting beliefs surrounding it. Right now I’m stuck in IT, making enough money to get by, doing ok but not great. But my mind is projected in another reality. As far as I’m concerned I’m already in that desired reality, the physical just needs to catch up with it.

That might sound delusional to some people on here but let me tell you something about delusional. I’ve seen more “delusional” people bend reality around them than people who were “realistic”. And of course if you mention higher level goals most people look at the potential of them through the frame of where you’re currently at as if that dictactes future possibilities. Just have to shrug them off.

I had the epiphany yesterday while driving into work. We see patterns as human beings. We take the external and try to make sense of it, bridge connections, tie concepts together. But those patterns don’t have correlation. You are severely limited as an individual if you place too much weight into seeing patterns and structuring your life around that vs deciding what you want and just doing it. That’s pretty much the social matrix I’ve been aware of for years now but never understood. People operate from these “if this then that” principles and there isn’t always inherent truth in them, they’re just passed down or among people.

Having said that, talk is cheap. I’ve long since abandoned complex philosophical theories to figure out stuff. Change is in being, not thinking about how to be. Philosophy has value, it’s just not the direct path.

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You are having many deep thoughts. I think DR keeps me questioning the reality that is presented to me.

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Decided to sign up for distrokid this month. 20 a year and unlimited distribution to a bunch of music streaming sites. It’s time to put myself out there and see what happens. I’m always afraid my music is complete trash, I’m my worst critic. At this point getting more ears on it and getting actual feedback from people might help me break away from that incredibly narrow focus. My stuff feels amateur, but I don’t want to wait until it’s “good enough” to release it because experience has shown me that the good enough bar is constantly moving. And having an actual outlet for my music that isn’t the bot filled hole that’s soundcloud might add additional motivation to finish more music.

Might rework my logo as well. I guess these are solid actions to bringing me into alignment with my desired reality more. Taking my own artistic project more seriously and not leaving it in the realm of a little hobby on the side


This looks like an achievement. Well done.

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Do each of your songs have an ISWC?

And what @King said above!

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Good call, no they don’t and I didn’t even think of that. Distrokid provides the ISRC though. I’ll have to look into that

This is similar. From what little I know, it might be a good idea to have both.

There is so much to keep in mind. Have you looked into SoundCloud? Please keep in mind I’m not an expert, but SoundCloud has ways to make certain things such as getting ISWC easier in theory.

I’ll have to do a deep dive into this over the weekend before I go putting my stuff out. I never have even heard of this prior to today so it’s good you brought it up.

To me one of the biggest contradictions in life is the more you need something the less likely you’ll get it. I was analyzing that more today and why that is. For one, when you desperately need something the subconscious signal you’re giving out is “I don’t have this”. And because you’re focused on not having, you get more of that. But there’s another layer to needing. One of them is having it fill some part inside of you in attempt to reach happiness. The other is a fear, doubt, that you could get something in your life. If you truly know deep down that something will happen there is no neediness. You understand it’s just about being patient.

In a nutshell I’m learning to detach from these almost painful needs that present as a feeling of emptiness or lack. It’s an attitude shift of not if but when and when this happens anxiety about life diminishes because I understand I guide this ship.

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I’ve also taken to the idea of “I want” is a signal to affirm “I have”.

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For a “let’s see what happens” sub love bomb lite is powerful. Or maybe this is Ultima B version. Today is my rest day and I can feel the aura from this thing. It feels like it’s expanding about 4 inches from my body as this static feeling. You know when you rub a balloon and then run it across your arm? That feeling but all over my body.

Also hopped back on dating apps because I said fuck it. Usually it’s ghost town for me, but I’m getting way more matches than usual. I have changed nothing in my profile since the last time I made it. The only thing that changed was changing my attitude that they suck to they’re a great experience and putting the intention out there that I’d meet quality women.

Reality has been getting very flexible for me lately. Crypto virus resolved. All the headaches I thought I’d have to deal with didn’t happen because I shifted away from expecting it to. One of my coworkers basically took the reigns on calling a vendor to get some delayed laptops expedited. My manifesting ability has shot up lately. I’m working on making my life easy and effortless for myself, instead of charging head on into problems and battling them I’m just going to be sidestepping them and let that stuff breeze past. That’s not easy for most people, it goes against everything we’ve been taught, but what we’ve been taught isn’t leveraging the power of the subconscious or your own internal power.

So one part of my mind is like “yeah this is going to be a short lived high and up, it’s going to crash eventually”. But even with that I’m changing my relationship to what these positive changes mean. If I crash, I create that crash and that’s all there is to it. So if I create it, I can prevent it as well or not even have it happen.

I’ve done my time stuck in the trenches of life and I’m not going back there. Life is a game, I’m working on getting to the point where I’ve got the cheatcodes to get whatever I want. Will I get bored? Not likely. If I want a challenge I can give myself one, but why make challenges the default 24/7 100% of the time? I’m breaking out of that self constructed reality of pain and struggle for myself. Perhaps I needed to go through all that to really understand how all this works.

I have found that true up to a point. It seems to me that I always get what I genuinely NEED, but not always what I FEEL a desperate need for but don’t actually need.



Why yes I do believe so.

Great insights mate!

:dragon: on!

And re-read @COWolfe’s insight.

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Very true. I’ve always felt that as the higher self needs vs the ego needs. Sometimes the ego needs are louder and can derail me. I think as I bridge the conscious subconscious gap it becomes easier to listen to that intuitive higher self.

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I’m getting closer to bringing what I want into my life, but as I do so it gets harder to follow through. I registered with a Performing Rights Organization yesterday so I could register my songs. Tried to start a course I bought on licensing music. But there’s this avoidance to sitting down and moving forward. It’s like my mind wants to procrastinate on moving towards what I really want.

I’m not believing these negative thoughts, but at the same time I can’t suppress them. So I guess this is some heavy reconciliation between what I’m working towards and what I believe I can do deep down inside of me. I’m offsetting this by making sure I meditate and visualize what I’m aiming for every night to fill my head with success.

They say living your life like you already are what you desire is the fastest way to manifesting. The problems I run into are the speed bumps along the way that slow that down. Like let’s say I’m living as if I’m a successful music producer, cool. I sit down to write a song, get stuck, and don’t finish. Suddenly all that positive mental energy goes out the window because the more immediate visible reality of not being close to that weighs heavier as the truth.

I believe this is what Neville meant by circumstances not mattering and living in the end. Regardless of what happens or what evidence points to it not being true, you stay persistent until it is. I have to do some reading again because the key to all this is effortlessly feeling it. If you’re trying too hard that implies you don’t think it’s possible and you’re battling with doubt. And right now it feels like I’m engaged in a battle between two parts of my mind that is manifesting as stress.

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I think this is another effect of DR.

I also find that since listening to DR, saying such things to myself is much more convincing at eliminating fear and negative mood, whereas before I felt like it was like I was trying to swim upstream.

And I think this is why I have headaches.

I think you are on the right track dude!

PS Good on you for registering with a PRO.

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