Do you even lift bro?

@GoldenTiger I am on Prozac myself. Same strength or dosage

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Can you share your source for SARMs? PM if need be. Reliable suppliers are getting harder to find… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Thanks, man :). When I do biceps I work all angles close, wide all of it. I have a short type of bicep so maybe that’s why it looks like that. But without subs, I would not be close to this so I am very glad for them and of course waiting for Wanted ZP like worker for his paycheck :slight_smile:

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haha, I used to work with a trusted supplier in china called Lyphar, unfortunatly China made SARMS illegal to posess so they sent me an email to tell me they won’t make anymore :eyes:
Edit : I PM’d you.

Right now I still have some left in my fridge, enclosed in a small plastic bag… I don’t plan on touching stuff that mess with my hormones!

Except if Wanted or diamond can put my testosterone production through the roof :+1:
@Invictus You told that running Wanted QZP was like running RAD140 for the gains in the gym, did you have any other effect from Wanted QZP that could indicate an increase in testosterone? (high confidence, agression/assertion, energy, libido, erection- for those one, diamond could be the culprit)


US is going the same way I think… which is stupid, given the harm potential with many things that are, and will remain, perfectly legal… but I digress. PM’d you back. :+1:t2:

Yes, definitely.

Main effects that proved it are:

  • darker beard
  • increased body hair
  • deeper voice
  • higher energy levels
  • faster recovery (except on legs day)
  • calm aggression

I used AthleanX - Beast

Girls were literally turning their heads when I was walking shirtless…

If you gotta access to a fully equipped gym, it is one of the most satisfying and fun programs to try.

EDIT: Deleted pictures of myself :wink:


Damn you are jacked, nice :slight_smile:

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Jeff’s program are great, I did Athlean X’s regular program at 20 :slight_smile: It was my first program!

@friday what was your nutrition like? :open_mouth:

The fucking palm tree in the background, I miss the sun :sob: when I’ll habe enough money I’ll so move somewhere with sunshine!

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That was 2+ years ago.

After that time I morphed into a skinny vegetable, and this year into a fatty bear haha

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That’s what I thought! The body must increase testosterone as a pathway to make you more attractive!

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You are trying every state of being, muscular, skinny, fatty :). Every experience is good. Maybe Wanted ZP will get you back on track.

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Nah, I really enjoy the bear mode. Wanted Qv2 was the one that put me into this position in the first place :wink:

I already gained almost 12 kg in the last months but I am actually still trying to gain more weight haha.

The thing is I reached a state where my body looks pretty badass no matter what I do. Over the years, I developed an extreme ease and comfortableness in my body. I no longer go to the gym to validate myself or “mould” my body. I don’t need that. If I go, I just go there for fun and meet my friends.


I like this guy, before FST-7 I was doing his training and it was fine.


Woah man, smart and aesthetic, you don’t even need WZP :rofl:

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First month of me working out; mostly just free style it and listen to the body. Big goal is dropping the weight and getting ripped.

Looking to get back to how I was a few years back before my ex and me got involved.


You can do this my man :muscle:t3::sunglasses:
I believe in you :muscle:t3::sunglasses:

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Very nice transformation man.


Thanks mate @Invictus @Deadpool :grin::muscle: Looking to get there by beginning of 2022 or end of 2021 depending on zp :grin: Been hitting the gym 7 to 6 days a week to kick start my journey.

In that last photo I was just on the sarm Ostarine, gonna try out with just subs to get there and beyond :muscle:


No. Not yet. :sweat_smile:

Got to start soon though. I’ve reached 31% body fat sitting around for the last 2 years.
