The VIBRATING CHIRON - Online Business High Vibe Custom

Damn bro :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

Now you’re making me wanna order mine :heart_eyes:
I do think that it’s about time to get it, but with some extra changes :wink:

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Well you’re used to ordering customs, aren’t you? :grin::grin::grin:

What’s your list??

I present to you:

Euphoria ZP
  • LBFH core
  • Mind’s Eye core
  • The Wonder
  • Joie de Vivre
  • The flow
  • Divine will
  • Current Invoker
  • Void of Creation
  • The Merger of Worlds
  • Pragya
  • Awakened Perception
  • All-Seeing
  • Virtue Series: Temperance
  • Virtue Series: Patience
  • Harmonic Singularity
  • Khronos Key
  • Gratitude Embodiment
  • Starfilled Night
  • Inner Voice
  • Everpresent

There you go :wink:


I’m digging this one also. Especially Harmonic Singularity. I forgot about this one. Damn.

Not that I had space for it haha

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Day 9, processing

Thanks to Invictus, I found an image for the AWAKEN custom:

Outside of that, the VIBRATING CHIRON is doing great.
Especially True Sell. But not just in selling, but I notice it becoming SUPER EASY to tap into other people’s minds. Specifically in my coaching practice. I can read them super well and what the underlying issue is. Even THEIR PARTNERS’ issues I can tap into and help them to understand each other better.

This custom, INDEED, does raise vibration.

Exactly as planned, lovely!

Also on this forum, I am generally more understanding of ALL reasons and things that drive people. I don’t necessarily think they’re good, but I can understand where they’re coming from and thus much easier help them to see a different light, without acting like my way is the correct way.

Especially the last part must be the combination with Chosen of Nature.

It helps you to tap into people’s minds, without arrogance. Helping them to see a new perspective, without acting like you’re the know-it-all. Showing new sides of life, without trying to convert them.

Generally being fine with their life choices, even if you know it’s to their detriment, since you understand you cannot change other people. You can just guide them to the path, but it is on their own to walk it. Or maybe they even see your path is not their path.

A general calmness and relaxation has settled in that is new to me.

Looking forward to stacking this with my AWAKEN custom. Can only imagine how well LBFH and Alchemist fit into this!!


This is very powerful, congrats!! It resonates so much with what I just wrote in my journal.
Allow me to share it with you…

Im happy we are on this path man ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 I have lots of respect for you and what you do.


Yeah I saw that and was thinking the same! Keep going, brother!

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Day 12, AWAKEN Custom

It finally was time. I was thinking about adding more rest days but my mind kept pushing me to run this, so why the hell not?

First time listening!

An hour later my wife wrote me a text “I just wanted to tell you how much I love you and love to spend time with you and our son.”

Just randomly. That rarely happens. I know she loves me but that, for sure, was different. She’s also been bubbly and funny all day.
As was I. Having fun, being productive as hell, enjoying the work and process of it. Just vibin high.
So far the custom is doing what I wanted it to do. Then again, my conscious guidance was first focused on just raising vibe. Going forward I will guide it to open the mind to everything. No judgment. No past, no future. Just the moment.


On another note, the VIBRATING CHIRON is also doing work.

Social Media keeps exploding, RAIKOV manifested today where I saw how well someone had his Patreon set up, so I copied parts of it.

I am generally on such a high vibe, and good mood, it’s lovely. And insane. And lovely. And fun! :wink:


Day 13, processing

I dont know which module it was,
Avatar, Alchemist, Awakened Perception, The Flow,
could be all of them,
but I had a MASSIVE spiritual revelation today what my path in life is, or rather, in my relationships and myself, as well as generally the fabrics of reality.


It came from a book, and it just clicked.


Plus, as expected, this custom amplifies the Chiron and many older subs MASSIVELY. Success on all realms and a generally awesome feeling!


Are you aware of any results from Khronos Key and Dream Traveler just yet?


Dream traveler yes!!! I can easily recall my dreams from last night all day. They also feel more vivid. Then again it was jet one loop.

Khronos key not yet.


Lol… Im very enthusiastic about your custom, forgot to give you time for it to work.


I notice some recon today. Not crazy, as I remember it with LBFH.

But it is there.

Its interesting.

This custom and the Chiron truly feel like I can run then for months easily. Maybe small tweaks but generally.

Especially the AWAKEN is lovely because of all the positive energy. Plus LBFH will heal all issues that might be brought up with positivity which makes this sub super awesome in a custom.

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Day 17, processing after a slight overload on AWAKEN, lol

DEEP insights I am gaining here.

The last days were tough on recon, spiritual purge, as well as a slight overload. I thought I could run the custom more often since it’s just “feel good high vibe” but that turned out to be a fallacy lol

I notice my recon and/or overexposure very clearly now.
It is every time I am fully driven by lust. Being hard horny for my wife all the time, and even feeling the urge to check out sexy pics.

Alchemist is a great guide in showing me WHY and where it comes from.
PLUTO! The planet of transformation is in scorpio in my natal chart. I was just talking to a coaching client about this today for his placement when it clicked.

Through my sexuality I gain a lot of transformation. Or the other way round, I need to transform my sexuality, and watch out for impulses to see I am changing. It is a hint, so to speak.

LOVELY realization right there.

Aligns with many other things that happened in my life. For example, once I moved my business from the Red Pill stuff to love and high vibe, relationship building, it skyrocketed → this is the transformative path I am supposed to take.
MORE of that!

Anyway, reduce exposure a bit and play with those insights and psychic abilities to gain even more.
Currently also reading “Conversations with Nostradamus” who was the most talented psychic, EVER, so this scheme kinda fits lol

I am curious on how to unlock more of these brain abilities. I did have an OOBE once, where my soul literally left my body and that image is still imprinted in my mind. As well as the things I mentioned through the ZP testing phase (when it was too strong lol) and I experiences a few hours into the future in a dream :smiley:

This custom will certainly get me in that direction over time.


Does this mean when you have urges, your changing as a person? Or is it a hint that you need to change some aspect of yourself/ your life?

This is really cool.

Is anything happening in your 7th House? And where’s Pluto?

And is Libra active anywhere?

Both. I think the urges are telling me that I am changing, but at the same time I need to change the relationship I have with it and/or whatever is currently on the plate.

Either way, I see it as the conductor through which I gain insight on my mental landscape shifting.

That’s a broad question? You mean any transits or natal placements?

Pluto is in Scorpio, the 9th House.

Nope, no Libra in my placements.

I do notice Khronos Key now.

It’s less that I can control time (yet) but more that it automatically moves according to my needs.

As in, if I do tedious stuff, time moves fast to get it over with.
Stuff I enjoy, it seems time stretches forever.

It’s awesome!


Thats awesome! Im gonna consider that module for a future project.