[Chosen/Stark] The Morning Star

As Within, So Without.

Maybe there is no difference between it being focused inward and outward? :face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle:

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Today I went for Tantric Lover and Phoibos 1× each.
I wasnt in the best mood the last couple of days, but now things are looking brighter.

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There is no difference really, its more of a thing of focus… where you put your focus you become more aware of, Its still happening everywhere else though.

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This man showed me a new level of freedom ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

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OMG!! Sneaky Alchemist st1 :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Haha. Your laughter is contagious even through text. Sneaky Alchemist ST1 :joy:

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1× Alchemist St1
1× Phoibos.

Last week was pretty interesting and revealing, lots of insights and understandings, but it was rough… I mean ROUGH…
Last night I realized how Alchemist picked up right where I stopped using it the last time and quickly went right to breaking things down.
It also obvious for me the synergy with LBfH and Heartsong (and the love modules)

It broke down all (many) of my preconceptions about love, being self love, romantic love, brotherly love and spiritual love… it all vanished to the point that I had to admit that I have no idea what Love really is. Thats when I found the Krishnamurti videos.

Everything began to make sense in a new way… Theres no belief system, spiritual practice, guru or anything that could teach you what love really is.
Intellectual discussions about love are fruitless and pointless to me, just ego stroking.

People do not know what love is, they talk about it a lot, but they are fearful, jealous, filled with attachments and ultimately very lonely.

“Theres no Love when theres jealously
Theres no Love when theres attachment
Theres no Love when theres fear
Theres no Love when theres loneliness
Theres no Love when theres separation”.

By dettaching ourself from the ideas of what love is and healing our feelings of fear and loneliness we have an opportunity to EXPERIENCE what LOVE really is.


Well said!

I am also still figuring out what it really, truly means.

Looking forward to your journey on it!

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My mind feels like a beehive… constantly working in disassembling and reassembling everything.
I came to the beach this morning for work and Im in a non stop reflective mode…
Whats funny is that my “conclusions” are really deeper questions… then the process begins all over again.

This time it doesnt feel scary though, it feels intriguing… I have lots of curiosity about what is happening and I dont seem to care about where it all might lead.


Im aware of how I am trying to prove to myself that my ideas of the world are TRUE, at the same time Im aware of my desire to detach from those ideas as just being ideas, not REALITY.

Im aware of how those energies move and relate to each other looking for a space to exist.

Where’s the limit between being aware of something and interpreting that something?
Is there a limit?
Are we even capable of being aware of something without interpreting? Without giving meaning to it?

Every single model created by man to try an understand Consciousness is by definition incomplete and subject to betterment.
Every single model was created by somebody, therefore a projection of their own consciousness, their own understanding of reality. Its filled also with their own (mis)interpretations and flaws.

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Im sure many misconceptions, misunderstandings and blind spots are part of my world view…
Im sure Ive tried to defend them as TRUTHS many times, most probably I will try to do it again.
Its not my interest to try to avoid doing that, but to progresively clear misconceptions and misunderstandings, widening my world view.

Part of Loving myself WHOLE is accepting that I dont know as much as I like to believe and thats ok.
Part of Loving myself WHOLE is accepting that probably I will never know what TRUTH really is, but its about updating my map.


My brain is fried… I did all the work I could handle, I better listen to some music or do something to distract myself for a while.

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I feel like its the first day of sun after heavy rain. Everything is brighter, more colorful and the air is fresh and crisp


Glad for you it feels much better!

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We have become so attached to our ideas and beliefs that if someone questions what we held as Truths, we feel pain, we feel attacked, because we identify our ideas with ourselves, as is theres no difference.

If we dettach from our ideas then suddenly it doesnt matter anymore if someone else disagrees with us or confront our ideas.
Its not that we have to get rid of all beliefs and ideas, its about holding those ideas for what they really are. Concepts, conclusions based on our interpretations and understandings of what we can percieve.
Beliefs that you hold today, but didnt have yesterday… Beliefs that probably you wont have tomorrow.

Being wrong doesnt make you any less valuable as a person.
Being right doesnt make you any more valuable as a person.


Thanks bro!!
