[Chosen/Stark] The Morning Star

Im sure many misconceptions, misunderstandings and blind spots are part of my world view…
Im sure Ive tried to defend them as TRUTHS many times, most probably I will try to do it again.
Its not my interest to try to avoid doing that, but to progresively clear misconceptions and misunderstandings, widening my world view.

Part of Loving myself WHOLE is accepting that I dont know as much as I like to believe and thats ok.
Part of Loving myself WHOLE is accepting that probably I will never know what TRUTH really is, but its about updating my map.


My brain is fried… I did all the work I could handle, I better listen to some music or do something to distract myself for a while.

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I feel like its the first day of sun after heavy rain. Everything is brighter, more colorful and the air is fresh and crisp


Glad for you it feels much better!

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We have become so attached to our ideas and beliefs that if someone questions what we held as Truths, we feel pain, we feel attacked, because we identify our ideas with ourselves, as is theres no difference.

If we dettach from our ideas then suddenly it doesnt matter anymore if someone else disagrees with us or confront our ideas.
Its not that we have to get rid of all beliefs and ideas, its about holding those ideas for what they really are. Concepts, conclusions based on our interpretations and understandings of what we can percieve.
Beliefs that you hold today, but didnt have yesterday… Beliefs that probably you wont have tomorrow.

Being wrong doesnt make you any less valuable as a person.
Being right doesnt make you any more valuable as a person.


Thanks bro!!



Day #10

Today I did 1x Tantric Lover only, no Alchemist. Last time I did Alchemist it send me to an endless introspective state of reflection, opening loop after loop, now I need time to integrate those reflections and rest.
Last night while I was in bed in the dark, my girlfriend was sleeping and I connected with a deep feeling of sadness and loneliness… I just let myself be carried by those emotions, allowing them to grow and fill me up.
I ended up remembering being a small kid and feeling not cared for, somewhat invisible… Then a huge wave of love filled me up when I realized Im not alone, never been, never will be and that Im loved and supported.


Today I feel how I negatively react towards anything I percieve as a flaw, unable to accept that things and people are different from how I think they should be… Unable to accept that my life is different from what its supposed to be.
There are no flaws… Im just different from what at some point in my life I became convinced I should be.


A little project of mine…
In a couple more cycles Im thinking of building this custom based only on Masculinity and all the traits that for me are included in that category, special attention was given to the ones I need to develop more and the ones that simple are scary to me.

  1. Godlike Masculinity Core
  2. Achilles
  3. Victory’s Call
  4. Call of Honor
  5. Codename: Umbra
  6. Fearsome
  7. Manipulus
  8. Iron Frame
  9. Rogue
  10. Total Nonchalance
  11. Lion IV
  12. Power Unleashed
  13. Dominion
  14. Negative Energy Transmutation
  15. Direct Influencing
  16. Aura of Craving
  17. Immortal´s Blade
  18. Productivity Unleashed
  19. Wisdom Personified
  20. Mystery

A switch got flipped ON inside… Ive been feeling real good for the last couple of hours.


I have this idea that only 1 sub per listening day is my sweet spot… Something like this is what Im gonna test:

Monday: Alchemist St1
Wednesday: Tantric Lover
Friday: Phoibos.

It just came to me.

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Emotions rules Perceptions.


I love how introspective and attentive your mind is. You seem to solve these issues quickly and well! Godspeed!


Yeah I love it… theres other areas in which I seem to operate snailspeed though :rofl::rofl:


Feeling real good since yesterday!! Im feeling really optimistic about the idea of listening just 1 title per listening day and alternate between the 3.

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As per planned, today I did 1× Phoibos.

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And its hitting me hard…

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Its very hard to feel good when you carry so much guilt… Fortunately I became aware of it and I was able to release it by surfing into the emotion.

Now Im blissing out!!

I feel listening to 1 loop of only 1 title per listening day works awesome so far. It gives me the chance to navigate my inner worlds and be aware of whatever the sub provokes without having to guess which sub(s) are actively moving, changing and expanding my cosmology.
Its much more focused.