Day 7 - Listening (Evening)
I had to go out of town today for some business in a bus. Since I came back I have been wondering this about Paragon: Does it work on Motion Sickness as well? I have a history of motion sickness but over the past few years I have gotten over it as far as road transportation and railway goes, don’t get much chance to travel in air or from waters so don’t know about getting over it.
Anyway, since I went out today and now that I am back I notice that I am not tired at all. I am feeling quite energetic which is surprising because the kind of heat we have here in summers makes you wish to never leave your house. And the heat as grown even more the past few days too.
Day 8 - Rest (Morning)
Had a good night sleep, Paragon has really fixed my sleep cycle. For the past two-three weeks my sleep cycle was such that I wouldn’t get any sleep at night and then try my hardest no to sleep any time during the day which sometimes worked. Now it has been more or less fixed.
Day 8 - Rest (Evening)
Nothing significant to report this evening.
Day 9 - Listening (Morning)
It just dawned on me that while I eat my meal in my regular quantity I have been only eating one meal a day.
Day 9 - Listening (Evening)
My bones aren’t cracking as much as usual. I also think Paragon is working on my cough problem.
Day 10 - Rest (Morning)
I have been wondering whether I should start doing QL with Paragon because of a few certain circumstances.
Paragon is really clearing up my Sinus, I can feel it. During my very first loop I had a more even breathing as an immediate effect. But now my sinus clearing up slowly but surely. I suspect by the end of this cycle I will have no such problem.
Day 10 - Rest (Evening)
Nothing much to report tonight.
Day 11 - Listening (Morning)
Paragon is still working on the Sinus problem. I am not noticing anything else at the moment.
Day 11 - Listening (Evening)
Nothing to report.
Day 12 - Rest
I know I didn’t post anything today but just saying I have “nothing to report” until there is something major happens seems like cheating to me. So I think from now on it would be better to post when something noticeable has happened rather than just saying “nothing to report”.
Day 13 - Listening
I juat couldn’t seem to get to listen to my loops today at all. It is funny actually every time I had decided I would today, some work popped up. This happened two-three times. But I managed to do my loops somehow.
Today I realised how my internal organs were feeling tired for some reason and in pain. Not in a serious way but but in a way that said in need for healing.
Day 15 - Listening
I have started exercising again. I don’t feel as much resistence as I used to while trying to start exercising. It has been so long I thought I would be getting sore muscles and muscle pain quite easily, but none of it happened. Only my muscles felt a little sore and that was all.
Day 17 - Listening
I can’t really explain how I am feeling. My body’s healing has been feeling so good that I feel uncomfortable because of it. I know how it sounds but this is the truth. I guess I was so accustomed to living with my ailments that now that my body is way better than before in many ways, I am feeling uncomfortable of this change. Weird right?
Ahahah i know how you feel. If i for example suddenly woke up withouy a need for glasses i would feel uncomfortable too as i am wearing them everyday for the last 10 years of my life. I guess healing comes when you release that feeling and accept the new you?
Yes you’re right. My past few days have been just about that.
How do you do the liver cleanse? I am just taking Milk thistle for that.
Download the file “Cleansing Therapy” and and go to page no. 72 the way it is stated here is how I do it.
Day 19 (Listening)
I think my immune system has really gotten stronger. Earlier if I slept with the Air Conditioner on, I would get common cold the next morning. I did this yesterday, but today I feel the same, normal.
Day 21 (End of Cycle)
Today marks the end of the my cycle of Paragon which I ran solo. I had considered running other subs with it mid-cycle but in the end I just stuck with it solo.
Day 21 (End Of Cycle)
So here I summarize my results running Paragon Solo:
- Breathing: I have a deviated nasal septum so breathing has always been hard more so during illness like common cold for example. But Since my first loop the biggest result I have got is that my breathing improved to the point I thought was impossible. I am again able to do Pranayam which I had stopped because of how much effort breathing itself took.
- Meditation: A rather suprising result I got is that I am able to do my meditation longer without any body pain. It is shocking really, how just having a stronger body can do for your meditation practice.
- Inner Organs: For a long time I have had a feeling that my inner organs seem “tired” if that makes any sense, which in turn affected my overall productivity and day. Paragon healed this since my first loop.
- Sleep: Since a few months back, my sleep cycle had been messed up to such an extent that I couldn’t sleep at night no matter how hard I tried and I couldn’t stay awake during the day no matter how hard I tried. But within a week or so Paragon fixed this.
- Old Injuries: Like any normal person I have a lot of minor injuries that happen during the course of life and heal. But in my case, some of these injuries had a pain resurgence for no reason at all since last 2-3 months. Paragon fixed those too.
- Energy: I am not sure whether to attribute this to Paragon but while traveling to somewhere like another town in the summer heat we have is hard(to put it mildly). Yet I was able to do that quite easily.
- Exercise Recovery: First of all because of all the things listed above I was able to start exercising. And secondly Paragon really helped with recovery after a session.
- Immune System: My immune system has improved a lot.