Can paragon Complete zp heal bipolar disorder

If not which subs. Maybe paragon sleep?
Is paragon sleep contained within paragon Complete?
Also that’s the physical side but there’s also the emotional side of healing. Kinda need a mind body problem solution probably. Inner healing and physical healing.

For me a big part of my medication is so I can go to sleep and have a reset each day. Kills my libido unless I’m on 40 days plus of nofap. But when on nofap it starts making me have too much energy.
Also it’s bad for my liver or kidneys can’t remember which.

Other people have less energy and the medication can really have a detrimental effect on their lives energy and creativity.

I was anti medication for a long time.

And yes I know its not medical advice. I have to be careful and responsible.

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Quantum Limitless is extremely helpful as it balances everything including all the neuro transmitters in the brain.

I have bipolar 2 (& adhd) and I have been using QL with good results.

I have also found Sanguine to be helpful aswell.

Be careful with the words “heal” or “cure”.


Seriously? I have ADHD , High Functioning Depression ( Dysthymia) , and probably on the spectrum. Closer to Aspie than anything else. Anyway if you could elaborate a bit more I would sincerely appreciate it


I see QL helping adhd more than bipolar. Bipolar is a bit more complex.

And I don’t really view it as mental illness. Every time I’ve been slayed by Bipolar it has been in my eyes a spiritual attack or spiritual emergency with highly complex evil synchronicities.

People with high level Bipolar scare authority society because they channel God energy. They do things that aren’t meant to be allowed in the simulation.

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As suggested, be careful with the word cure. I don’t think it’ll ever be implied that it can cure those sorts of things however my best advice is to try it out and use conscious guidance to give it what you need.

I’d probably suggest using both but especially Paragon Sleep if sleep is one of the bigger elements for you.

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I used the word heal I believe

Not all parts of bipolar reduce cognitive abilities. It can enhance creativity. Make connections the average person wouldn’t. Enhance empathy intuition. Think higher consciousness thoughts about reality.

It can hinder focus and ability to think in certain academic ways like reading a philosophy text for example if you are “high”

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I have been wondering the same thing

This is a great question. Thanks for coming to the forum and subliminals to work on it!

You’d be surprised at how many people have such a massive victim mindset that they think the only solution is to trust their doctors, take their meds, and blame all their problems on their bipolar disorder without DOING anything above-and-beyond to work on it.

Bipolar is a circumstance, but, not doing anything about it is the real problem. I love that you already know that and are being proactive :slight_smile:


Meant to reply to @Goldaura not @xkjwx

I absolutely think that QL is the place to start.

You have a first hand report that someone with Bipolar is benefiting from QL.

And it’s the most direct subliminal for your goals in terms of being focused on cognitive optimization/enhancement.

If you had to pick one, I’d pick QL, most importantly because it’ll address the ROOT of the problem. And that’s the important part. We can also address the symptoms with subliminals, but more importantly, address the root cause.

And there is a root cause of everything you’re experiencing: bipolar tendencies, and the root cause of that is neurochemical imbalances, which QL will address.

So we could stop the conversation right here, you could start listening to QL, and you’d have everything you need in one subliminal.

But to go above and beyond working on the issue of your best and ideal life, there are also symptoms that are a result of the root cause, such as lack of sleep, lack of discipline, lack of libido, mood swings, etc. (I’m speaking from the experience of my own bipolar as an example).

There are a couple of subliminals that could address the symptoms.

1. Paragon Complete… full physical healing, ALSO benefits sleep, but is more focused on physical healing.

2. Paragon Sleep… named Paragon Sleep because Paragon Complete already had sleep-boosting benefits, paragon sleep just ramped that aspect of paragon into high gear.

3. Godlike Masculinity… An untraditional recommendation, but it makes perfect sense when considering addressing symptoms of Bipolar. Lack of discipline, emotional turbulence, and more are all directly countered by GLM’s focus on…

  • stoicism (emotional stability and non-reactiveness),
  • discipline (doing the same things every day regardless of how you feel, being consistent about life’s responsibilities, being consistent about your own self care)
  • Emotional groundedness, (separate from stoicism, genuine calm from within)
  • Ambition, hit your goals, excitement for your goals
  • Mind-body connection (a true man is in touch with hi sbody, sensations, feelings, and has integrated them)
  • Responsibility (always see the solution to a problem, take ownership over everything that happens to you and find solutions to it)

4. Love Bomb For Humanity… A great option for emotional healing, stacked with QL, this’ll add the most powerful of all variables, true self love, true self-care, true congruence and positivity about your life. Bipolar disorder is inundated with emotional instability which causes massive doubt… imagine an inner landscape that has a stable sense of self worth and positivity at all times, so even if your energy is too low, or too high, your sense of self remains constant, and you’re less caught up with the energy, and have a more stable perspective to ground yourself to. Also, LBFH will release tension, which has an emotional but mildly physical sense of relief, and it’ll help you feel more connected to everyone around you, more connected to the world, so that you don’t feel so alone and unable to connect with people about bipolar. (Not saying that’s a concern for you, just listing possible benefits).

5. Chosen, Way Of Nature… One of the MOST impactful things you can do for your mental health is getting out in nature. If you’re considering extra walking as a medical and mental benefit, Chosen Way Of Nature will both help you connect with nature, connect with yourself, and feel a flush of feel good feelings, Chosen Way Of Nature does all of that plus has a very feel-good feeling of it’s own. This one wouldn’t address any symptoms, although, it’s similar to LBFH, so it would address those symptoms in it’s own unique way. However. it would be a good part of a mental health plan: walking more for mental health.

6. Renaissance Man… If you’re a creative type, welcome to the club, Bipolar is EXTREMELY CORRELATED with artistic endeavours. Many artists have learned to harness their emotions for creativity, which is why renaissance man is focused on creativity and feeling/utilizing your emotions.

7. Emperor… Just an all around amazing subliminal to listen to with any set of goals. Experience higher libido, more discipline, personal power, optimism and joy. Again, stack with QL rather than rely on this all from Emperor.

8. Diamond… For direct assistance with Libido loss from what you’re going through.

9. Spartan… For physical discipline if intense amounts of exercise is part of your plan.

10. The Elixir… For an emphasis on emotional healing in the present moment first that works backwards towards the root cause of any emotional disturbances. Meant to be a soothing aid to healing programs that also enhances directly, focusing on specific limiting beliefs.


I literally just went through every subliminal in the store and thought about how beneficial it could be to use it… wrote down the ones that have serious benefits, in no order.

I think the subs you should consider/test first are GLM, Paragon (sleep OR complete), and/or Love Bomb For Humanity.

Unless you’re a creative type, then I’d replace GLM with Renaissance Man as a consideration.

The important thing is to think about what are the symptoms that you want to address, and what are the goals that you feel like Bipolar is stopping you from accomplishing.

So you could pick QL as the sub to address the root cause, one sub to address a major symptom you’re experiencing, and one sub that gets you progress towards your real goals, if Bipolar wasn’t an issue for you.


@Billions Your posts are amazing compared to your early ones, insightful and charismatic. Never knew I would say that about someone who just writes text ! :clap: :love_you_gesture:

Compared to my early ones??? What a lovely backhanded compliment, lol!

Thank you :slight_smile:

Isn’t bipolar caused by trauma? I’m surprised you didn’t recommend any trauma release sub @Billions . My recommendation is dragon reborn and quantum limitless or even mind’s eye to understand how your brain works and heal at the same time. Most importantly test things out and trust your intuition @Goldaura

remove the label lol easy

I would swap Minds Eye for Paragon. I myself have debated doing a stack of Dragon Reborn , Quantum Limitless , & Paragon . Having severe ADHD , probably on the spectrum, and Dysthymia I am incredibly curious what the potential is . Only one way to find out.

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you’re referring to borderline personality disorder, fundamentally different, but they’re commonly confused.

“BPD” is not “Bi-Polar Disorder.” Anything you’ve ever heard about BPD is completely unrelated to bipolar they are fundamentally different from each others.

Bipolar is an instability of mood, which therefore would be fastest healed by GLM which provides stoicism, aka stability of mood.

Paragon would be extremely effective for all mental health disorders because if you look at every mental health condition in existence, they are all characterized by abnormal sleep patterns, and regulating sleep is at the center of all mental health treatment.

LBFH is a self love/healing subliminal

Remember… if someone has bipolar disorder, they have a mental health issue, therefore first of all they shouldn’t even be running subliminals at all, and second of all, they need the LIGHTEST, EASIEST SUBLIMINAL possible or else they will trigger a possible manic episode.

Giving someone with Bipolar disorder a cycle or dragon reborn is guaranteed to end them up feeling a heelllllllll of a lot worse before they feel better, and running QL for someone with bipolar is a moot point considering it’s a 12 month journey and the hallmark of bipolar is a complete revert of your major goals and identity every 2-3 weeks, so, a super long term sub will be useless from an adherance standpoint.

Also, recommending DR and QL is a bit uncreative because they target literally everything related to any form of emotion/cognition, and wouldn’t be what Tim Ferriss considers to be the minimum effective dose to receive maximum benefits.

Just like if someone amde a post on how to get jacked, I could say “work out 2 hours per day 5 days per week” and while that’s, technically speaking, correct, it’s not actually useful advice.

Better advice would be, “well, given your situation and challenges, here is the workout that if you do 3x per week for 45 minutes each, will get you 80% of the results for 20% of the effort - scale up from there if you find you can be consistent with that.”

Issues like this are multifactorial… it’s not “just” bad thoughts, OR “just” a chemical imbalance, it’s almost always a combination… nor even anywhere close to that simple at all. Many brain issues relating to neurochemistry have origins in the gut, and now it’s suspected that there is a mitochondrial link to most mental illnesses as well.

There’s a very good reason why no one therapy (meds, CBT, whatever) works for everyone… they each only address one part.

I recommend 2 books to get up to speed on the other factors:

Nutrient Power by Dr. William Walsh:

Brain Energy by Dr. Christopher Palmer: